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No Bra   
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This is a story about 2 childhood friends, Masato and Yuki, that reunite as teenagers. Masato is surprised to find that Yuki has become so cute, but even more surprised to realize that Yuki was, and still is, a guy. Yuki's affection for cross-dressing leaves Masato with feelings of discomfort and fright.


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Dynasty Scans
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v.5 c.31 (end) by imangascans over 14 years ago
v.5 c.30 by imangascans over 14 years ago
v.5 c.29 by imangascans over 14 years ago
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5 Volumes (Complete)

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Anime Start/End Chapter

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User Rating
Average: 7.1 / 10.0 (575 votes)
Bayesian Average: 7.06 / 10.0

Last Updated
August 14th 2017, 11:33pm



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Gekkan Shounen Champion (Akita Shoten)

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High score because one of the few times Japan presents a LGBT character as a full, valid, human instead of a degenerate or deformed  
by FredC123
October 31st, 2020, 8:36pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
It's a high school love triangle story where one of the angles is a trans woman willing to do anything for her man, which is also her childhood hero. Anything including de-transitioning.

The subject of the comment says all: High score because one of the few times Japan presents a LGBT character as a full, valid, human instead of a degenerate or deformed

It feels more like a dojinshi than a serial manga. The art is very simple and clean, the story pacing is fast, character development is none - they enter the story being just teens, end the story being just teens with a little more life experience. About halfway into the story the author gets confused and tries to set up a harem story by adding a female teacher to the mix, but thankfully the idea fails. The ending is wholesome.

The male lead is not very heroic, varying between deceiving perv and empathetic teenager. The female leads are very underdeveloped.

... Last updated on October 31st, 2020, 8:39pm
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Horrible end  
by DarkLemon
March 9th, 2013, 4:18am
Rating: N/A
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I loved this comic to death, until the last few chapters. Although the main protagonist was a jerk, I still wanted him and Yuki to end up together. I wanted something more to happen between them at least, if you get my drift....
and honestly, that girl he chose, Kaoru, or whatever her name is, was REALLY unlikeable. I couldn't feel anything but annoyance whenever she appeared, the teacher was a pain in the ass too and Yuki's cousin was a slut. I really hoped that Yuki could at least end with someone else then, at least. A sequel, where Yuki finds another boy would be great, but I guess not :/ All in all, the end was really rushed and bad...
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My opinion ...  
by MatiurDat27
November 8th, 2012, 8:56am
Rating: N/A
Failed Sanity and Nythillie made good reviews, and i want to add my thoughts:
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I think the main male looked like an idiot, specially for his hair. He isn´t bad at heart but ends up acting and thinking selfishly, and making people suffer. I don´t know if he really felt love for Kaoru (Oozora) or just lust. He was thinking about Yuki most of the time, kissing Yuki a lot, but thinking to himself "Yuki is a guy" all the time (not fair for Yuki in my opinion). His indecisiveness make me want to beat the crap of him.
The thing i hated about him is he keep hiding the truth about the train incident and Maa-kun issue so that he can have both Yuki and Kaoru. Maybe Oozora would still go out with him if she know, or beat him and find another guy, but i would have liked to see that situation in the manga.

Now, about the other characters:

Yuki: I would have liked to see some inner thoughs of Yuki. You see how Yuki act and what Yuki say, but no what he/she is thinking. Beside, the plot center on Masato so i feel that i wanted to see Yuki more.
Yuki helped Masato A LOT, out of love for Maa-kun, during all the story. Masato did supported Yuki (so that Yuki can dress like a girl and be the person he/she wanted), but got much more in exchange.

Kaoru Oozora: The reason she took a liking and got close to the main lead was because of a incident in a train where she mistook the person that helped her for the protagonist, and only made her move after Yuki transferred to the same school as Masato and her. Well, she is perfect in class and sports, got some development in ONE chapter, and is not like i liked or hated her, but i feel bad for her. Masato never told her that he wasn´t the one that helped her, and is not that great as she think he is (in fact, only got in the same class as her thanks to Yuki).

I didn´t liked the teacher; Yuki cousin was too slutty to me the first times she appeared, but later was a Ok character. Masato´s fat friend was a good guy.

I wish Kaoru knew more about the Maa-kun issue, but maybe is better for everyone. Well, I only wish for Yuki to live a happy life.

... Last updated on November 9th, 2012, 1:08pm
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It was alright  
by Nythillie
October 26th, 2011, 10:45pm
Rating: N/A
Its a very stereotypical high school gender-bender. The main character starts out as a real -ass-, evolves into an even bigger ass, and then warms my heart in the end. His unlikable personality stems from his general cowardice. Hes got a good heart, but he just takes a whole series to finally develop enough as a human being to do the right thing. Also, I really REALLY wish some one would have made him use feminine pronouns for the other main character - it grated on my nerves the whole series. Also, the main character never really gets over his homophobia nor does he ever learn that you can like a transperson and not be gay.

The other main character never really "grows" until the end either. But given the plot, she didn't really get the chance. BUt when it was time to, she did and it was great to see a transgender figure their gender out and come to rely on their self.

