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New Poll - Live-Action Hollywood Adaptation

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11:14 pm, May 20 2011
Posts: 10691

In honor of the film Priest, our member Karonhioktha suggested this poll. The choices aren't necessarily the best, but choose your best pick.

You can discuss this poll on our forums here:

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related):

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Your view of romance in a manga
All series need at least some romance! - votes: 5975 (42.9%)
I'd rather see some romance - votes: 4406 (31.7%)
Doesn't matter to me - votes: 2822 (20.3%)
I'd rather not read any - votes: 551 (4%)
I hate romance. I want none at all - votes: 163 (1.2%)
There were 13917 total votes.
The poll ended: May 21st 2011

Wow, we got lots of romance lovers! (And to be honest, I like reading my romance too)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #537798
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still lurqing

3:44 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 335

the result of the poll is ... um .... well, very hollywood.
(as hollywood movies always try to put romances, even as minor subplot if the main plot isn't about it)

grammar mistake is intentional, grammar nazis need their entertainment.
Post #537799
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Site Admin

4:12 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 2275

"I don't like how they choose the actors" probably should have been "As long as the people working on it are not completely inept."

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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6:17 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 422

Only the Guyver movies were ever good.

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Quote from purple716
Is there any manga where the male lead has an illness known as stomach ulcers.Yaoi are fine top.
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7:46 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 37

Wouldn't watch them if my life depended on it - It's best if hollywood stays away from manga and anime culture!


9:08 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 69

i don't think i've ever seen a manga/anime to hollywood film. (not even Speed Racer and I grew up on that and I LOVE Rain) but I'd have less problem with them if I wasn't aware they'd be whitewashed :/ I think some anime/manga fans are a little silly with their reasons on why they don't want a HW adaptation of their fave series though.

Oh wait i like transformers but tbh i barely watched the anime transformers. While I do have problems with that film franchise, it doesn't have to do with the adaptation from the original source but the misogyny/racism that's in the film.

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Cheffing 4 life

9:16 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 48

anything holywood does will always be a bastardized version of the original. I can't remember which series but I've seen the main character go from his original personality to the american badass you can see in any movie.

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10:34 am, May 21 2011
Posts: 27

Depends on the type of anime. Death Note worked pretty well with a live action adaptation. Besides the shinigami, everything was pretty much just normal acting. Anime like Bleach don't work as well in live-action - it has to be all CG , cheesy, etc. It's a very different feel.

Post #537805
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all hail schneizel

12:27 pm, May 21 2011
Posts: 196

*twitch* *twitch* They're almost as bad as English dubs!

"They ruin the series no matter what!"


1:10 pm, May 21 2011
Posts: 84

I don't mind localization so much, if its done well. Unfortunately, I don't think its done well too often. In anime I'd say about 2/3 of the dubs aren't good and I'm saying this as someone who would prefer a dub. In movie remakes of foreign films, I think its a mixed record. I thought the Ring (based on the J-horror Ringu) was decent, but movies like Point of no Return (based on La Femme Nikita) are awful. So what hope is there for good Hollywood live-action adaptations of manga or anime? I'd say very little. We might get the occasional one that gets everybody's hopes up, but most will bite and I'm not asking for a completely faithful or slavish devotion to original source. I don't mind some changes just make it a good story and that will get people interested in the original source material. But look at the mess the Akira live-action adaptation is turning into, its gotten to the point where they may not even make it now. So in general I would say most of the time Hollywood ruins things.

Post #537807

4:10 pm, May 22 2011
Posts: 25

They never do it right. If they'd learn from their mistakes, then awesome! But if they end up like Dragonball Evolution where they take the characters and make their own story, that's just expensive fanfiction! And not even good expensive fanfiction!

Post #537808

12:56 am, May 24 2011
Posts: 20

missing the it's so horrible that I couldn't stop laughing, I mean live action DBZ with full constipation hrrrrrrrrr! with western actors that only about a quarter of which know about the journey to the west reference throughout the DB story.

Post #537809 - Reply to (#537804) by geowrian

5:30 pm, May 28 2011
Posts: 15

But that wasn't a Hollywood adaption, and the poll's about the live-action adaptions done in Hollywood. It makes sense to not do a poll about Japanese live-action adaptions, unless it's "Are you interested in getting to see them?" Outside of maybe Crunchyroll, I don't think very many ever do turn up subbed, in either fan or official releases.

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