From Manga Art:
Tiem Sum accidently sees a cute silver fox turning into a guy. He confronts her and tells her that she has to marry him, since she saw him naked. While trying to woo Sum, he is also looking for his lost brother.
5 Volumes (Complete)

OK. I like this series (and it's sequel as they are basically one story), but I think I can understand why it gets people divided:
It won't win any awards for originality. Everything in here was done before countless times.
It's a very two faced work and plays a bait and switch game with the readers. It begins as a silly shoujo lovestory with matching characters, which won't go anywhere because of the timeframe (around a month) and actually being the B plot. The A plot is an, occasionally confusing*, exploration of the characters dark and dramatic backstory including past lives and whatnot. Given that, as I mentioned before, the cast is super silly, the whole thing comes off as incredibly dissonant, but at the same time, at least for me, really charming. It's like watching a Shakespearian tragedy as an elementary school play. "Yeah, they fail so badly it's hard to not laugh, but AWWW they're trying their best! Aren't they cute?!"
With this in mind I don't really know who the target audience was. People who would read it for the romance, fluff and silliness will be probably disappointed by the story, who would like it for the dramatic elements will be annoyed to tears by the characters. ^^;
ok i read the summary sounded worth reading until i tried it.... ok so starting from first chapter it felt booooorrrriiing really cant believe i still finished reading it all! will ok not true i actually skipped through it here and there not worth reading to tell the truth, the art is ok but hate our main leads Silverwing and Tiem Sum they are just dumb
sometimes Silverwing will get serious and act cool but then start acting like a loser lovey-dovey which is annoying and not the strong cool character he's supposed to play if not that he gets all weepy and crap and + Silverwing's health teacher outfit is so crappy will i dont think i have seen him wear anything good appealing
Tiem Sum i hate her always being mean to Silverwing hitting him when he hugs her and tries to kiss her and if other student's tried to get close to Silverwing she hates that but wont admit her feelings very annoying
what was left a mystery is that Silverwing's brother Red Lotus was given poison which seems like the author forgot about it since thats part of the story... ok maybe we are going to see that in F.O.X II if notthen thats a mistake on the author's side lol
The story was cute. The art ... I have a problem when the adults and teens look a like because the artist did not both to give them any distinction. It makes me feel as if they are to lazy to bother.
Story --- 7
Art --- 7
Characters --- 6
There is plenty of better storys then that. The chapter are short and easy to follow nothing to much complicaded and at the same time nothing to much interesting.
I have some complains about the art, most of storys like that has a good art but this one is mediocre. Mouths too much big, strange face shape... oh ... well...
The characters are the worst part. The main character is too much irrealistic cute and the fox she meet is the same think (but not so bad as here).
The story itshelf is a litlle stupid. If you are a children or a young manga reader and whant to try something light read it...
Kinda cute but kinda silly o-O* Also very confusing in art and story pace, not as bad as Vampire Master, but still hard to follow sometimes. If you want to read a light supernatural romance comedy without depth, where the handsome demons are after the poor human girl, read on XD