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When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be?

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Post #482424

8:33 am, Jul 15 2011
Posts: 100

i really like fantasy and sci fi movies so when i was 7 my teacher asked me what i wanted to be when i grow up i said "i want to conquer the world"
but for now i plan to be a computer engineer unless someone is willing to donate a super death ray emitter.

Post #482427
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8:42 am, Jul 15 2011
Posts: 98

i believe i wanted to be a ballet dancer smile


7:05 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 14

Navy Boat Captain,
Film Director,
Or maybe just marry rich. bigrazz

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7:22 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 167

To be a doctor, follow my family footstep though......but thing change my mind smile

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7:26 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 335

For the longest time, it was to join the United States Air Force and become either a jet mechanic or fighter jet pilot. 8D Unfortunately, I had to get glasses which stopped my dream of being a pilot and now I'm not even allowed to join the military because of a stupid food allergy. D:
Now I'm aiming to be a doctor. It's working out.

Post #485733
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5:02 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 410

An architect, a detective, or own an ice-cream van.

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5:07 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 267

I really wanted to be a thief when I was little. I would even practice how to open locked doors and everything, but eventually my mom saw I was serious and sat me down for an hour to explain why I couldn't be a thief (-__-)'''

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The Shorty

5:12 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 330

This is stupid but.. in the past I wanted to conquer the world. LOL. imagine a little kid being the king of the world biggrin

Post #485739
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5:22 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 89

I wanted to be a waiter. xD

Post #485740
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5:26 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 636

Back when I was between 5 or 8, I was really into dinosaurs. I told anyone who would listen that I wanted to be a paleontologist when I grew up.

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
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Pew pew

12:45 am, Jul 30 2011
Posts: 883

A writer and I still do.

Post #486020
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Angel of Sin

12:00 am, Jul 31 2011
Posts: 314

A pilot. I'd still like to be one, but it's too expensive and time-consuming. roll

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12:38 am, Jul 31 2011
Posts: 10

I wanted to become the president of a country
seriously this is just ridiculous , my dream when I'm little that is

Post #486030
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12:40 am, Jul 31 2011
Posts: 28

I wanted to be a super saiyan...and i still do.

Fearless to the point of failing exams
Hobbies include crying in the shower after failing said exams
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1:06 am, Jul 31 2011
Posts: 128

A vet.
Then when I was a teenager and saw that Professors rule over labs in a university, I wanted to be one and rule over my lab.

Now I realize being a lab dictator isn't easy at all.

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