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Coolest person who has ever lived

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Post #134072 - Reply to (#134036) by Chibidoro-sama
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7:37 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 1574

Quote from Chibidoro-sama
Razor Ramon Sumitami HARD-O GAY!! the coolest-hooooooooooooooooooooo
he still lives, but he will be the coolest even after he dies

a very, very close second. but for me it all comes down to jerry lee lewis.

Post #134075 - Reply to (#133980) by bakafu
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7:57 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 80

Quote from bakafu
Alexander, of course.

Alexander as in Alexander the Great? if that's your guy then defenelty great choice!!!!!!

But my choice has to be non-other than Bruce Lee I mean he has to be the greatest mordern person of all times!!!!!!!! AWAYYYYY better than Chuck Norries!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyes

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Post #134077

8:00 am, Mar 4 2008
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Post #134080

8:10 am, Mar 4 2008

Tallulah Bankhead
her last words before she died were.. "...codeine, bourbon...."

roll eyes
audrey hepburn
Mark Twain
James Dean.

Last edited by glamkitty at 8:19 am, Mar 4 2008

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8:22 am, Mar 4 2008
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The first person to come up with the name Jimmy


"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #134085 - Reply to (#134075) by hey5820
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8:30 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 9026

Quote from hey5820
But my choice has to be non-other than Bruce Lee I mean he has to be the greatest mordern person of all times!!!!!!!! AWAYYYYY better than Chuck Norries!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyes

I agree with this. biggrin

Fact: Bruce Lee owns Chuck Norris. You all saw the movie~ bigrazz j/p

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #134097
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The Gorilla King

9:07 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 1117

The massenger of god ^^

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9:13 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 752

I can't say in this one Chuck Norris, because it is obvious that he surpassed the boundaries of simple humans.

The coolest person who has ever lived was clearly Socrates

A war hero, musician, and the greatest mind of his time, although too humble to ever accept it.

He traveled through the whole Greece humiliating everyone that called himself/herself wise, and while doing that, he became the father of western philosophy.

After 4000 years, the Socratic method is still thought in universities.

Even when his country betrayed him and gave him the death penalty, he kept his "cool" and took it as the great man he was.

BTW, saying Jesus is cheating, he's not considered a "man" by a lot of people.

And I imagine Alexander the Great being fired up all the time more than being cool.

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Post #134104 - Reply to (#134099) by MajorMarmot
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9:30 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 80

I can't say in this one Chuck Norris, because it is obvious that he surpassed the boundaries of simple humans.

Chuck Norries was nothing compared to Bruce Lee...I mean Bruce DID surpassed the boundaries of simple he did it while looking hot!! yeah yeah you can disagree with me about the thing about Bruce Lee being hot but not about his skill plus he had a beautiful mind and that combined is lethal !!!!!!

And I imagine Alexander the Great being fired up all the time more than being cool

How more cool can you be when you die being the first man that almost rule the known world? I don't think you could be cooler than that and doing it while you are still at such a young that's something else! eek

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10:49 am, Mar 4 2008
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You know that the Chuck Norris thing is a joke, right?

Bruce Lee was indeed a better martial artist than Chuck Norris, but he is not even close to the title of the best martial artist who has ever lived.

Jet Lee, in technique and skill is better than Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's huge popularity in america is based in the fact that he was the first HongKong star to be introduced in the western market, not in his personal skill.

BTW, Bruce Lee was a drug addict, his close friends and family accepted this after his dead, one of the leading theories of his dead say that it was because of an overdose....I don't see what is so great about that...

If we are talking about the coolest martial artist who has ever lived, that person most be Bodhidharma

He was the las patriarch of Budism, he founded the Chan school (known in japan as Zen) and he founded Shaolin, and came up with the roots of "shaolin gongfu", the first school of martial arts.

I didn't say that Alexander was not a big deal, but I think he is more "hot" than "cool" because of his passionate personality.

And between Socrates and Alexander, let's remember that Alexander the Great is part of Socrates' legate.

Alexander the Great was Aristotle's disciple
Aristotle was Plato's disciple
Plato was Socrates disciple

Plato founded the Academy, and one of the 2 greatest school's of thinking
Aristotle fonded the other greatest school of logic
Alexander conquered the world

And who was the great master behind all that? Socrates

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11:11 am, Mar 4 2008
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Jesus, or not. I say Mr. T, "Drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk!"

Post #134141 - Reply to (#134121) by MajorMarmot
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11:44 am, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 80


You know that the Chuck Norris thing is a joke, right?

Bruce Lee was indeed a better martial artist than Chuck Norris, but he is not even close to the title of the best martial artist who has ever lived.

Jet Lee, in technique and skill is better than Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's huge popularity in america is based in the fact that he was the first HongKong star to be introduced in the western market, not in his personal skill.

BTW, Bruce Lee was a drug addict, his close friends and family accepted this after his dead, one of the leading theories of his dead say that it was because of an overdose....I don't see what is so great about that...

Wow! YOU just insulted my childhood idol eek

Ok first with the Chuck Norries thing, SOME people consider him the greatest martial artist and in one issue of Black Belt magazine, he was the number one in their poll. So naturally, I thought that you were a fan of his *sorry* Anyways, that settled, my next point was that I was talking about MODERN martial Bruce Lee jump...well he didn't have too since he is on my TOP list anyways.

What Bruce Lee did to martial arts can not be minimized since he's pretty much the father of mix martial arts and he's philosophy in life and the martial arts was pure far as being a drug addict, I don't know if he used them or not(I could cared less) but if I'm not mistaken the greatest minds, artist, writers, and poet at some point used different types of drugs and do their usage of drugs minimizes their accomplishments?? I don't think so.......they are still the greatest!!! it just a shame that they did since some die because of it.

as far as Bruce Lee's death...they are theories like you yourself said! The one that I heard was that he was shot to death and no, I'm not confusing him with his son Brandon Lee.

and thanks for the history lesson, I too pride myself on knowing a bit of world history that said, I never said that he wasn't great! I just think that Alexander the Great was well....greater...cooler if you will..and hotter...! *drools* according to historian he was a handsome man *drools some more*

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Post #134152
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Smooth Operator
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12:25 pm, Mar 4 2008
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Jesus H. Christ is the coolest person ever, and no other person comes close

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12:29 pm, Mar 4 2008
Posts: 79

George Bush is the coolest. I mean, he knocked down the towers to invade iraq to stop Saddam Hussein who was his dad's arch nemesis...

Post #134154 - Reply to (#134153) by projectz
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12:33 pm, Mar 4 2008
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Quote from projectz
George Bush is the coolest. I mean, he knocked down the towers to invade iraq to stop Saddam Hussein who was his dad's arch nemesis...

Not funny. Conspiracy theories only make people look like idiots.

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