I loved it for the first 60 or so chapters, the female leading cast (apart from susan) were all witty, independent and strong women, able to protect themselves. They arent there to decorate the story or to look pretty, and at times female characters outshine the dudes in the series, rescue and take care of themselves.
And then... adelaide goes from being a likeable character, to getting the opposite of character development in the latter part of the series.
SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT! just click with ur mouse on the box to continue reading
I dont hate adele for trying to force felix to admit he loves her (it's like a... im not mad, just disappointed moment for me, like EXTREMELY disappointed), nontheless, what she did was extremely immature. love cannot be rushed, sometimes one person is ready to say how they feel much earlier than the other. you dont know what someones been through before they tell you, so rushing them out of their comfort zone before they're ready to show you the vulnerable parts of themselves is a kind of scummy thing to do.
everyone has different fears, and are at different parts in their lives when it comes to overcoming them. as i like to say, you might be reading the same book, but you're just on different pages. wait for your partner to catch up. you cant rush a healthy relationship.
i'm not saying you have to wait on your partner always, if you cannot wait for them to grow past their trauma or even just take the first step, then you guys just arent a match. it's okay for that to happen, but you should never force them to open up to you.
it just makes me so sad that she just wants something to make others jealous for a proposal. a proposal is a promise between you and the person you love. my girlfriend could propose with me with a goddamn lollipop ring for all i care as long as we care for each other. because i dont need something to be unbelievably special in the eyes of others, i just need something thats special in my heart yk. so it makes me sad when she wants something just to make other girls envy her, rather than a heartfelt proposal, like the one he's literally already given her :(
when people say "show your love through actions, not words" they dont mean material actions, they mean like literally travelling from the capital to see you because they're worried sick after you left without saying a single word. they mean protecting you, they mean spending time with you. they mean the kind of stuff he's already clearly shown
i mean seriously, what is it with manhwa's and having healthy communication in the beginning then yeeting it out the window??
not @ me editing this 4782478 times, i just have so much to say bcs things like this feel very important to me lol