Ishino would like to say he’s your average drug dealer. He’d really love that. Unfortunately for him, he also regularly goes into heat for some mysterious reason, and this kickstarts his maybe-strings-attached relationship with infamous mafia boss Nemeth. And that’s just the first mafia boss who wants a piece of him. What is going on with Ishino’s strange ability to attract dangerous figureheads, and just how much of his dignity will survive this?
Original Novel:
Part 1, Part 2
Original Webtoon:
Bomtoon, Lezhin
Official Translations:
English, French, German
The Novels both parts have two volumes each, the side stories are plan but have been postponed indefinitely since 2018
77 Chapters (Complete)
S1: 40 Chapters (Complete) 1~40
S2: 37 Chapters (Complete) 41~77