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Post #284240 - Reply to (#284236) by Hermit-chan

1:19 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 1762


Last edited by Raeryn at 2:23 pm, Aug 21 2015

Post #284242 - Reply to (#284240) by Raeryn
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Yours Truly,

1:22 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from Raeryn
Quote from Hermit-chan
Men cant be trusted.

The same can be said of women, Hermie, it all depends on the person.

>__> yea..I've met a nasty bitch once..but generally, I trusted women better than men.

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

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Post #284247

1:32 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 32

lol, then you would take a friend along in a date? eek

IMO, giving your trust is something you yourself decide but one thing is sure = Not all men or women are untrustworthy
Yes, you can choose to trust everyone but that's just stupid.

Post #284255 - Reply to (#284242) by Hermit-chan
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1:51 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 2506

Quote from Hermit-chan
Quote from Raeryn
Quote from Hermit-chan
Men cant be trusted.

The same can be said of women, Hermie, it all depends on the person.

>__> yea..I've met a nasty bitch once..but generally, I trusted women better than men.

Sounds like sexist prejudice to me.

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Post #284261 - Reply to (#284223) by Fcfreak
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2:01 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 4030

Quote from Fcfreak
@ girls..

1. In what way should a men propose to you. (give an example ie. the best)

Don't know... but it shouldn't be restaurant + diamond ring kind of proposal >__< Hm, actually I'd rather propose to the guy myself. laugh I'll make sure it's memorable and original.

Quote from Hermit-chan
Quote from Fcfreak
2. Do you marry the same men that touch your heart in a way no men can.

Dunno. as long as he can bear with me. I'm a horrible woman cool

Yep. That, and if I like living with him too. I think that's harder to find than someone who can "touch my heart".

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Yours Truly,

2:04 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 2050

Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. roll eyes
Afterall, it's the "Ask the opposite gender' thread, not all girls like men. and I generally dont trust men.


maybe but i didnt mean to offend anyone.

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

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DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)
Post #284272 - Reply to (#284262) by Hermit-chan
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2:20 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 2506

Quote from Hermit-chan
and I generally dont trust men.


maybe but i didnt mean to offend anyone.

If you don't want to offend me, please stop saying it. Or make some sort of concession about it. You don't seem embarrassed about your gender discrimination at all.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #284319 - Reply to (#284223) by Fcfreak
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Fruit Salad

5:26 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 1353

Quote from Fcfreak
@ girls..

1. In what way should a men propose to you. (give an example ie. the best)

2. Do you marry the same men that touch your heart in a way no men can.

3. What are your thoughts on two-timers (before and after marriage)

4. If you like a guy would you ask him out, just leave some hint or don't bother at all?

1. I don't want proposals. I should be the one who proposes in a relationship.

2. I have never thought of marrying so far so no comment. But sometimes you think he/she touches you heart no one else does but for some reasons, you don't think he/she is the suitable marrying partner for you, or he/she doesn't think the same way about you or doesn't want something like marriage. I am sure things like those happen more often than the two both thinking that the other party touches his/her heart no one else can and wanting to marry each other.

3. Same answer as Raeryn's.

4. I would try to talk with, get to know him, become closer/friends with him first before deciding whether he's the kind of person I want to date. Then of course I would do the asking.

Quote from Fcfreak
lol, then you would take a friend along in a date? eek

That's not a bad idea at all. Actually it was the advice I gave to a friend who went to a blind date.

Last edited by base_coat at 5:45 pm, May 3 2009

Post #284364 - Reply to (#284223) by Fcfreak
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Sweetly Macabre

7:58 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 1005

Quote from Fcfreak
@ girls..

1. In what way should a men propose to you. (give an example ie. the best)

2. Do you marry the same men that touch your heart in a way no men can.

3. What are your thoughts on two-timers (before and after marriage)

4. If you like a guy would you ask him out, just leave some hint or don't bother at all?

1. I'd rather propose myself, but in any case, something casual or simple is better than the overdone roses and candlelight thing.

2. ...I'm not one for extreme romance. If we can have a good future together, that would be the most important thing.

