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a manga that takes place post-high school...

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5:15 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 1439

as the title suggests, I've encountered lots of school-life manga, and I was wondering... are there any that take place in college? Post-college? A little romance would be nice... or just heart-warming slice-of-life style... Food involved in the story is nice too... Titles I've read so far that I really liked:

Usagi Drop (hooray for child care!)
Kimi Wa Pet
Shuukatsu!! - Kimi ni Naitei (yes!!! college... OMG... no need for high school / pre-teen hormones)
Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume (okay... true there are high school students... but I like cafes)

It would be amazing if there was a worthwhile story involving post-high school characters + food/cafe + friendships/relationships. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (No ecchi, hentai, yuri/yaoi, GL/BL please...)


Occasionally sane

5:45 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 147

Honey and Clover and Venus in Love both take place in college.

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AKA Roseille

5:48 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 326

Ah, yes! Those ones are sometimes very hard to find. ;A;

Hmm... one that came to mind was Kingyo Sou, but only one of the people is actually in college. It's an excellent, heat-warming slice-of-life manga about a girl who falls for a deaf college student who plays the taikou (Japanese drums). I'd definitely suggest it.

I can't think of too many more right now, but I'll definitely update/post again if I think of any. biggrin

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5:59 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 545

Welcome to the NHK! - it's not really heartwarming slice-of-life, but I think it fits pretty well.


6:21 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 710


no cafe, but similar feel to Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume. It's about a bunch of friends, and has a lot to do with show-biz. The two main characters are both twenty and are both trying to make it on their own. there is A LOT of relationship/friendship stuff in this manga. But it's interesting, and the romances are believable (i agree-a lot of times in high-school dramas the romances are so cliche and unlikely-and there are SO MANY HORMONES).

Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

this has a little bit of the high-school drama stuff going on, but if you liked Shiawase, then you might very well like this. it's about high school students and the romance is cliche, yes, but it has a cafe in it. and the main character isn't just a wimpy hormone-y teenage girl-she's very independent, and the joke is that she works at a maid cafe, where she's supposed to act subservient, which is like the last thing she is. But the 2 main character's romance is very much a cliche teenage romance, with a lot of "you can totally tell they both like each other, so why aren't they together" kind of stuff, so if that really bothers you, don't read this. if it's not a huge issue, then by all means give it a shot.

Last edited by unusuallove at 6:26 pm, Sep 17 2010

Post #407630
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6:25 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 409

Genshiken takes place in a college setting (and is a great manga to boot!)

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7:52 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 1439

Ahhh! eek This is amazing! My first time posting a forum topic, and I got such great responses! Thank you soooooo much for your suggestions! My reading list just got longer. smile wink grin Looking forward to it! (and of course... feel free to post more if you run across a good one) eyes

Post #407652
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8:00 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 155

Nodame Cantabile

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8:34 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 167

Cousin - main character just out of high school, and she losses a lot of weight so she watches what she eats.
Hapi Mari - josei, does have some food in it, but not much. (one of personal favorites).

Post #407659 - Reply to (#407658) by Barisaxyphone
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8:59 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 1439

Quote from Barisaxyphone
Cousin - main character just out of high school, and she losses a lot of weight so she watches what she eats.
Hapi Mari - josei, does have some food in it, but not much. (one of personal favorites).

I hear ya! Hapi Mari is indeed a guilty pleasure of mine... laugh

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A Person

9:22 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 2126

Major follows the main character from kindergarten to post-college. It's a sports manga, but don't let that deter you; you'll get incredibly sucked into the character.

Piano No Mori is the same deal, but it's Elementary school to post-college. This one is VERY heat warming/slice of life-ish.

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10:04 pm, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 364

I second Kingyo sou and nodame cantabile

Shuukatsu!! - Kimi ni Naitei
ashita no ousama - she is a college student
mana - It start at high school then changed to college
Nonchan to Watashi -its a oneshot
help!! - she is a medical student
koi-one shot.What happens in omiai, all of them are working already
Yesterday o Utatte - she is suppose to be high schoo student but then she quit school and start working.

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