I used to love this series so much. Then I re-read it almost a decade later and...I regret doing so. 🙁
I can no longer look back at it fondly, and part of my younger years feel tarnished. Ugh.
Here's the thing. This series comes off as a very Strong Female Lead driven story. From Primula's personality, to her penchant for physical past times, our MC blasts onto the pages as a strong-willed princess ready to challenge gender stereotypes. Perhaps a lttle naïve and innocent and sheltered, but strong. And full of potential for growth.
If you have hopes about any of the aforementioned points, I'd advise you to jump ship. Run away.
As much as it pains me to realize as an adult, it's a trap. Akatsuki no Yona does a much better job of growing a strong female lead, even with its flaws.
First of all, the story is far more focused on Argent, his skills/talents, his trials/tribulations, his story. To the point of Primula seeming like a side character. Even disregarding Argent, the story is still far more driven by the machinations of the many powerful men surrounding our princess. Heck, even the second male lead is more active in the plot and the political intrigue than Primula.
She just gets to be forcefully kissed and touched by men, told she's like "a flower", ordered to follow her duty and marry, and claimed as "mine" by different men. She doesn't get to react for herself when she's assaulted, or even get angry - the men get angry (conditionally) in her stead. She might as well be an object wih all the (lack of) consideration the men give to her opinions/desires.
Something else that really bugged me was that after that one training scene at the beginning, the Princess of Steel never picks up a sword again.
She is just consistently relegated to be the oblivious figurehead as the men plot, plan, and protect. Her father, Argent, and Lorca may be battling wih their wits, but Primula is left in the dark or used as a pretty pawn.
On top of that, the story is just rife with restrictive gender stereotypes and harmfully misogynistic ideology.
- "You may be strong, but you're still a young lady." In response to the lie that she's fainted from seeing blood. Excuse you, most women see more blood than men ever will.
- The assumption Lorca would rule over Beazol and Navara (both of their countries) if they married, and the focus on him as suitable king, dismissing Primula as a sovereign.
- The ostracized doctor who is labeled a "murderer" for helping prostitutes with abortion, and the accusations from Argent that she's "killing babies"
- The idea that women are unfit rulers because they're "driven by emotion" - this stung even more because it had almost been subverted in an earlier chapter. Then the author reneged & confirmed the sh** stereotype.
- Every time something comes up, the men don't even bother to let Primula know something is happening. They just share the info amongst themselves, and make a plan together. Leaving Primula uninformed and unaware. This really pissed me off when Lorca and Argent faked their deaths, and manipulated her to "protect her".
It's depressing to re-read a series I used to love so much and find so many flaws. 🙁
Can no longer recommend.