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The Man Who Doesn't Take Off His Clothes (Novel)   
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From DMP:
After leading anything but a fashionable collegiate life, Kaitani is entering his third year at a major cosmetics company. His boss is the Adonis, Fujiwara. Although any number of women have had their eyes on Fujiwara, Kaitani can't think of him as anything but an ill-mannered snob. Word around the office is that Fujiwara keeps his clothes on even when making love! Things start to heat up when the two clash over a marketing campaign for a new line of men's cosmetics.


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Nuganai Otoko (Novel)

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2 Volumes (Complete)

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Anime Start/End Chapter

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Average: 8.1 / 10.0 (135 votes)
Bayesian Average: 7.77 / 10.0

Last Updated
June 16th 2020, 8:28pm



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Juné (2 Volumes - Complete/Print)

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by Gattaca88
January 13th, 2017, 3:39pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This was my second yaoi novel and I was pleasantly surprised on how much I loved this novel. I was never bored and the story went on quite well. The intimate parts was gorgeous, the author did a wonderful job in describing those scenes. The two characters are likable and 3-dimensional. They had both flaws and good points

What I loved most was how they fell in love. The transition from the beginning to the end(the second novel) was beautiful. I come back to this quite a lot actually because I want to witness those moments in the novel. Trust me when I say that this story is a really good one

P.s You have to read both volumes to really understand and there is a hype about these novels because they are enjoyable.
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Good until went downhill  
by YouStillDontKnowMe
January 11th, 2017, 6:41am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
Being written by Konohara Narise who, while always sticking to the straight and I'm only gay for you guy formula, and who has her weird but satisfying way of pulling such pair together even when considering the realistic setting, this one just pale in comparison to her other works, or from other works of hers I have read.

Stories of blackmails turning romance are unsettling, but in here it was well resolved towards the resolution of Volume 1. The development of the self-righteous, immature, and insecure Kaitani and the proud Fujiwara as characters is definitely appreciated on the same Volume (I need to mention how I loved Fujiwara way better compared to that despicable Kaitani). It was a good read until reaching the middle part of Volume 2. The second book just turned the story back to square one. It did not make sense at all. Kaitani became more despicable and Fujiwara became incomprehensible.

It was okay at first but you know there must be wrong with this somehow interesting read when a rather cliche story May-December gay couple of the same mangaka is is much better by a very wide margin.
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by Serendipity_
March 4th, 2014, 2:19pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
I agree that this novel is funny, but I got rather disturbed by the black mailing thing. Especially when Fujiwara had that kind of reason to why he...looked that way.

To those who say that this novel is the worst thing evaah, it isn't. I've read alot worse. Although I couldn't take the plot seriously enough to consider this as being really good, I thought it was pretty okay. The story was like I said funny, and you didn't get bored with the characters. That's the most important thing in my opinion.
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What's with the high ratings?  
by mahiru
November 27th, 2013, 11:42pm
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
This novel was very disappointing and since this was a Konohara work, I expected it to be much better. I liked the setting and the fact that this couple was quite "real" in regards to pacing and emotions irl. I liked Fujiwara's character as we got to know him however, Kaitani is quite lacking in character as a main character. He also didn't grow much at all. The only thing that seems to have changed for him is that he really tried to make up for the blackmail he did.

As for the romance/love aspect... I still don't see how Kaitani fell in love with Fujiwara. Sure he gave us the reasons but it was just so sudden. Vol 1 ended when he had to use Fujiwara to get off and didn't know if it was love, infatuation or something else. Then shortlly after vol 2 started he claimed to be in love with the man. I was like, What? When did this happen?! It really put me off. And then there is Fujiwara. I do believe that he loves Kaitani, but at the same time, during a few exchanges between the two of them it didn't seem like he had feelings for Kaitani at all. It was a strange feeling. I kept thinking there was going to be an amazing scene where everything just makes sense and live up to this hype I keep hearing but that moment never came. I also had to keep reminding myself that I was reading a BL since there were so few intimate scenes, and when there was one, it was also too short to get into. And although I do like Fujiwara it was really difficult to picture him during those intimate scenes. He becomes so frail and delicate I could hardly picture him in that state since he's not the feminine type. The drawn scenes didn't help much either. Especially the inside picture in vol 1 of Fujiwara, it doesn't look like him at all.. Too slender and feminine compared to the rest of the pictures of him.

All in all, the story could've been much better had Kaitani been a more interesting and likeable character and a romance that was more present/believable. As it is, the novel broke down like this to me: 60% Kaitani at work (dull), 10% Kaitani thinking, 10% romance, 10% progress, 5% evil Kaitani and 5% comedy both volumes combined. I would not re-read this book again.

... Last updated on November 27th, 2013, 11:45pm
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I don't get the hype  
by sandyatthebeach1
October 20th, 2013, 12:29pm
Rating: 5.0  / 10.0
This seemed pretty average to me- if anything, below average. The characters aren't very likable. Kaitani has the reasoning of a spoiled, arrogant child, and takes advantage of Fujiwara at every turn. His behavior isn't justified on so many levels, and he acts like he's the one being wronged? All right, he had his nice moments, but overall, he wasn't a character I liked. The plot, too, and the romance... I don't know why Fujiwara fell in love with Kaitani, and all this stuff happened that made my jaw drop- and not in a good way.

It had its moments, but I really don't understand any of the rave reviews.
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this novel unbelievably grew on me  
by Lilyanna08
March 13th, 2013, 10:37am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
At first I was really puzzled. Some of the situations happening in the first vol really made me wonder "wtf?!" and I even considered abandoning this story however I'm really glad I didn't.

