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Dying Girl Cyberbullied

With sentence is closer to what you feel?
Those people deserve to get aids
Let me send the girls family some more money
Is this a hoax? is so hard to believe there is people as stupid as this
I don't give a crap about this
This is all a conspiracy!!! little dying white girl is cyberbullied by stupid foreigners, results people unite under the banner of passing new legislation to make punishment for crimes done in the net... really? are we dump enough to not see this?
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Lord of nonsense

6:35 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 1310 -dying-girl-cyberbullied-neighbors/?test=latestnews

I feel a little of C, D and yeah E...

Can't believe anything in the news this days...

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0n3 Winged

7:07 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 603

lol, Cyber bullying...
Come on, its the internet. If you send a kid on there you SHOULD be aware of what lurks on it. Can you really stop people thinking ill of you?

You know one of great things about the internet is that it gives everyone a voice... Unfortunatly they all use it.

Last edited by fr33noob at 7:14 am, Oct 13 2010

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I believe in letting people do as they wish, as do I myself. Sometimes, of course, what I wish to do is kill them and they do not wish to die. This gives life interest.
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Post #415382
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7:21 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 989

eh...what are the donations for?

its cold down here fam ~
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jail bait

7:23 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 1444

i feel sorry for her.. poor girl.. but oh cmon its the net! people who are nice in real life are badass here.. and people who are badass originally in real life will kill you...
but anyway.. i voted A! lolzzzz... because thats just mean! and i know.. i know! somebody will quote me afterwards saying "so just because theyre jerks they deserve to have AIDS?"
well yes.. i think so! laugh

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
Post #415384 - Reply to (#415382) by MewMan
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7:28 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 825

Quote from MewMan
eh...what are the donations for?

For people (the donators) to feel good about themselves.

Far-off places with sweet sounding names.
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7:42 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 963

huntingtons disease is sad. related

why because i am the president of the student council of course

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Post #415388
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7:45 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 1354

The source is Fox News. dead

'Nuff said.


7:50 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 1041

ppl these days grow up thinking they are so special and what they think matters

why would i care if you have
aids,cancer, other serious problem
why should i care if you
have been molested by your father/mother

take your problems to someone who gets paid to care
not random ppl online who does not give a shit if you live or die

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7:51 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 468

I see no reason not to prosecute for crimes committed online. Cyber-harassment / stalking has the same results, and is carried out in nearly the same fashion (just easier for the culprit.)

Though truth be told, I'd be quite happy with the internet requiring some sort of ID card to log on - something to prevent people from lying about who they are when committing business transactions, screwing around on social networks, etc... Could save lives.

Sure, make it optional... Businesses and people could simply choose not to interact with 'anonymous' users.

p.s. I voted for C. Seems like a sham, or incredibly stupid people (the neighbors.)

Post #415398
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8:31 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 340

Well... if anything the grandmother should thank the neighbors then... they got publicity and a crapload of donations. As for the family... I hope they like hot weather because they'll be enjoying it for a long long time...

Post #415400
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8:31 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 217

does the little girl go on facebook to get bullied well if you feel sorry for her rather than donating to the family wouldn't it be bettter to donate to the people researching for the cure and i do not think that what those people did was right but rather messed up it does not even tell you what the grandmother did to get them hyped up like that though that could also be a stupid and pointless reason.

Post #415403 - Reply to (#415388) by tartufo
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8:59 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 3342

Quote from tartufo
The source is Fox News. dead

'Nuff said.


"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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9:45 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 228

"raised more than $9,000 for a shopping spree for the girl"

Shopping spree. Really? I don't think that's gonna fix anything.

Does not compute.
Post #415412 - Reply to (#415382) by MewMan
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10:11 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 636

Quote from MewMan
eh...what are the donations for?

If someone is being bullied, the appropriate solution is to raise a media hubbub and get them sent MONEY!...right?

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

10:35 am, Oct 13 2010
Posts: 312

Legislation is the bane of free speech, and has no place on the internet for things like trolling.

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