Honestly, I thought Olimpos was amazing. Like what Calstine said, most readers can't let go of the fact that the guys look like girls and there's no BL [well there kinda is if you consider Zeus and Ganymede]. Also, I've heard people say "The art is too distracting, I can't read the manga at all!" Those are usual traits of Aki's manga, so beginner Aki readers don't know how to look past those or use them to help understand the manga.
First off, the guys are girly looking because, if you haven't noticed, young males in Greek statues look feminine. That's a historical fact Aki's trying to use to her advantage to attract more [female] readers.
There's no BL because not only does Aki not draw BL, it will ruin the whole plot. In the original myth, Zeus loves Gandymede while the other characters like Apollon, Poseidon, and Hades are related by blood. So you can't really couple anyone besides just Zeus and Gandymede or else it will stray too much from the original myth and it will have incest...
The art is distracting because Aki's trying to convey majestic Greek gods and a beautiful Trojan prince. They need to look flamboyant and SPARKLY. So the characters and their surrounding art should look beautiful. After all, the location is Zeus' garden, which is located in the Greek afterlife's "heaven" equivalent.
Besides those "problems", you'd have to admit that Olimpos is a beautiful manga: both plotwise and artwise. Though the art becomes plainer in the second volume, it's still a magnificent piece of artwork worthy of becoming an artbook. The plot is unbelievably more amazing than the art. People say it's confusing, but if you read it well a few times, everything will click into place. You just have to watch out for foreshadowings in the beginning, which is what Aki is known for. Just treat it like studying some type of literature.
Olimpos is probably the most underrated manga I've ever seen. It's sad that a lot of people give it bad ratings because they don't understand it. D: The only problem I'd say it has is that the art gets worse in the second volume. The other problem with many readers is that most keep ignoring how well thought out and developed the plot is and keep ranting on about the art. There's more to Olimpos than the art. :3 Anyways, congrats on its liscencing! I hope more people will read it from now on!