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NG Life   
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Keidai Saeki is a high school student who remembers his past life in Pompeii, living as the Italian warrior Sirix... His friends around him are all also reincarnated - although they don't quite remember things the way he does. Keidai's wife from the past? He's now a middle school boy - while his best male friend is now a cute girl?! Throw in a case of love at first sight, and you have a new look at romance - manga-style!


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NG Raifu
No Good Life
حياة سيئة

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v.2 c.6 by Blue Cosmos Scans over 3 years ago
v.1 c.1 by Eien Scans over 8 years ago
v.1 c.2 by Ochibichan over 15 years ago
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9 Volumes (Complete)

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User Reviews
NG Life by Aironic


User Rating
Average: 8.6 / 10.0 (543 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.48 / 10.0

Last Updated
June 25th 2024, 9:16pm



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Hana to Yume (Hakusensha)
The Hana to Yume (Hakusensha)

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TokyoPop (Expired / 9 Vols - Complete)

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worth reading till the end  
by laners
December 1st, 2011, 8:50am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
At first, I enjoyed reading it because it was funny and cute. As the story progressed, it became this beautiful and unconventional love story, that I could not put down. It's almost like a play within a play possessing ALL of the dramatic elements in classical theatre but with a strong grip on realism, which helps it steer clear from becoming a soap opera.

Basically, the characters are rich, the plot is interesting, and the story was beautiful.

If you read this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I had smile
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Highly recommended  
by coco77
July 12th, 2013, 3:20pm
Rating: N/A
Original concept with fine execution. Things were slow at times but that made Keidai's emotional progress more believable and sincere. Other characters were also well developed and had their unique sparks. The humor was not as great as praised, or maybe I just didn't get it. The art looked kinda shounen-ish, which was fresh and appealing to a shoujo fan like me. All in all, I had a very enjoyable time, and highly recommend this.

... Last updated on August 15th, 2014, 11:43pm
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by NightAir
December 18th, 2012, 3:16pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I love this. I can't even begin to put into words how stunned it made me. True, I was drawn in for the false shonen-ai (mostly because goddammit, nobody's making even hardly realistic anything anymore), but what drew me in deeper was the chemistry. The beginning was iffy, but the way the story carried out in terms of pacing was great. I'm not happy that in the beginning, our main character Keidai was super overexaggerative and awkward, and the constant Serena-ing was exasperating to watch, because the story then seemed to become a Win-Reincarnated-Serena's-Heart, and everything had to do with Yuuma. We had the classic love triangle set-up, what with the included childhood friend who likes Keidai (and this really isn't a spoiler). However, I was blown away by the depths of the characters as the chapters continued because the focus started EXPANDING, and it wasn't just two people living in one world of romance. Their motivations--it really went past the superficial.

Keidai was given depth, and as not many main characters can be sympathetic and yet way cool and yet ridiculous at the same time, I guess that's why he's my favourite character out of this entire thing. I really did enjoy the side story between Sirix and Loleus was great.

There's a reason that reincarnation in itself always makes me feel a little iffy. Whether or not it's because it's got such cliched lines, the fact that the people reincarnated always find each other or eventually get all their memories; this manga draws several characters who are aware of their past lives along with others who had lived those past lives as well but may or may not remember. It's a decent-sized cast with beautiful interactions, and you really can't hate any one of them.

The pace started picking up (and improving, in my opinion) after we got over the glorification of Yuuma as Serena
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
(as in post-'Serena's reincarnated sister now a dude and still hates men' aka Smyrna "arc". Everything before that was kind of cliched and really ehhh for me. But things picked up especially when Reina returned, and we got introduced along with Mikage and Shuna, and goddammit, if unrequited love isn't enough to make me cry for her--because in essence, all of these characters are good kids, really. I'm appreciative of it, and I especially enjoy the interaction of the "Twins".)
, and our cast turned from three main characters and expanded. The beginning's a little iffy, but Keidai as a character is very great--there are definitely great moments to lol and do spittakes at for yourself. My favourite chapter was the side story in which showed how Keidai and Serizawa met and became friends, but on the whole, I was impressed by the amount of character interaction and development, exploration and depth this manga had. Also, the past isn't just mentioned once and never seen again--the past in itself serves as basis for a lot of regrets, and its importance.

