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► ◄Triangles?!?!? ▲ ▼

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Post #582987
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10:22 pm, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 315

lol, i roll my eyes everytime a love triangle situation is introduced...shoujos often have such a knack for making the whole situation seem so shallow and contrived. it's laughable. if they want to introduce some drama then just have the couple go through normal crisis like every other normal couple out there -_- future plans/goals not agreeing? cohabitation? love interest and friends don't get along? differences in standards/morals? there's a zillion other situations to be explored. love triangles are just lazy, imo.

sometimes i will only enjoy a love triangle if it introduces a character i actually enjoy and the character is NOT JUST there to cause drama but to add onto the original story (which hopefully involves more than just person A getting together with person B). examples include namiki from mekakushi no kuni and umi and kent from kimi ni todoke. often times i enjoy these characters more than the main couple themselves 8D

some comedy shoujo manga also create ridiculous love triangles for the sake of laughs and more hilarity, especially if they dont take the triangle seriously and only want to draw exaggerated reactions out of the hero/heroine.

Post #585019
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11:25 am, Jan 24 2013
Posts: 7

Where was the triangle in LoveCom?!
Wasn't it more that they loved each other and just didn't understand this at the same time?! (she realised it sooner than he?!) confused

I hate love triangles too, because most of the time there just stupid. And i'm always rooting for the wrong guy XD
And i don't think it's a triangle when a new rival/character apears. Because the new one should know that his love would be one-sided. And how many people would throw a good relationship (i.e. you're loving each other) away for just some new love/guy?! K, i heard there are people who do this, but i don't think it's okay. ('cause that would have no end -.-)
And when a relationship is already over and one find a new love, than that's just how life is... But girls who can't decide which guy they are loving are just so annoying. I hate them >.<

The worst example IS vampire knight, that's right...
My opion about love may be old and naive, but i hate character who can't decide... i don't believe you can love 2 persons the same way and the storylines are also so lame...
The love triangles i hate the most are definitive the ones with a useless main-heroine who has a harem of guys that love her. That's so stupid that i don't believe that people this write and read things like that -.-
But maybe many people dream to be popular? K, that i understand that, but it should be at least a bit realistic ^^'

Quote from gwkimmy
lol, i roll my eyes everytime a love triangle situation is introduced...shoujos often have such a knack for making the whole situation seem so shallow and contrived. it's laughable. if they want to introduce some drama then just have the couple go through normal crisis like every other normal couple ...

Yeah, that's totally true! There are other, more realistic problems out there to write about... Maybe the mangaka doesn't know them or the think love triangles is the thing fangirls wants... -.-
Please dear Mangaka, can you be a bit more creative? ._.

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