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Does aging occurs for the character in this manga?

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Post #333015
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10:01 am, Nov 6 2009
Posts: 21

Disregarding the obvious reason of how this can disrupt the main appeal of the manga - cute little boy "winging" (Sekirei *hands-down*) onee-sama(s) - what is the time frame progression rate appears to be thus far? Would very much appreciate any information on this before I pick up this series. Thanks!

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10:09 am, Nov 6 2009
Posts: 10691

Only like 1-2 years have passed since the beginning of the series

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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10:41 pm, Nov 7 2009
Posts: 2

i thought only about half a year had gone by.

didnt negi start teaching the class just after the 3rd year started and now there have summer break..... (says this with out having a clue when japaness school years start and finish and when summer break is in the year.... lol )

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Lord of nonsense

4:38 am, Nov 8 2009
Posts: 1310

only 6 to 9 months have passed in the manga, BUT thanks to the EVA resort Negi is at least 1 and a half years older than what he was at the beginning of the manga.

You can clearly see the Growth when Anya comes to meet Negi at mahora, is not a LOT, but he surely grew.

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10:49 pm, Dec 3 2009
Posts: 3

Time frame doesn't mean much in this manga because of two obvious reasons
1 - everyone is using grow pills which can alter their age (grown-up boys, loli girls)
2 - They are spending much time outside of common time-space

and, to be honest, mentally Negi is at least 30-years-old
and it is not clearly stated that magical world time = real world time, so anything can happen in coming chapters.

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5:25 pm, Mar 9 2011
Posts: 82

i want beacuse i heard tha negi in some causes grows up is that true?

Post #453477 - Reply to (#452435) by maniatis
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5:45 pm, Mar 13 2011
Posts: 11

Quote from maniatis
i want beacuse i heard tha negi in some causes grows up is that true?

Oh yeah. He busts out the magic pills around chapter 70, 80-ish, and after it hits the magic world, he's using them almost constantly. It's pretty amazing.

Post #455060

10:32 pm, Mar 19 2011
Posts: 263

many characters look older than they are.
many look younger than they are.

in real life i knew people who were 15 who looked over 21, and bought beer uncarded and i know people now who are 23 and could pass off as a 5th grader.

now before a person hits puberty, they change very little on a year to year basis. and because negima only at MOST happens over a 2 year period of time (for negi) and negi was what? 9 when the manga began, and is now 11 or 12 at most?

the change isnt great enough or wouldn't be great enough in real life, to represent, and the only real changes are the refinement of the art style, and slight growth in negi.


6:33 pm, Sep 19 2011
Posts: 1

I totally agree with ILoveEpicTits

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