This manga ends up addressing the concern (through a reasonable amount of chapters) about the issue I've always personally had with reincarnation-genres. Do you, if you are reincarnated (and also have those memories), have an obligation to fulfill what you once had? Are you still trapped back to that life, or can you still have your own life separate to the obligations and regrets you had in the past? I love the focus on the characters, and damn this was one impressive manga.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
"Why do we alone retain our memories? The answer is simple. Because we love that place more than anyone else. And we hate it...more than anyone else."--chapter 45.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Just--even as a child, Keidai could recognize his mom and dad as his reincarnated sister and rival, but then he was ultimately all alone because there was no one he could confess to about it. AND ALSO IT WAS HEARTBREAKING WHEN HE STARTED TO LOSE HIS MEMORIES OF THE PAST LIFE--or they were unstable-ish, BUT STILL. Because later on in the chapters (maybe near the end?) it flashes back to his childhood where he thinks that if he had to lose the past to live in the present, he didn't need the present at all. AND JUST. That if he allows himself to go with Serizawa--he'll forfeit Serena and what his feelings for her meant and he'll just FORGET HIS MEMORIES in order to live his own life and just--we even got a flashback back to their PAST LIVES and just--what Loleus and Serena meant to Sirix and vice versa in both other accounts--MY HEART'S BREAKING.

Seriously, it is. Because the reason Keidai is unable to let go of his past life is because of how much Sirix wanted to keep it--but with Yuuma telling him to forget and Keidai having to struggle--I love this, not sadistically, but because it emotionally tears at me, because this is really well-written. We get further insight onto his reasons and purposes, why even in the present he remembers about Serena--we know exactly what his regrets are for him to have been living in the present with memories of his past life. And then near the end, Keidai comes into terms with himself: Sirix may have been him in a past life, but all the regrets, all the hopeless and the sorrow that Sirix had at being unable to save the people he cared about and failing them--Keidai has his own life, his own friends too, and so as much as Sirix's voice reaches him, Keidai's should too--and WOW Keidai going back in time as Sirix (ish?)--he dealt with his fears and he dealt with those regrets with one action.

"They won't "vanish". Everyone's soul remembers all the reincarnations that have come and gone. They just don't realize it because it simply isn't necessary. so when you think...that you truly don't need them...they'll sleep softly within your heart."--chapter 50

... Last updated on December 18th, 2012, 4:12pm
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Loved the first two volumes or so..  
by lfb
June 30th, 2015, 10:41pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
..but as the amount of romance grew, the less I was interested. What I liked in the first few volumes was the hilarious dynamics/friendship between Keidai, Yuuma, and Serizawa. (I expected Yuuma-->Keidai<--Serizawa. I was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't the case) Of course, within the first volume, I already knew Keidai and Serizawa would be the end pairing and the friendship between the three would take a backseat, but I still kept reading since the series was entertaining (Keidai's expressions..) and I thought Keidai/Serizawa was also good too. Sadly, for me, I didn't enjoy how these two became as the series went on:
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Keidai acts uncharacteristically forceful towards Serizawa ("suave Italian" I guess), and Serizawa became a typical female character who can only talk about her feelings/love.
I ended up skimming a couple chapters in the end.

The art style is nostalgic yet rather nice on the eyes. Some of the characters are highly amusing. Unfortunately, they don't go through much of a character development and whatever that does change is light and predictable.

Overall, shoujo lovers would enjoy this. Everyone else, it's a hit or miss depending on your sense of humor.

