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Kaiten (Kaiten Sommelier) RSS Feed  
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Volume 1 & 4 are both Sailor Moon doujinshi.
Volume 2 is a Saber Marionette J douijinshi.
Volume 3 is a Sailor Moon & Final Fantasy VII doujinshi.
Volume 5 is a Vampire Savior & Darkstalkers doujinshi.
Volume 6 is a Battle Athletes Victory & Sailor Moon doujinshi.
Volume 7 is a Street Fighter Zero 3 doujinshi.
Volume 8 is a Final Fantasy VII doujinshi.
Volume 9 is a King of Fighters doujinshi.
Volume 10 is a Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Sailor Moon & Breath of Fire doujinshi. Contains one page with yaoi.
Volume 11 is a Garou Mark Of The Wolves doujinshi.
Volume 12 & 13 are Variable Geo doujinshi.

Volume 14 ASSmanga Oukoku (ASSmanga Kingdom), frequently called (incorrectly) ASSmanga Daioh, is an Azumanga Daioh doujinshi that deals with Yomi's repressed sexual urges and her subsequent fantasies.

Volumes 15-17 & 19-20 take place in the "Private Risshin Seminary" a school that acts as the proving ground for the governments latest program to battle population decline. Boys are given aphrodisiacs and the girls are made to regularly service them.

Volume 18 is a Daphne in The Brilliant Blue doujinshi.
Volume 21 is a Zero no Tsukaima doujinshi.
Volume 22 is a Houkago Play doujinshi.
Volume 23 ♀ no Ana - Bitch Hole is an "original" doujinshi about a high school girl who serves men in a public toilet.
Volume 24 Shadow Rune is a Street Fighter doujinshi.
Volume 25 ReHOLE is an "original" doujinshi about weird high school anal sex.
Volume 26 Shiko-Shiko Supporter is an "original" doujinshi about high school anal sex.
Volume 27 BACK SHOT! is an "original" doujinshi about high school prostitution.
Volume 28 Majime Bitch no Shiyou Hou. is an "original" doujinshi about a high school girl prostitute who starts dating a boy her age.
Volume 29 Sakusei Yuugi Milking Game JK is an "original" doujinshi about a group of high school girls dominating high school boys.
Volume 30 Yatsume to, Nanao no Hachi-Nana Shiki Choukyouiku is an "original" doujinshi about two crossdressing boys/traps and a girl having anal sex.
Volume 31 Shouko-san no Onaho Sengen!
Volume 32 OriAna - Jail & Hole is an "original" doujinshi about high school group sex.
Volume 32.5 NukiAna - Glory Hole is an "original" doujinshi about high school glory hole sex.
Volume 33 Majime Bitch no Kousai Hou. is an "original" doujinshi, continuation of volume 28.
Volume 34 DT HUNTER-W is an "original" doujinshi about high school sex, including threesome sex.
Volume 35 RENTAL HOLE is an "original" doujinshi about high school girls prostituting themselves to obtain funds for their club. One of the girls has emotionless sex both with customers and her younger brother.
Volume 36 Majime Bitch to Ichiban Benki. is an "original" doujinshi about two high school girls and a boy having sex.
Volume 36.5 Maya no Kareshi to Ichiban Benki. is an "original" doujinshi, a bonus of volume 36.


Related Series
Azumanga Daioh (Adapted From)
Zero no Tsukaima (Adapted From)
Saber Marionette J (Adapted From)
Ai (Adapted From)
Houkago Play (Adapted From)

