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New Poll - Hated Animals

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12:19 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 10691

This week's poll about the animals you hate was suggested by VawX. Non-exhaustive list, but it should cover the most common ones.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How should translators deal with author self-censored curse words?
Replace word for a less harsh one (i.e., crap) - votes: 69 (1.7%)
Use the actual curse word (i.e., shit) - votes: 720 (18.3%)
Match how the author censored it (partly or fully censored) - votes: 2653 (67.3%)
Censor entire word (i.e., *bleep* or ****) - votes: 28 (0.7%)
Only censor part of the word (i.e., sh*t) - votes: 474 (12%)
There were 3944 total votes.
The poll ended: August 17th 2019

I didn't even think about copyright censoring...

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2:42 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 2127

Spider, obviously. *Is arachnophobic*

Post #771243
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3:34 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 345

Mosquito in hot days are like the devils, but one annoying rat can be super annoying mmm...

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Post #771244
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HanaKana Fanboy

4:16 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 16

Wasp. Those god-forsaken creatures just love building theirs nests into my bedroom's wooden ceiling and there's no way of stopping them from getting out right next to my desk. Stuff a hole? They'll make a new one. Second place goes to spiders, I hate how they look and move around. Outright disgusting. Third place is ticks. Nasty little guys.

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4:51 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 2411

I don´t hate or fear any animal but flys are the biggest day to day problem listed. I had to choose them as mosquitos aren´t a problem in my geographic location.
Ticks, leeches and especially skunks can mess you up if we want to stay realistic (sharks aren´t a danger to humans) but I never had a bad encounter with any of them.

Edit: The ones complaining about bed bug should maybe reconsider their living arrangements and habbits. These aren´t a normal occurrence.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 8:48 am, Aug 19 2019

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5:22 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 381

Definitely wasp for me.

I guess 88.7% of people voting have never been stung by one.... Cockroaches are gross and mosquitoes are annoying as fuck, but some wasps are fucking psychopaths.

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5:37 am, Aug 17 2019
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I'm getting on the wasp bandwagon as well. Those assholes leave their shit everywhere.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Currently residing the house and have already taken down a half-a-dozen abandoned nests

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5:48 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 4

The disgusting, horrible giant centipede is the most terrible animal I can think of. As it didn't made it into the list, I should go with the mosquito.


Post #771249
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7:16 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 94

Hate: cockroach.
Terrible, disgusting, hard to kill with insect repellent (I can't just squish it like everybody else, can't stand the imagination of gooey and crushed cockroach)

On the other hand, I fear snake the most.
Two almost "intimate" encounter with snakes changed my whole life.

Imagine finding a snake inside your bedroom, crawling under the door, and the only thing that made me realize it was that the snake was stuck on the glue side of sellotape trash and it made sound. 🤢

The second encounter (hopefully the last one in my life) was finding a snake hanging on the doorknob outside my friend's bedroom (she was sleeping inside) and the snake was only 2 meters away from me and my bedroom.
I called my friend, she woke up, I told her not to come out, she stood on her bed, preparing for the worst. I tried to make the snake fall into the plastic bag I put under but it terribly failed and the snake slithered under the door and made its way inside my friend's bedroom.
We tried to use salt (some myth said snake fear salt), TOTAL FAILURE. 🤢
We tried to made it dizzy by spraying insect repellent (the only "weapon" we have), the snake got a little bit dizzy but we almost get ourselves intoxicated by spraying too much repellent inside a closed room.
I used triple hand gloves (double medical gloves and one thick garden gloves), caught the dizzy snake, put it inside the plastic bag, threw it to the garden outside far from the house.

Both of them happened inside the same house, where my friend and I used to rent.
The house was near paddy field so maybe the snake came from there......
Btw the battle versus snake all happened after midnight, maybe 1AM or 2AM.
I thank God for making me decide that I should sleep very late those nights.


9:14 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 195

The worms that you find in unclean faucets or other wet areas (i.e. maggots). They give me so much stress.

When I was younger, a bunch of them literally lived in one of those hard to clean blenders. Was cleaning it out one day, and came back with a trauma. Now every time I see one, I almost puke.

I might be a millennial, but when it comes to kitchen supplies, I am like my dad. Kitchen motto: "hard to clean, trash it."

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1:17 pm, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 138

Cockroaches are the worst of the bunch.
There's others on here that come close, but most of the rest of them can be cool in the right context.
Certain types of snakes are pretty cool, certain types of spiders if you've got them secured in a habitat.
Both of those two can be pets.

I suppose the ones that are never cool would be:
ticks, bed bugs, wasps, mosquitos, flies, and cockroaches...
so my choice was really from those six... and the worst of the bunch, if you ask me, are those damn roaches! 😠
They're creepy, disgusting, and worst of all, difficult to kill! Even after you kill them, they still cause problems. Worst one, for sure. 🤢

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1:41 pm, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 17

Anything that sucks blood and carries disease is top of my list, first place going to whatever can reach me most easily. My most hated is mosquitoes followed by ticks.

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2:56 pm, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 2

Anyone who picked mosquitoes over bed bugs hasn't had to deal with bed bugs. They are a huge pain to get rid of. ~30 percent of people aren't even allergic to it so you might have them and not realize it and they can spread relatively easily. Mosquitoes may be more annoying in your daily life because you deal with them more often, but I be around a ton of mosquitoes then deal with a bed bug infestation.

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6:14 pm, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 89

Dang I picked wasps but I didn't see the fly option. Fruit flies... 😔

Post #771276 - Reply to (#771268) by SentientCrab
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6:41 pm, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 345

Well that's the thing, it's your own personal experience mmm...
If I live in a plantation or a farm, some of the pests might be my worst enemies, but here in my home, freakin mosquitos are just the worst mmm...

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