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Simple, who's your favorite couple?

The couple you're cheering for?
1) Yakumo & Harima
2) Sawachika & Harima
3) Tenma & Harima
4) Tenma & Karasuma
5) ...Yakumo & Hanai....?
6) Suou and Hanai...
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Post #2534
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10:10 pm, Dec 1 2006
Posts: 306

Man i love this series so much, dunno why but i've watched the entire 1st season twice, the entire 2nd season once, and the entire manga from the beginning to the end over the summer. I'm all for the onigiri faction (Yakumo & Harima) all the way! I blame Yakumo-chan for making me like this series so much.

Post #2538

4:35 am, Dec 2 2006
Posts: 1

gotta cheer for hyper active Harima x Tenma, i mean his love for Tenma is so strong , so pure..........o.k at least if Tenma noticed that

i just started reading this series and man i gotta say, i love to see Tenma face when Harima finally tell how his feeling to her

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hitting by a truck when try to convince her does not count

Post #2539

6:02 am, Dec 2 2006
Posts: 68

I'm betweev Yakumo+Harima and Sawachika+Harima. My vote will most probably go to Yakumo though.

and SiLNet is the manga finished? I thought that it was still on-going.

Last edited by Psycho at 7:49 am, Dec 2 2006

Post #2540
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7:29 am, Dec 2 2006
Posts: 555

You mean Yakumo embarrassed

I'm hardcore on Sawachika (even have an eBay account with her last name), and Yakumo is a distant second.

I absolutely hate Tenma. She plays the ditzy girl and it doesn't work for me.

Last edited by Hostile at 3:58 pm, Dec 2 2006

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11:36 am, Dec 2 2006
Posts: 406

i'm a fan of yakumo and harima pairing

as an aside, i like karasuma.. but.. i don't think its possible to pair him up with some one.. he's just a lil strange

favourite characters are yakumo and karasuma.. but i don't imagine i'll ever see them together

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Post #2566
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12:08 am, Dec 3 2006
Posts: 306

Quote from Psycho
I'm betweev Yakumo+Harima and Sawachika+Harima. My vote will most probably go to Yakumo though.

and SiLNet is the manga finished? I thought that it was still on-going.

Yup it's still ongoing, but i just wanted to see who everyone voted for. i meant that i read the mange starting from the very beginnig to wherever they're at, after i watched the anime.

Quote from Hostile
You mean Yakumo embarrassed

Yes, yes i do mean yakumo lol. the late nights have gotten to me xD. i dunno how to change it, but it'd be great if you can change it for me with your all mighty admin powers ^^

Post #2808
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9:02 pm, Dec 9 2006
Posts: 5

Personally, I'm a fan of Eri+Kenji; they have really good chemistry whenever they aren't at each other's throats. I can't say that I don't like Yakumo+Kenji, but their interplay isn't as fun to watch/read and besides, it would stop being interesting the moment Kenji actually fell in love with Yakumo, since then she would be able to read his mind, there wouldn't be any doubts or anything like that in the way anymore. If Kenji and Yakumo do getr together, it marks the end of Kenji as a main character in the series.

Post #2812

9:31 pm, Dec 9 2006

Sawashika all the way!
and Yakumo a close second...
Yakumo is nice and all... but you can't beat the fun you get out of pairing Harima and Sawashika!
And man you reminded me that I have to get myself up to date with this serie... (curse these exams!!!)

Post #2818 - Reply to (#2808) by Jace411
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2:06 am, Dec 10 2006
Posts: 306

Quote from Jace411
Personally, I'm a fan of Eri+Kenji; they have really good chemistry whenever they aren't at each other's throats. I can't say that I don't like Yakumo+Kenji, but their interplay isn't as fun to watch/read and besides, it would stop being interesting the moment Kenji actually fell in love with Yakumo, since then she would be able to read his mind, there wouldn't be any doubts or anything like that in the way anymore. If Kenji and Yakumo do getr together, it marks the end of Kenji as a main character in the series.

you bring up some good points there. But, its a manga, so things can happen. like, when yakumo falls in love with someone who loves her back (not the same way as her sister) she might stop being able to read the minds of those who like her. her power is a bit vague after all as to the source and specifications and such. So it'd always be nice to dream ^^

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3:58 am, Dec 10 2006
Posts: 16

Eri X Harima
Though in last chapter Yakumo made a comeback i'm still sure that Flag will win in the end.

Post #2840
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11:58 am, Dec 10 2006
Posts: 306

gwah, the typo in the polls is hurting my eyes now xD, can anybody please fix it for me, lol... or tell me how to fix it?

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1:33 pm, Dec 10 2006
Posts: 10688

Oh, there was a mistake?...That better? Or did I fix the wrong thing?...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #2861
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1:47 pm, Dec 10 2006
Posts: 306

you got it, thanks so much lambchopsil, much <3, it was hurtin me that it was spelt wrong lol.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 2:31 pm, Dec 10 2006

Post #2912
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2:25 am, Dec 11 2006
Posts: 306

gwah my last post got edited lol, did i spell another name wrong too?! o.o

maybe i should just stick to 'hey you', 'this girl', 'this guy' and whatnot >.<

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6:55 am, Dec 11 2006
Posts: 10688

Actually, you DID spell my name wrong...

But let's get back on topic, shall we?

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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