After giving it some thought I realised that reading the story from Kaitani's point of view made it unique ( I can imagine how hated he would have been by readers if we could see all of Fujiwara's thoughts ). At first he seemed like a totally-out-of-this-world creature whose actions I couldn't understand but it changed at the end of vol.1. He turned out to be an interesting character- dynamic and complicated (or maybe plainly stupid xD). In the end I liked him.

In contrast we have Fujiwara who seems pretty normal but turns out to be astonishing . I fell in love with his way of reacting to Kaitani's weirdness xD

In the end, those two characters in the same place provide some really funny and messed up situations.

The best yaoi novel I've read so far.

... Last updated on March 13th, 2013, 10:42am
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Not so great  
by KittyTeea
November 1st, 2011, 1:25am
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
This novel is not the worst I''ve read, but honestly I didn't feel it as strong as the other readers. The background wasn't anything new, just an office romance and how many aren't out there? As for the characters I don't know if to say they were complex or just inconsistent. Up until the actual sex scene I didn't know which one would end as the seme, because their personalities kept bouncing from strong and confident to pathetic. Kaitani was a jerk, I really didn't like him. Fijiwara was developded a little better, but towards the end he kinda went down the drain as well. He was so set on verifying facts and basing every decision on strong evidence, but he just broke up with Kaitani based on some office rumour.
Well, these were my complaints, though I wouldn't reread it, the story wasn't a complete waste of time, but don't start it unless you don't have anything better on hand or just want to relax with a very light read.

... Last updated on November 1st, 2011, 1:26am
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Very Enjoyable  
by Sasageru
July 18th, 2011, 9:25am
Rating: N/A
Pleochroic you seem to write that alot... it may not be manga striclty speaking but it is japanese, has illkustrations and uses the same themes as manga, so whats the big deal? bigrazz I appreciate them posting novels here as well as manga. I also appreciate them posting wannabe-manga, comics and novels which have manga themes and appearances but are produced outside of Japan. Nothing wrong with that the way i see it so long as it has the right look and feel.

Anyway, these two novels swept me away a little ^^ i read the loosely related sequel and enjoyed it very much, but I think i prefer this sequel. The characters grow as the story grows and i find it refreshing that the author always manages to show us surface elemtns of each characters personality and appearance before delving deeper - it feels realistic in that sense, in the way that most of us judge a person by initial appearance and feel and only later feel more as we get to know more. The developing relationship between the two characters works in the same way and feels natural whilst also proving to be rather humorous at times as well. I had some minor issues with the characters, mainly Kaitani - why, why WHY is he so stupid? xD He keeps falling back on blackmail to get his way when theres no need for it. Ok, Fujimara needs an excuse to accept his relationship with Kaitani, but blackmail seemed far too rough a solution. I also found during the second novel, after the relationship truly begins, it seems to rush things along a bit. It just threw me a little because the story had otherwise has a fairly even pace and then all of a sudden is sped up only to slow down again xD but thats the only occurrence of that happening thankfully. I had hoped for more illustrations in these two novels as well but theres a bare handful D: which is a shame because i like the art style and representation of the characters the illustrator managed.

Overall enjoyable, not too fast, not too slow, no pointless sex scenes (they all have their purpose) and the relationship is not rushed but is built up gradually, albeit through some duress on Kaitani's part *pokes the idiot*
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intelligently hilarious  
by xono
March 28th, 2010, 5:33am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
the wits had me laughing hard reading this novel. it's my first time to read a novel where at first volume i had many laughs. the dialogues and play of words were intelligently done. the author sure knows how to entertain readers. the first volume was really well done. in the second, i have some questions and longing that i hope the author explored more like how Fujiwara fell in love with the Kaitani in much detailed way.

oh btw, i started reading this like 11PM and can't let go till 5:30AM the next day. Argh, I broke my record in reading that long till dawn. I feel like shit that day and my head keep thinking of continuing it ASAP.
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Fun Read  
by MightyMaeve
January 6th, 2009, 7:02am
Rating: N/A
Narise Konohara has a talent in making rough, unlike-able characters endearing and understandable. In a touching way, she reveals slowly and intelligently why they have arrived at the persons they are in the present. The surface of her characters: the pain, the joy, the fear, the preferences and they way they react or make choices, are all explainable by their past histories. The future of her characters is challenged and changed when someone throws a wrench into their smoothly running machines. That is what happens with Kaitani and Fujiwara. (Although, Kaitani's 'machine' is a quite a bit more random and rattly and has to be thumped occasionally to make it chug along.)

Kaitani is immature and hot headed, causing him to make a few decisions that are dramatically, desperately over-the-top, but he is balanced with his large-hearted, affectionate, quick to realize his mistakes and not ashamed to ask for forgiveness components. His forcefulness was a fire!

Fujiwara seemed so uptight and haughty, but it was only armour he had developed over the years that allowed him to not fall apart, to stay strong and become successful. Alas, it has also given him a very cold, very untouchable and sadly lonely life with meaningless relationships and a shallow perception of romantic love.

The first volume was hilarious! Kaitani and Fujiwara are both so extreme and their hatred for each other oozes off the pages, but it's fun to read because I could relate to both of their choices and feelings.

The second volume continues on seamlessly from the first. In fact, the two novels do not stand alone.

The secondary characters complement and fill out the story, rather than detract, but they are definitely secondary. Yuichi (from Don't Worry Mama, is one advice-giving friend.

I found the second volume lacking in cohesion. It seemed like the story and the characters' emotions were under done. There were a few follow up scenes that should have been extremely intense in emotion, based on the preceding elements. They seemed out of tune, or anti-crescendo somehow.

It was an enjoyable read with a little something to chew on along with the lusty fantasy.
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