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Gangryong is a high schooler unlike others. He has always had a dream of being the strongest. One day he meets Youcheon, who teaches him a powerful skill. One year later, people come to see him and announce that his "master" is dead. Because he was his only student, Gangryong has to follow them and go to a school where everybody has supernatural powers to fight.


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v.1 c.1v2 by helz0ne & The Company over 13 years ago
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Good main character  
by McCasper
April 5th, 2010, 7:39pm
Rating: 6.0  / 10.0
The main character keeps this series alive for me and I can't believe I don't see him more often. Sometimes I feel that the only reason I keep reading this series is because I keep waiting for the MC to beat the crap out every arrogant a**hole in that zoo of a school. By the way this takes place in a school but... I haven't seen a singe teacher.

... Last updated on April 5th, 2010, 7:39pm
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Ecchi & Martial Arts at its best.  
by StaticHD
March 2nd, 2010, 12:07am
Rating: N/A
If you are someone who have never read a manwha before, do not expect yourself to understand this story 100%. It provides too much information, too much talking, flashbacks, loopholes, & character weirdness.

Nearly all the chicks in the story look like hot divas that any horny guy would love to fuck all night long. Big boobs, nice hips, slender long legs, short skirts, unique attractive hair styles, clothing styles, etc.

As for the guys, they all have different personalities that you'd all MAY relate to, feel Awkward to, or react Bored towards to.

I only hate the fact that every character has some basis on someones MASTER or martial arts.

Everything else seems like a perfectly nice story to read. It isn't something one should try to read on a continual bases. I believe it is better experienced if readers read this story probably less than 4 to 6 chapters a day. Reading any more would just make things irritating and lost at some points.Too much words for every chapter. Unless fighting scenes are at work.

I wish they showed more ecchi in the story. it's the one of the things that keep me hyped on this story. The rest is to see the progress of the main character and how he gain more control on his electric abilities.
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Lost my interest  
by Artimidorus
February 16th, 2010, 1:25pm
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
I was following this, and really enjoyed it.. but I realized something several chapters back: I simply don't care anymore. This story has managed to completely lose my interest.
It did this in several ways: The characters are all annoying, they are all planning stupidly contrived revenge/take-over plans behind each others backs, except the main character who is just a fighting idiot, they get away with things that make no sense (killing, raping, sending people to a coma) outside of the "planned fights". And.. really the characters are just annoying.
The story has gotten lost somewhere. As one person stated, "It is about a school full of freaks" and not about the original main guy. I almost felt like I was reading Air Gear for a bit, with suddenly the story changing completely. The fights are just stupid things now, they actually make Naruto fights look planned and thrilling. These also lost my interest, you can only see "sudden new power" or "I knew you would do that, so I am going to bust out THIS invincible ability..." Oh yeah, well here is my invincible ability that beats yours, because your ability is nothing but.. A SIDE STEP!!! Dun dun DUUNNN!!!!!
So yeah, the story lost me and quite frankly lost all of its charm. So contrived and stupid that it lost its own path and almost seems like every chapter has no bearing on the previous chapters, or chapters following. So many loops, flashbacks out of nowhere, plots per character, and other twists that... yeah. Just avoid this for the most part, it will only give you a headache that no amount of angry, jacked up, muscle bound art can get you through.
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Om nom nom nom  
by SOSAnimeBoy
January 5th, 2010, 9:22pm
Rating: N/A
The hottest looking girls of all the manga I have ever read. I find it hard not to pull an 'American Pie' on my monitor when I'm reading this manga.

The only thing I have to warn ppl about is the names. If you're used to Japanese manga, then the names will be the thing you need to adjust to the most. Second would be the American-style left-to-right reading order. I often find myself reading in the wrong direction, then have to re-read the pages that (obviously) made little sense.

But it will be worth your time. Best character design I've seen in forever.
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The Best Martial Art Manga I've Read  
by martianlynx
December 27th, 2009, 3:26am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I get this whole summary and story of Veritas. It was just too damn cool to read it.

I really don't care what other people will say about this that there are some parts that the story does not connect, but to me everything connects to Gangryong.

Ofcourse it doesn't just focus on the main character, it focuses on different character's background/profile as they were so committed on becoming a succesor to their Traditional Martial Style... That's why it's called Veritas in the first place. smile and that's what Veritas means ..