3. Won't get involved, or will break it off. I cannot stand that kind of personality.

4. Ask him out. I'm fairly direct that way laugh

Post #284403 - Reply to (#284247) by Fcfreak
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11:08 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 1619

Quote from Fcfreak
Yes, you can choose to trust everyone but that's just stupid.

I trust everyone until they give me a reason not to.
Granted, you don't have to do much to lose that trust (or at least put me on my guard), but I still give the benefit of the doubt unless something you've done leads me to believe otherwise.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #284411 - Reply to (#284403) by Liria
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11:52 pm, May 3 2009
Posts: 3342

Quote from Liria
Quote from Fcfreak
Yes, you can choose to trust everyone but that's just stupid.

I trust everyone until they give me a reason not to.

By then its already too late...

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #284452 - Reply to (#284223) by Fcfreak

4:51 am, May 4 2009
Posts: 27

Quote from Fcfreak
comical hearts boxers? it's okay. I don't mind wearing it.

@ girls..

1. In what way should a men propose to you. (give an example ie. the best)

2. Do you marry the same men that touch your heart in a way no men can.

3. What are your thoughts on two-timers (before and after marriage)

4. If you like a guy would you ask him out, just leave some hint or don't bother at all?

1. It's the thought and effort that counts. If it is a spur of the moment kind of proposal I'd probably be worrying that the person might regret it or something. I agree with + diamond ring is over done. It should be memorable. The best thing is if it somehow has to do with something the couple have experienced together. But if it's the right person I don't think that should be too much of a problem.

2. Well seeing as I have never been married before... laugh I would marry the person I can see myself loving in 50 years time. I plan to marry once (if at all). shy

3. I think that would break my heart. Fortunately I have never been cheated on before, so I don't know 100 % how I would react. Love is forgiving or so I've heard. But I think a betrayal like that is hard to overcome.

4. Well if I'm interested in someone I first try to get really close and hang out as friends and see where it goes from there. wink

Post #284464 - Reply to (#284411) by Calíbre
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6:12 am, May 4 2009
Posts: 1619

Quote from Caliber
Quote from Liria
Quote from Fcfreak
Yes, you can choose to trust everyone but that's just stupid.

I trust everyone until they give me a reason not to.

By then its already too late...

Quite possibly. I'm sure it will take me getting burned by it before I'll stop. It hasn't happened thus far.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #284788

6:36 am, May 5 2009
Posts: 32

Lol yeah, it makes it a LOT more memorable that way. But i'm gonna have to live with the fact that my wife proposed to me -_-;
Then, I'm sure she'll tell this to everyone in any dinner/meetings for a laugh. biggrin

I don't want proposals. I should be the one who proposes in a relationship.

lol, you sure are dominating whoever you are dating bigrazz

@Hermit-chan. I apologize if my post sounds like i'm forcing some kinda teaching into your head. but trust me I have no such intention(maybe not, i'm a guy roll eyes )

Post #284797
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7:03 am, May 5 2009
Posts: 1619

My husband and I sort of wound up mutually agreeing to get married. Since we'd already started making plans and such, he figured he ought to make an actual proposal, and did so entirely spur of the moment. He wasn't "prepared" and it didn't bother me any. (At the time, he had no job and no money to buy me a ring anyway - I bought my own engagement ring, truth be told.)

He proposed to me 2 months after we started seeing each other (the 3rd time we saw each other in person, since we met online), but we'd already been talking about marriage plans for a couple of weeks at that point. He just waited until he could do it in person, since at the time he was living a few hundred miles away from me. (He moved in with me a few weeks after that.) He got down on a knee half-jokingly since it was already decided. I guess it really fit us since we're always laughing with each other and not really being serious.

I guess I'm not much of a 'traditional' person. In the end, I didn't have what anyone would consider either a normal proposal nor a normal wedding. (Justice of the Peace ceremony because we didn't have the money or inclination to do anything fancier.) We decided to have a big party for our first Anniversary, and that's what we invited all of our family and friends to. Very rarely do I think about and regret not having a "proper" wedding.

I've had a number of people tell me that we did things the better way; that planning their wedding was entirely draining and they had trouble enjoying the day because of how exhausting it was.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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