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Eating Disorders

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7:58 pm, Jun 12 2015
Posts: 389

Yeah, so i kinda wanna read a manga about a main character with an eating disorder.
It can be any genre.

*Wonders How To Post A Picture*

9:39 pm, Jun 12 2015
Posts: 9

There's a chapter in DOLL: IC in a Doll about a character with an eating disorder.


10:59 pm, Jun 12 2015
Posts: 57

In Hitsuji no Namida the main girl has eating disorder but it is not the main point

Post #666972
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6:43 am, Jun 13 2015
Posts: 1144

Anorexia - Shikabane Hanako wa Kyoshokushou (A lot of other problems too, so the eating disorder kind of gets overshadowed by other stuff)

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8:23 am, Jun 13 2015
Posts: 2411

So i played with some tags: Boxing manga as especially Ashita no Joe (10/10) or RRR (7,5/10) go into demanding weigh loss regiments and Moteki (8/10) has a shallow take on the theme but you are looking for Cousin (8/10) or Bara no Tame ni (8,5/10) if you want to read a proper exploration of the the in a believable fashion.
Uchuu o Kakeru Yodaka (7/10) had the lead changes bodies with comically inhuman blob. It´s not that deep ok but it is gaining substance. Hehe.
Join team fat today and Zephyr from Harbinger is a rare obese superhero. A movie is comming and DC has Suicide Squad´s leader Amanda Waller who got a de-aging and slim down recently. Cough bullshit cough. User Posted Image

Forgot: River's Edge and Tetsugaku Letra (6/10 to both) are ok i guess.
Both versions of the topic are more of a Bande dessinée / US independent comic topic than manga if you want to dig deeper into the theme as it isn´t that japanese...
The fitting Strangers in Paradise or Love and Rockets lasted for quite some time.
Join team comics today biggrin !

Last edited by residentgrigo at 9:07 am, Jun 13 2015

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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