... Last updated on June 30th, 2015, 10:48pm
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One of the best I've seen..?  
by justine_panda
June 14th, 2013, 5:28am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Hmm.. I really didn't expect much at first, considering I've read quite a number of manga with the Reincarnation theme to them. But this is just too cool. Like REALLY COOL. It managed to keep me reading up to the last chapter. The love triangle's quite unique, too. At first I thought there's like Shounen Ai happening but oh well. This is just too nice.
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That was so heartwarming.  
by Zina
November 18th, 2011, 8:28pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This story was about a man who had a beautiful and precious past life, and a woman that he truly loved. In fact, he truly loved everyone. Now, he's living his life, still remaining true to his past, and honouring it. There is absolutely no doubt that he loved everyone from this past life, and it is truly beautiful

Beautiful in every sense of the word.
The poetry of every line of dialogue was beautiful. The story and its deep effects on the main character's beliefs were beautiful. The love shared between any characters was beautiful. Even the art itself was absolutely astounding. The sheer emotion that was expressed in all of their facial expressions was breathtaking.

I highly recommend this manga. The summary makes it look like a comedy/romance, but it's more part drama, part psychological in a way, and quite a bit romance.
It is absolutely beautiful. I am so glad I read it. I haven't found a perfect 10 manga in so long. :')
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NG Life spazz  
by pinboo
March 14th, 2012, 9:48am
Rating: N/A
Mizuho Kusanagi never fails to make me spazz over her work. After Mugen Spiral, now this... NG Life...

One of the best shoujo comic I've ever read.

The plot is surely something refreshing. The idea is really good, and boy, thank goodness Kusanagi has her way to execute her already brilliant plot brilliantly. Especially the few last chapters... I love them. I love that this manga is not all about romance-love. It's about friendship, it's about learning to accept yourself, it's about good moral and ethic, it's about comedy, it's about bonds... Love the plot, really.

And then the characters... I love them all. Keidai, the main male lead, despite being stupid for TOO many times, can be really cool and made my heart skip a beat several times. Serizawa is likeable. The rest character are also funny, strong, and I love how they really care about each other.

NG Life is a very good manga. Totally can make you fangirl over it.
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Didn't get it.SPOILER ALERT  
by bubbles0953
October 24th, 2014, 7:16am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
I didn't get why lovers (Serena and Sirix) would be reincarnated but not end up together.They spent MORE THAN half the manga talking about how they want to be together always and i pretty sure they mentioned going into their next life and meeting again .It annoyed me soooooo much cause then it had me wondering when they reincarnate the 3rd time are the couples going to stay WITH EACH OTHER.
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Started years ago and never finished until now  
by plaiin
July 14th, 2014, 2:05am
Rating: 6.0  / 10.0
And there was a reason for that. It was so boring and cliché I only got two volume's in. For some reason people really love this, but I just don't see it. Maybe it's because of the reincarnation, yet there are plenty you better executed stories out there. Alright, the flashback a were sad at times, but the events in the present were really poorly placed. And the introduction of a new character was ALWAYS awful, or at least Keidai hating which was really irritating. I also don't really like the way the romance worked out. It felt too rushed on his part, since it was like he suddenly fell in love with her. I don't think there were many romantic scenes between the two of them, although that may be due to my poor memory.
However, there was the odd times I've laughed that could be counted on one hand, but it might also just be my sense of humor. I personally think that overly protective fathers are irrational and dumb.
I'm not the biggest fan of the art either. Sure, its nice but I don't really like the typical anime look. I prefer a style that has been altered to make it unique to the mangaka, but this is very similar to the art found in anime. Like clannad for example. It's not even an old manga where many artists had the same style.
Essentially , it was boring and cliché at times , but if you want to read a decent manga about reincarnation, go ahead and read this.
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a must read!  
by shines
May 23rd, 2013, 10:34am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
the story has good art and
truly written spectacularly
the characters and story controle your emotions
completely,...the depth of the conflicted feelings
in the main character
makes your heart throb and skip a beat
this manga is just too good to not read

... Last updated on May 23rd, 2013, 10:38am
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