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Post #101199
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9:53 pm, Dec 6 2007
Posts: 154

A lot of us seem to agree with xShatteredSoulx.

I just want to add that until we walk on the shoes of others, we can not claim to understand, much less judge on their sentiments and views. As long as you respect others and harm none; you must let be.

Besides, having in our lives people that love us and that we love in return is the most important thing. Not to sound clichéd, but love is the tie that bind us together. Not blood. Not obligation. Not gratitude. Love.

I do not speak from personal experience; I happen to have a pretty close knit family. I find myself lucky and thank my lucky stars. But I respect to a great degree those that raise themselves above bad experiences and come out better for them. I am not sure if I would be able to do so.

Post #101204
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10:22 pm, Dec 6 2007
Posts: 151

Favorite relative.. That's a tough one... Family isn't worth much to me, I can only imagine how it would feel to have lived in a "real" family none Would probably be a real nice person instead of what I am today.

Mom - Tries to discuss with people without listening to them.. Thinks the world is all about her, can't even take a simple joke, or make one.. Can't shut up, especially during movies. Loves to ruin them by talking about the actors lives IRL. Whines on my grandmother for talking to much none She's also the reason I'm onsocial and didn't have any real friends when I were young none Loves to spy on people and gossip, especially me. Can't have any privacy. Locked myself into my room 23 hours / day.

Dad - Probably my favorite. We're much alike with likes and disslikes etc.. But can seriouslyt get on my nerves with being over serious about unessessary things.. And he never finishes anything he started *looks around the house of "almost done" things*

Brother - Too many bad points.. But we sometimes manage to have enjoyable conversations.. Pain in the *** when he's drunk as well.. Beat him up last time dead

Grandmother - Spoiled us too much, sort of, she's the reason I got fat as a kid.. Fed me with sugar and butter.. Also can't stop talking about old memories I've heard 100 times (literally) no Didn't come on the only day of the year I personally want to spend with them (I'm seriously onsocial.. I hate people.) because my mom hung up of her on the phone after talking for 4 hours.. Havn't visited them on my own since then. mad

Grandfather - Also quite nice, at least when you're doing some work. Just talking doesn't really work, he tries to get anything his way and he's good at it.. Don't ever try to cheat him with money or such. He will find it and make you give him the rest for free. (Former criminal investigator and intelligence officer in the army eyes )

The ones I like the most, but I can't really get along with any of them for a longer period of time no I can generally spend about 30 minutes tops with them.

This life sucked. Where's the reset button?
Ni carú quelórë
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1:00 am, Dec 7 2007
Posts: 11

In my case, I'm also a very lucky girl cause I've got a family that loves me, which I really value, and thinking it well, I think I am the one that is in charge, because my father works and my mother, well, let's say I'm the sargent of the family XD...
My family is composed by:
*my mother who sometime thinks that all what she does is right and that we're at fault (specially dad, they fight a lot but only small fights, nothing really big actually) but she could give her life for us and she's sometimes too selfless...
*my dad is a person who I think, understimates himself, because of some problems with money that he recently had thinking it was his fault (even though I think it didn't was) but that now he's somehow overcoming them. He's also sometimes cold and doen't show openly his emotions, but I kow he loves us.
*my big sis is my inspiration 'cuz of all the hard times she has been through, ( you know what I mean if you had seen the jdrama "1 litre of tears") and even though she demands a lot of attention she's still very kind and doesn't give up.
*my little sis who is my Best friend and whom I share a lot of things like manga XD music, secrets, etc. We're very much alike and what I don't like about her is that she's easily fooledsad.
*my little bro (the first one) is someone who loves videogames, and he suffers from hyperactivity and attention deficit, but now I think has overcome his sudden changes of temper and is much more focused specially on school. Also he's very sweet ( if you don't take his games away haha)biggrin.
*my last brother is believed to be my other brother's twin because they look almost the same and have an age difference of only 1 year, and they do everything together. The bad thing is that he's a lot like me and doesn't like to lose (like me) so we have our fights and thinks he's the oldest brother haha...

Even though I love my family a lot, it's impossible to not fight between us 'cuz of our differences, the fact that not everyone wants to do something, etc. But I think it's okay, because I don't believe in the "perfect family" thing. My family is also a bit crazy but it's fun because you know you've got someone to share your happiness with (well, I don't really have very good friends, let's say they are "just friends" and I'm not interested in boyfriend now)

And I believe my father's family hates us and in my mother side we only get along with only 3 of my cousins and my grandmother (who I usually see them every one or twice a year 'cuz they live in another city). So I do think that a family is created because of the feelings and not because of the blood,and so I do not judge anyone because I don't want to be judge and also because one same thing can be appreciated differently from another point of view or as they say"if we walk in someone's shoes" we could be forced to make decisions that we didn't really think we could have done...

