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New Poll - Physical Health Problems Caused by Manga

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9:17 am, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 10691

This poll suggested by comel is about any physical health problems caused by reading manga. I do realize that this would be better suited as a survey (as then you could choose multiple options), but just choose the most prevalent health problem that you've had.

You can discuss this poll on our forum here:

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related):

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Feelings on newer covers of manga volumes already released in the past
Sure! An updated cover is always nice! - votes: 1555 (15.4%)
Only alright if the cover was made by the original author - votes: 4327 (43%)
No way. What was wrong with the old one? - votes: 1079 (10.7%)
Cover doesn't matter. It's the inside that does - votes: 3105 (30.8%)
There were 10066 total votes.
The poll ended: April 9th 2011

Sorry, I forgot to add a choice "Only if it's better"

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #537479
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all hail schneizel

11:29 am, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 196

Uh, no. Are there really people who get health problems from reading manga? It's the same thing as being an avid reader of any type of book.

Post #537480
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12:43 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 636

and I started vomiting out gallons of maple syrup!

Just kidding, nothing happened.

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
Post #537481

1:24 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 83

Occasionally. That's about it. :S

Post #537482

3:14 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 9

Indirectly, I suppose.
I don't have any problems from reading manga, but i do from sitting in a chair for too long. Those problems being very stiff shoulders. <_<

Post #537483 - Reply to (#537482) by Zwagon
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11:45 pm, Apr 9 2011
Posts: 3

Stiff shoulders, eye pain, headache etc but all these are problems caused by excessive use of computer. Be it manga reading or doing something else

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6:48 am, Apr 10 2011
Posts: 380

I get a sore jaw from fast-paced stuff like Eyeshield 21. And reading Berserk gave me headaches. Generally it's the ones that are hard to put down.

They say it's the thought that counts, but then they tell you, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions......"

Will no one scanlate Takahashi Miyuki?! T_T
Post #537485
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2:11 pm, Apr 10 2011
Posts: 306

I once couldn't move my jaw for a time period, because I would always read while resting my head on my hands. Evidently the pressure built up and it felt like my jaw was dislocated lol


9:59 am, Apr 11 2011
Posts: 2

when you try to do a super hella fucking kick-punch shit in the air, after seeing it in a shounen manga

~ ザキヂン ~

2:35 pm, Apr 11 2011
Posts: 33

"omg I'm so tired... but just this one chapter before I go to bed... ... eh? that late? but I'm so near to the ending >_>"

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and riffle their pockets for new vocabulary - James Nicoll
Post #537488

6:56 pm, Apr 12 2011
Posts: 5

But my bank account has problems bigrazz

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Ink Penn

5:34 am, Apr 13 2011
Posts: 26

There should've been a separate option for 'insomnia' x)

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Post #537490 - Reply to (#537489) by an_ink_pen
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Site Admin

11:48 am, Apr 13 2011
Posts: 2275

That would go under "other".

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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