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Top 5 Mangaka

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Post #617411
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3:15 am, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 174

- Adachi Mitsuru - for gags and plot set ups(writing in general)
- Arakawa Hiromu - for world building
- Ashinano Hitoshi - for the feels
- Inoue Takehiko - for the art
- Oda Eiichiro - for creativity
I can't choose which of them is better

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Post #617691
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The Yullenator

4:12 am, Oct 13 2013
Posts: 122

Hoshino Katsura, who goes on hiatus every three months, releases a short chapter, repeat process a few times, and then takes a year hiatus, repeat. Goes off to design for Valvrave (possibly one of the most retarded anime I've forced myself to watch), her only good character is white-haired (again?), and then she deisigns ugly uniforms. She has... a condition. /Shoots self. I think she's the only mangaka that cycles through art styles like the seasons. Seriously, her art is gorgeous, and her character designs are amazing--or at least they used to be. Her battle scenes are still messy, but they're improving.

Nakamura Asumiko used to write some really dark, beautiful psychological works.

Obata/Ohba combo, of course. Both Death Note (up to v7) and Bakuman. were masterpieces.

Natsume Isaku.

Yoneda Kou.

Post #663146
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10:30 pm, Mar 16 2015
Posts: 155

Let's bump this thread! biggrin

So I was just thinking today how many mangakas wrote such good manga and happened to stumble upon this thread, so here's mine in no particular order:

Enjouji Maki - Just recently read two of her most famous manga and was pretty impressed.

Shinjo Mayu - A guilty pleasure. Don't even question it. no

Motomi Kyousuke - So cute! Especially Beast Master!

Morinaga Ai - Not very much romance in her manga, but definitely comedy laugh

Ikeyamada Go - Another guilty pleasure

"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." - from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Post #663178
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Om Nom Nom Nom

6:21 pm, Mar 17 2015
Posts: 47

KISHIRO Yukito - Gunnm
HAROLD Sakuishi - Beck
MORI Kaoru - Emma
YUKI Kaori - Angel Santuary, Count Cain, Fairy Cube, Meine Liebe
SAITOU Chiho - Revolutionary Girl Utena, Anastasia Kurabu, Waltz wa Shiroi Dress de

Favorite Team-Ups
OHBA Tsugumi & OBATA Takeshi - Death Note, Bakuman
AMEMIYA Yuki & ICHIHARA Yukino - 07-Ghost
Clamp - X, Magic Knight Rayearth

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Seinen is RIGHT

6:29 am, Mar 18 2015
Posts: 2411

Yes let´s bump this with these Masters of Masters:

1.URASAWA Naoki Best one: Monster
2.MIURA Kentaro Best one: Berserk – Also the best manga but No.1 did way more.
3.TEZUKA Osamu Best one: Hi no Tori
4.SOURYO Fuyumi Best one: Mars
5.UMINO Chica Best one: Hachimitsu to Clover

Honorable mentions:
ARAKAWA Hiromu Best one: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi
INOUE Takehiko Best one: Real
MORI Kouji Best one: Jisatsutou - The only one with no awards no .

Young Mistress in the making:
KODAMA Yuki Best one: Sakamichi no Apollon

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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*~God of Harems~*

2:56 pm, Mar 23 2015
Posts: 16

(not in any special order really)

UMEZU Kazuo for his wonderful horror manga. Best manga is:The Drifting Classroom.
ITOU Junji for again, wonderful horror manga. Best is Yami no Koe.
HIRANO Kouta for just...everything he does lol. Best is, of course, Hellsing.
MORINAGA Milk for perfect yuri. Best is by far Girl Friends.
NAGAI Go for again, just everything lol. Best is Devilman.

Honorable mentions:
TANEMURA Arina, because I love her art so much! Sakura Hime Kaden is the best I've read from her.
ISAYAMA Hajime for Shingeki no Kyojin.
WATASE Yuu for her works, though most aren't very phenomenal, I did like Alice 19th.
CLAMP, even if their spaghetti people art sort of irks me, Gate 7 most definitely deserves an adaptation.
SATO Kentaro for his two dark magical girl series, Mahou Shoujo of the End and Mahou Shoujo Site.

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Post #663516
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12:20 pm, Mar 24 2015
Posts: 318

SOURYO Fuyumi - Mars, ES, Cesare
YOSHINAGA Fumi - Antique Bakery, Gerard to Jaques, Oooku, Kinou Nani Tabeta?
HIDAKA Shoko - Arashi no Ato, Hana wa Saku ka, Yuuutsu na Asa
MORI Kaoru - Emma, Otoyomegatari
KODAKA Kazuma - Border, Ikumen After, Kizuna, Midare Somenishi

Post #665201
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11:33 am, Apr 29 2015
Posts: 166

all mangakas that I've read most their works and liked them.

Suzuki julietta - don't know why I like all her works, I just do
tanabe yellow - she's brilliant. Love her style
itou junji - awesome, brilliant, and hilarious horror mangaka
nishimori hiroyuki: he always makes me laugh
TAKAHASHI Tsutomu - really like the style of his works. Dark yet hopeful.

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Post #665203 - Reply to (#665201) by achyif
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Best of the Worst

1:06 pm, Apr 29 2015
Posts: 56

1. URASAWA Naoki - for obvious reasons
2. TOGASHI Yoshihiro - Hands down some of the best consistently good manga. Also, married to TAKEUCHI Naoko, the creator of sailor moon.
3. YUMEKA Sumomo - absolutely wonderful, heartwarming stories and art.
4. TORIYAMA Akira - Father of the shounen genre, shaped a generation, inspired millions, need I say more?
5. TAMURA Ryuuhei - The new up-and-comer for which I have great expectations.

Cynicism at its best.

5:09 pm, Apr 29 2015
Posts: 381

5) Takeshi Obata (art that perfectly captures the mood)
4) Hiromu Arakawa (beautiful art, wonderful storytelling in FMA, and the magical ability to make me actually enjoy a farming high school slice of life manga)
3) Eiichiro Oda (One Piece)
2) Eiichiro Oda (Seriously, it's One Piece)
1) Eiichiro Oda (Nothing else can even compare to One Piece)

Oda overpowered, please nerf

If I had to pick a real 4th and 5th place under Obata-sensei, probably Murata as 4th (who is both doing OPM justice and somehow made me enjoy an American Football manga. I hate AmeFuto) and then Tezuka as 5th (seriously, he's a classic!)

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6:58 pm, Apr 29 2015
Posts: 143

5.Ozaki Kaori - She's improved a lot as both an artist and a writer. Immortal Rain was one of the first manga to make me cry. I really wish more of her work was translated.
4.Asano Inio Very creative. A lot of his characters just feel "real". His artwork is amazing - it really captures the beauty in otherwise forgettable scenes.
3.Togashi Yoshihiro - He's certainly made me raise my standards for shounen manga. His characters are great and I really love the lessons you can derive from his works.
2.Inoue Takehiko - His artwork is great, and he creates some of the best protagonists. REAL is my favorite work from him.
1.Tamura Yumi - Great plot progression and character development. Handles all sorts of characters very well, from young girls to older men to villains. No one feels inconsequential. I've marathoned both 7 Seeds and Basara from her.

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