And also a new member has been added to the family: a golden retriever who gave birth to 5 children in my birthday last month and strangely the puppies are alike to each one of us even in personality haha and they're 2 boys and 3 girls (something's fishy bigrazz but that's life) and they're so cute but they're starting to bark and bite so it's noisy and because we left them in the backyard, when I go to take the clothes in, they always scratch me and try to play with me haha...

"Happiness is something you search for, don't wait for it anymore"
Post #102201 - Reply to (#101199) by Makyxed
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4:34 pm, Dec 11 2007
Posts: 2708

Quote from Makyxed
A lot of us seem to agree with xShatteredSoulx.

Which I'm rather flattered by. I have a family member that thinks you should always love anyone that is blood. I can't agree with that. Sharing blood with someone does not make them immediately special.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
Post #102235
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5:45 pm, Dec 11 2007
Posts: 3503

i think blood ties are kind of complicated, for some, it can be something marvelous, but for some others it can be something constricting, a tie that bonds you to others even if you don´t want to.
I´m quite a loner, but i have a big family (i have six brothers and five sisters, i´m the third youngest) i get along with them well, i have many nephews too, and i helped to take care of them when they were babies and watched they grow, so i´m quite proud being an uncle. Sometimes i feel disapointed with some family members, but that means i care for them, still it´s their life, it´s their will to make certain decisions, that i understand. But well, if i have to put some sense in their minds i would.
To pick a favourite relative wouldn´t be right for me, i apreciate people for their positive traits, still considering their negative ones, so i would say i like some traits from certain members. Still, i share a strong bond with some brothers, sisters and nephews.

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!
Post #103185 - Reply to (#102235) by tsuto
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8:50 pm, Dec 14 2007
Posts: 2708

Quote from tsuto
i think blood ties are kind of complicated, for some, it can be something marvelous, but for some others it can be something constricting, a tie that bonds you to others even if you don´t want to.


I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
Post #103842
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11:45 am, Dec 16 2007
Posts: 19

I hate them all.. Seriously I act nice and friendly to them but really I don't care what any of them think or feel.. A complete waste of my time = family time ^_^.

Kittens FTW
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8:53 pm, Dec 16 2007
Posts: 198

my older bro. smile
we drink when i have probs. (even though im underage but im used on drinking beers etc).

hes a cool bro. hes always ther for me smile

when i cut classes he scolds me though >.> but not in a bad way

hes like a father to me (my father is a freak mad )

worrying is just wasting time
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9:00 pm, Dec 16 2007
Posts: 694

both my younger sisters are on cool terms with me, even though we fight a lot they still comes through for me at the important times. XD
my dad is cool too he really open-minded about stuff
and lets just say that my mom can, shall we say, be really uptight dead

"I rebel; therefore I am" - Goblin Kingdom (novel)
"I won’t tell him not to envy, but that man sure is a bag of b*tchery" - Sevens (novel)
"Well… let’s just have some fun with it." - Sevens (novel)
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5:59 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 2708

If you want to know about my family, look at the first post. Those profiles are all based off my relatives.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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6:08 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 974

the only thing that I kinda felt disappointed, that my last sibling is also a male, so another brother, It would be nice If I had a little sister.

"we are people because of other people"
"I am who I am because of who we all are"
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6:14 pm, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 694

dont be disappointed, i wished i had a younger brother but i have two sisters now laugh so i just accepted it and moved on and cuz of that i have a tough little sister lol shes almost like a gang member her school laugh cool

*~sniff~ so proud!*

"I rebel; therefore I am" - Goblin Kingdom (novel)
"I won’t tell him not to envy, but that man sure is a bag of b*tchery" - Sevens (novel)
"Well… let’s just have some fun with it." - Sevens (novel)
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2:49 pm, Dec 20 2007
Posts: 31

meh, I have a 12 year old little sister. We always act like crap toward each other, but i love her anyway.

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1:45 pm, Dec 21 2007
Posts: 2708

My brother and I can fight, but we are very tight.

That rhymes...

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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4:08 pm, Dec 22 2007
Posts: 36

My family is a little weird because we have something like a hierarchy. My grandfather is the patriach, my father will be his successor and quite recently the family council decided that I, despite the fact that I'm a girl, will follow my dad because I'm the oldest in my generation.

You see that there're really reasons to call my family weird and that wasn't all...

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