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Kouji Mori Draws 1-Shot Manga About Lifelong Friendship With Kentarou Miura

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Seinen is RIGHT

11:41 am, Sep 11 2021
Posts: 2406

This year's 18th issue of Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine published a special one-shot manga by MORI Kouji titled "Mori-chan Ken-chan," which tells the story of Mori's friendship with recently deceased manga creator Kentarou Miura. In the magazine, Mori noted that he thinks he will someday be able to draw a longer form of the manga. Mori also drew an image of Guts and Miura that is being exhibited at the "Dai Berserk Ten" exhibition in Tokyo from September 10-23. He posted part of that image on Twitter on Thursday.
Mori is a long-time friend of Miura's, and the two met in high school, with their families acquainted with each other. Miura often consulted Mori in planning the story of his manga Berserk.

The issue published the 364th chapter of Miura's Berserk manga as well. The chapter is Miura's last work. The cover of the issue features an ink sketch by Miura, and is a "memorial" issue to Miura. The issue also contains a special "Messages to Kentarou Miura" booklet and a poster of "famous scenes" from the manga. Mori's one-shot appeared in the booklet, and other authors who contributed to the booklet included: Shizuya Wazarai, Chica Umino, Tamami Momose, Ena Moriyama, Nico Nicholson, Takashi Hoshi, Satoru Akahori, Katsu Aki, and Akkiu. ri-draws-1-shot-manga-about-lifelong-friendship-with-kent arou-miura/.177159

Miura told Shizuya Wazarai (Kendo Shitouden Cestvs) in 2021 that he was making a final push toward the ending of Berserk. Miura was planning to go on a round-the-world trip with Kouji Mori (Holyland) after he finished Berserk. They have been good friends for 40 years. They talked via phone, like once every 10 days until recently. After retirement, Miura was planning to live with Mori and Mori's wife, Akkiu (Dori~n Acchan) in Okinawa or Izu, both of which are known for seaside resorts in Japan. Mori said he would have died or been in prison without Miura. Miura and Mori gave advice about their manga with each other.

Miura insisted that Mori should draw a biography manga about their friendship. Mori has announced in this latest Young Animal magazine that he will fulfill this promise about the biography in the future. Mori spent a lot of time living with Miura's family when they were in high school. He added that he might elaborate on it someday. Miura said the title of the biography should be "M K" since both of them share the same first and last initial. On top of that, Miura asked someone else to write a biography "novel" about them. Mori says it must have been impossible for Miura to know he would pass away in the near future because he had been totally fine with his health. Despite his good health, Miura talked about the biography plan more frequently than before. Mori has been wondering the reason until now. Mori feels like Miura is staying by his side even now. Miura's mother told him that it is because they had been together for a long time. Mori: Thank you, Miura. I'll always be with you.

Miura told Nico Nicholson (Challenging the Manga Dojos mangaka): I hope each panel of my manga will be like a window through which my audience can see another world. Miura's author comment went viral years ago; "I'm planning to cancel my mobile phone contract since nobody gets in touch with me." After that, Takashi Hoshi (Etotama) and Miura started sending emails to each other. They sometimes visited a cafe and spa in Tokyo together.
10 years ago, Miura and Katsu Aki (Futari Ecchi talked about whether manga industries would get surpassed by games or videos.
Chica Umino (Honey and Clover): Every time I met Miura, he gave me sweets as a gift. He was always smiling and I've never seen his grumpy face. Next time we meet, I'd like to talk a lot about manga.


I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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9:09 pm, Sep 12 2021
Posts: 205

when I used to go to the judo institute in Tokyo there were loads of members who were 70-80~ yrs old
and were childhood friends.
still smashing each other on the mat, all those years later
getting all misty eyed just thinking about it

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