Some of the situations in the manga are over the top in the most extreme ways and if there is one person I truly hated, it wasn't the main character - it was the teacher. You'll see if you read it. All the other characters are generally flat with one "mode" turned on. (Like, seductive, or nice guy, or cute and kind, etc). The art definitely isn't the best ever, but its not as bad as some of the other reviews had said (at least, in my opinion). Storywise, a lot could be cut out. Some chapters were just pure filler that can be completely skipped, Chapter 27 being the most notable for this. General rule: If it starts out boring, and the title doesn't sound important, it can probably be skipped. bigrazz

Over all, I do recommend it as a quick read. The transgirl in the series isn't the best portrayal of transpeople ever, but its a LOT better than most media. If you can deal with the main character starting out as a general ass, then growing a bit to be an ass who wants to do the right thing but is too cowardly to do so, and then finally getting it right in the -very- end, then it'll be an interesting read. To speed things up, a few chapters can be skipped. So take it lightly and enjoy.
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Get over it Masato xP  
by maldorthegreat
July 30th, 2011, 6:41am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This manga was amazing biggrin i read it online but would reeeeaaaalllllyy like to purchase a copy. Amazon said it was out of print *sadfais* so I'm still looking. If anyone knows where i can buy it (online preferably) i would be soooo happy if you messaged me smile
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by alesana17
February 11th, 2011, 11:15am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Why is almost every comment on here saying it isn't good I'm a guy and this is one of my favorite mangas ever, and I'm not even in to gender bender stuff I try to stay away from it as much as I can.
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I registered JUST to review this Manga...  
by FailedSanity
November 28th, 2010, 12:20am
Rating: 6.5  / 10.0
MANDATORY TRANSGENDER DISCLAIMER: If you are homophobic, or bothered by Male-To-Female transgender, you will NOT enjoy this Manga! If you are interested in transgender characters, you may have a problem with the objectification Yuki goes through, but Yuki herself is an enjoyable character! If you are unable to suspend your disbelief and accept that Yuki looks female, and must have a microscopic wee-wee to look like that in a pair of panties, you will not enjoy this manga!

Now, on to the review...

My reactions to this Manga, in order of appearance:

Interest -> General Boredom -> Loving Yuki -> Despising and Loathing Masato (Main Male Protagonist) -> Loathing the Manga because I loath Masato -> Getting everything I wanted for the ending, and reluctantly admitting No Bra wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

I read through No Bra in the course of one day, and I am reviewing it on this same day, while the whole thing is still fresh in my memory.

No Bra starts off Okay. It's all pretty typical of an ecchi manga, and I have no problem with it. It's average. Not good, not bad, but passable and worth reading.

The characters were generally two-dimensional but funny or likable. The protagonist's fat best friend is a huge sweat heart. The homeroom teacher is over-dramatic in a funny way. The main female love interest was uninteresting, but not badly so, and she did receive some character development in one of the chapters (you read that correctly, one). The best character, by far, was Yuki. While Yuki's standard behavior was purely stereotypical as the "perfect" Japanese woman, she was treated and written as a believable and fairly-realistic transgender.

The art was average. I wouldn't say it's bad, compared to what else is out there, but it's nothing special. There are a gratuitous number of panty shots, along with a good chunk of other like-minded fanservice. There are two almost-sex scenes, but no real sex, and nothing is shown explicitly. I would say, roughly speaking, the first half of the manga contained more Yuki-centric fanservice, while the second half contained more Kaori-centric fanservice. As a fan of Yuki but not Kaori, I have personally amassed thirty-or-so pages I felt worth saving to my hard drive. Take that as you will.

The writing is boringly predictable in most areas, and surprisingly twisty in some. Unfortunately, if you're reading through these reviews, you've probably already had all the twists spoiled for you. In an effort to conserve the number of spoilers, I won't be going into this topic any further.

There are several chapters, beginning some time after Chapter 16 and ending around Chapter 25, where the point-of-view protagonist is a manwhore. He uses and abuses the three women around him, and it all makes me want to STRANGLE him. I'm sure that many male readers, and less empathetic female readers, would be able to take this as standard ecchi-protagonist behavior. But, honestly? It's pretty bad. Masato is genuinely selfish to the point of cruelty, and he is such for roughly half the Manga. However, Your Mileage May Vary. You're either going to hate him, or you won't really care.

The ending spans four chapters. It does, indeed, feel rushed. With that said, the ending is sadly one of the stronger points in the writing. However, most (if not all) of the loose ends were tied up, and it does end happily (In that gooshy, sentimental, at-least-one-character grew for the better sort of way). I liked it.

The final verdict:
No Bra was not fantastic. I can't even bring myself to say No Bra was enjoyable. Even more so, I can't recommend it as something most people will want to read. But, over all, there were a few good characters, and No Bra was not as terrible as I thought it was. If you have a life, skip this, it's not worth your time. There are better things out there to read. If you have a good six hours to spare with honestly nothing better to do... why not?
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One of my favorites  
by Elrohon
September 18th, 2010, 6:40pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Finished today, and this is one of the best manga's I've ever read. Its sweet in my opinion. Sure, there are some moment where I really hated the protagonist... Im not too good reviewing with words so this review is short and sweet bigrazz But I'm still a little confused about the ending,
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does Yuki still like Masato at the end, even though he got Kaoru? (yes, I was in favor of Yuki this whole time)
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by chaosblade57x
July 19th, 2010, 3:28am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This was an awesome manga i just finished reading it. I loved it to think i just randomly clicked on it 3 nights ago lol and since then ive couldnt stop reading it. I totally recommend this to anyone who likes funny but serious but complex but awesome mangas. =D
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shocking but good  
by herozen
June 20th, 2010, 12:15pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
when i first started reading the series i was well ok hot chick stuff..then its a guy ....(lost ability to see for a few seconds ) but the story wasn't all that bad i mean it did go to that place most men would not go but it was still a good read, funny and romantic... i least it had its good points .
the main character is just dumb he should had noticed that he was not the guy but he still made that...male happy..despite him deceiving. its a good book if your in to those types of things i recommend it ..even if your not its still pretty darn good.
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