The story follows the struggles of street gangs in a near-future version of Tokyo.
1 Volume (Complete)

In the first place, the drawing style is unique. It remind me of the work of R. Crumb. It's evocative of the sensory overload provided by heavily advertising- and sign-ridden urban streets, and the characters are all completely distinguishable from each other instantly. In the second place this manga's storytelling is excellent. It immediately caught and held my interest, and I always wanted to know what happened next.
I wonder why it was not fully scanlated. I have a sad feeling that Japan has a lot of unique manga like this that are squelched early in scanlation either because the scanlators expect one of the standard story lines, or because of moralistic considerations.
I'm starting to look for manga with those long red "didn't like it" bars shown above, because I have a theory that they are more often than not unique works that have been the victims of the modern kneejerk moralism that is growing up around us.