Associated Names
15 Kaiten Shiritsu Risshin Gakuen ~Seishori iin to, Sono Oshigoto.~
16 Kaiten Shiritsu Risshin Gakuen ~Seishori iin, cosplay kyouka shuukan.~
17 Kaiten Shiritsu Rissin Gakuen - Seishori iin, Cosplay kyouka shuukan ~ Futsukame.
19 Kaiten Receive - Shiritsu Risshin Gakuen Seishori Iin, Request Jikkou Iinkai.
20 Kaiten Shiritsu Risshin Gakuen Gijutsu Kenkyuukai ~Zenritsusen Massage to Koumon Aibu.
23 Kaiten ♀ no Ana - Bitch Hole
25 Kaiten ReHOLE
26 Kaiten Shiko-Shiko Supporter
27 Kaiten BACK SHOT!
28 Kaiten Majime Bitch no Shiyou Hou.
29 Kaiten Sakusei Yuugi Milking Game JK
30 Kaiten Yatsume to, Nanao no Hachi-Nana Shiki Choukyouiku
31 Kaiten Shouko-san no Onaho Sengen!
32 Kaiten OriAna - Jail & Hole
32.5 Kaiten NukiAna - Glory Hole
33 Kaiten Majime Bitch no Kousai Hou.
34 Kaiten DT HUNTER-W
36 Kaiten Majime Bitch to Ichiban Benki.
36.5 Kaiten Maya no Kareshi to Ichiban Benki.
Azumanga Daioh dj - 14 Kaiten ASS Manga Daioh
Azumanga Daioh dj - 14 Kaiten Assmanga Kingdom
Azumanga Daioh dj - 14 Kaiten ASSmanga Ohkoku
Azumanga Daioh dj - 14 Kaiten ASSmanga Ookoku
Azumanga Daioh dj - 14 Kaiten ASSmanga Oukoku
Azumanga Daioh dj - Kaiten14 Assmanga Kingdom
Battle Athletes Daiundoukai & Fatal Fury dj - 11 Kaiten
Battle Athletes Daiundoukai & Fatal Fury dj - 11 Kaiten Jisuni Jisuni
Battle Athletes Daiundoukai & Fatal Fury dj - 11 Kaiten Jisunijisuni
Battle Athletes Daiundoukai & Sailor Moon dj - 6 Kaiten - Anna-chan no Danshi Eiseikou Hen
Battle Athletes Daiundoukai & Sailor Moon dj - 6 Kaiten Anna-chan no Danshi Eiseikou Hen
Daphne in The Brilliant Blue dj - 18 Kaiten Okuchi to Shiri no Toughness
Final Fantasy VII dj - 3 Kaiten Hineri
Final Fantasy VII dj - 8 Kaiten
Final Fantasy VII dj - 8 Kaiten F.F.7 Dynamite!
Houkago Play dj - 22 Kaiten - Shishunki Play
Houkago Play dj - 22 Kaiten Shishunki Play
King of Fighters dj - 9 Kaiten
King of Fighters dj - 9 Kaiten Kasumi-chan Milk
King of Fighters dj - 9 Kaiten Kasumi-chan Miruku
King of Fighters dj - 9 Kaiten Kasumi-chan's Milk
King of Fighters, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter dj - 10KAITEN
King of Fighters, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter dj - Dai Kaiten
King of Fighters, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter dj - DAIKAITEN
King of Fighters, Street Fighter dj - Pink Diver (Dai Kaiten)
King of Fighters, Street Fighter dj - Pink Diver (DAIKAITEN)
Saber Marionette J dj - 2 Kaiten
Sailor Moon & Final Fantasy VII dj - 3 Kaiten
Sailor Moon dj - 4 Kaiten
Sailor Moon dj - Ami's Secret
Sailor Moon dj - Ami-chan's Secret
Sailor Moon dj - Himitsu no Ami-chan
Sailor Moon dj - Kaiten Vol. 1
Street Fighter Alpha 3 dj - 7 Kaiten
Street Fighter dj - 24 Kaiten Shadow Rune
Street Fighter Zero 3 dj - 7 Kaiten
Street Fighter Zero 3 dj - 7 Kaiten Aa Onee-sama
Vampire Savior dj - 5 Kaiten
Variable Geo dj - 12 KAITEN
Variable Geo dj - 12 Kaiten - Yukatama
Variable Geo dj - 13 KAITEN ~Yukatama Kouhen~
Variable Geo dj - 13 Kaiten ~Yukatama Sequel~
Zero no Tsukaima dj - 21 Kaiten - Maid no Tasogare

Groups Scanlating

Latest Release(s)

Status in Country of Origin

38 Volumes (Ongoing)

Completely Scanlated?

Anime Start/End Chapter

User Reviews


User Rating
Average: 7.5 / 10.0 (13 votes)
Bayesian Average: 6.65 / 10.0

Last Updated
January 4th, 2018 6:46pm PST - 7 years ago

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Licensed (in English)

English Publisher

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3 Month Pos #2279 decreased(-1117)
6 Month Pos #4685 decreased(-361)
Year Pos #5712 decreased(-1572)

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On 37 wish lists
On 17 completed lists
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