The characters that i liked was Lightning Tiger, Gangryong, Rud's Story, Honse's Story, and most of all The Battle of Gaesong Bro (The Mirage Technique)... I just love the battle beetween Madoka vs Gaesong Bro, it was like Kage-Bunshin Technique biggrin HEHEHE. Although it was recovered and improved from the Reunion's Art Style...

Anyways, all the characters in this book are all connected to Gangryong. All about this, just give him time to obtain and learn cool moves as he progress. At the same time while other Martial Students gets attached to him and gets to know the meaning of Power. (Remember Gangryong searches for Power) Who will soon realize something more valueable instead of power... Especially the whole story of what Lightning Tiger said, if there is Good there is Evil (Yin&Yan Theory)...(interesting...) That's why Gangryong is there to stop Vera or Yuri (either way).

**********THUMBS UP!!
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The Characters are great  
by away
November 28th, 2009, 8:49pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Anyway, this is a fucking great series, im only 60 chapters in and a lot of stuff has already happened, which i loike, too many other series like to strentch shit out too much.

the characters are the best thing about it, especially Gangryong and Honse, their interactions are mad funny.

Nice boobs too.
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Changed my mind  
by Forgivewhatyoudo
November 22nd, 2009, 10:13am
Rating: N/A
This manga keeps falling apart. It used to be ok but now its just horrible. The fights are getting ridiculous, the story makes no sense anymore, the character are getting more annoying. The manga isn't worth the time of a decently intelligent human being, maybe a very wise cat, but not a human being.
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Waste of my time...  
by fieryeagle1
October 7th, 2009, 11:38am
Rating: N/A
Flat and generic characters, nonlinear plot which makes it confusing (thanks to way too many flashbacks). Adding on top of annoyance is the choke-full amount of monotonous dialogue which might serve as a good source of explanation but definitely not as an integral part of a good manhwa. Graphics was nothing special either, reminding me of Dogs but doesn't come close in terms of impact (largely due to the constant effort to provide unnecessary fanservices).
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Hey bro do us a favour and stop reading...  
by Faukner
September 15th, 2009, 1:16am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
Yeah you below me. What you said all that was your own opinion and you are welcome to it but to me its all bullshit what you are spouting. I love Veritas the characters the plot the fighting the babes everything. So yeah thats my opinion.
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I put up with this stupid shit because  
by Nomad
September 1st, 2009, 7:23pm
Rating: 3.0  / 10.0
Spoiler (highlight to view)
I put up with this stupid shit because of Lighting Tiger and the Main Character, and bald guy who lost his ki. Vera, Madoka, Shinra, etc. etc. are all extremely boring, ridiculous and stupid characters that are a huge pain to read through. The "beliefs" they so retardedly fight for make no sense whatsoever. They are, for some reason, incredibly devoted to the school president who they have not known for that long and who doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about any of the people who for some reason, are extremely loyal to her.

I could just go on and on about how most of these characters don't make any fucking sense and just keep babbling on about senseless shit but hey, don't really feel like it.

I like Lighting Tiger cause he's cool and funny and simple. Same goes for Main Character, Bald guy who lost his ki. Evem though the Main Character gets beat up a whole lot, I think it'll be worth it once he (hopefully) starts beating those rich snobs senseless or even better, to death.

It seems like the mangaka has a really messed up version of reality in his head/hasn't had much human interaction because holy shit. It makes me mad just reading the stupid shit these characters constantly spout volume in and volume out.

Anyway the fights and skills are (kind of) cool. And even though I usually don't read manga where ecchi seems to have a bigger focus than things like character development, story, etc. I like the ecchi in this one. Lots of big titties :p I've read all currently released chapters so it is entertaining at least.

One last thing, why is this president broad who has never had a real challenge(outside of getting WTFpwned by Lighting Tiger) supposed to be so strong? Guesong's death was utter stupidity and the un-death of Makoda was done solely to NOT piss off fans who might get mad because he killed a female character. Give me a fucking break and grow a backbone.

And please don't even try to say that she probably has a "higher purpose" in the future chapters because so far, this author hasn't really given me the impression that he does a lot of planning ahead.

I will drop this as soon all the current antagonists become good guys too. Which is the way I see this going.

... Last updated on September 2nd, 2009, 1:50am
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