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Gender drop down menu option "hermaphrodite"

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1:38 am, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 5

Has anyone else noticed the fact that the gender drop down menu contains the option "hermaphrodite"? I have sent a request to change it but after reviewing it nothing has changed. Does anyone understand why nothing has happened? This needs to be changed. Hermaphrodite is a stigmatizing and misleading word. "The word "hermaphrodite" implies that a person is born with two sets of genitals -- one male and one female -- and this is something that cannot occur" (Intersex Society of North America). This is a word that is used as a slur to opress Intersex peoples. The fact that this option is also placed below alien is revolting and discrimnatory. I understand the effort to be inclusive but if you wish to do so then do it correctly or not at all. The alien option is to be humorous and that is okay but it is entirely unessasary to put a true gender below that of a humorous one. The option should be changed to Intersex or other. Hermaphrodite is a word that is no longer used and I hope that this changes.

Last edited by xXVampiraXx at 1:55 am, Sep 5 2017

Post #694995
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Mythical Creature

3:42 am, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 285

Its there for fun and sillies just like alien. Get a grip.

Edit: on a serious note, it could be neat if the gender box just let you type whatever which I have seen on some sites.

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8:09 am, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 454

The only thing about this that bothers me is that I can't check alien and hermaphrodite.

So yeah, just hermaphrodite for me............and yeah, you really do need to lighten up a bit.

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11:06 am, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 143

I never bothered to specify my gender so I never knew MU had such an option. :/ Quite off-putting.

Post #695005
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Mythical Creature

12:00 pm, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 285

I always figured it was used to jokingly mean Futa. This is a manga site after all.

Post #695009 - Reply to (#694995) by Cthylla

3:03 pm, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 5

This is not "fun and sillies" this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and fixed. I realize this doesn't impact your life so you probably dont care but this effects others. I will not "get a grip" as you so helpfully noted. The option to type your gender would be a nice option and addresses the problem.

Telling someone to "lighten up" is a good way to come across as patronizing and dismissive.

Even if it was to jokingly refer to futa it is still an inncorrect term to use. This fetishizes Intersex peoples and turns them into a joke for the entertainment of others. Its stigmatizing and projects an inncorrect view of Intersex peoples.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:13 pm, Sep 5 2017

Post #695020
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Mythical Creature

5:13 pm, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 285

There are people that legitimately identify as hermaphrodites.

Post #695022
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7:25 pm, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 112

nobody even looks at profiles tbh, its not a big deal.

I know it may seem like a big deal atm to you but unless you yourself are intersex i don't see a reason to be offended except to be offended/politically correct.

iirc other or N/A was an option.

(I've been a member of this site for nearly 6 years, and nothing at all has been changed. Because this site has no dedicated coder or designer. Get used to what you see because if this site is still around in 10 years it'll still be identical.)

[@staff: no real complaints from me, just being brutally honest to make a point]

Last edited by oGaga at 7:33 pm, Sep 5 2017

Fujoshis rule!
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10:18 pm, Sep 5 2017
Posts: 32

I don't see how putting "labels" on yourself is more important here. How much will people care what gender you are? Regardless of gender, people come here for manga, not gender identities or political correctness (unless that's the topic of the manga).

Edit: I might go to hell for this, but this is just my immature/ insensitive opinion.

Last edited by Nekonyan45 at 10:46 pm, Sep 5 2017

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12:53 am, Sep 6 2017
Posts: 143

Quote from oGaga
nobody even looks at profiles tbh, its not a big deal.

I sometimes check out people's profiles if I suspect they have good taste in manga, but that's besides the point. To give an analogy, regardless of the fact anyone sees your profile, it could be a jarring experience to try select your race in a drop down menu only to find a slur word used instead. :/

This isn't a gag website, so that kind of "humor" coming from left field isn't really appropriate. Still, I give MU the benefit of the doubt as to why such an option was included in the first place. Hermaphrodite and intersex can be the same word in some languages. And it's common for people to confused the two terms, or not even know that the former can be offensive.

You're probably right about the sluggish response being due to their lack of programmers though. MU seems to get quick fixes done really quickly. I submitted a request for spoiler tags in a manga review just a few days ago and it's already been remedied.

Post #695030 - Reply to (#695009) by xXVampiraXx
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1:07 am, Sep 6 2017
Posts: 454

Quote from xXVampiraXx
I realize this doesn't impact your life so you probably dont care but this effects others.

Telling someone to "lighten up" is a good way to come across as patronizing and dismissive.

Who told you this "doesn't impact your life", huh? Maybe it's that I'm just not nearly as uptight as you're going out of your way to be about this.

Good deal, being patronizing and dismissive is exactly what I was trying to convey to you. You're making something into a big deal apparently just to hear the sound of your own voice roaring in your ears.

Post #703263
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Witch of Heart

11:21 pm, Sep 21 2017
Posts: 102

I'm disgusted by the responses of such insensitive and selfcentered people in this topic.

OP makes a valid point. For those of you who never had to fight for the right of having your identity respected, congrats, you are truly blessed people. But don't make this any harder for those of us who have to. Regarding gender, I'm not intersex nor trans, but if they are saying that something offends them, don't you dare say to them it's "no big deal", to "chill" or be less "uptight". Instead, think how would you feel if a part of your identity is referred as in a dehumanizing way, making you feel less, only for shits and giggles.

Anyway, it doesn't even matter if OP is intersex or not, that was never the question. It as a fact that "hermaphrodite" is a slur. And one knowing this, it is their moral duty to fight against it. Quoting Edmund Burke: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

I love MU and the idea of people feeling bad right off the bat when registering here is simply horrible, so I hope this gets changed soon.

Post #703267 - Reply to (#703263) by lihmao

3:00 am, Sep 22 2017
Posts: 264

1) No, its not a slur, you are thinking of the term shemale.
2) Hermaphrodite is a medical/scientific term because there are hermaphrodites in wild, see snails as an example if I remember right,
3) at best a troll, see the name they used and the all of 2 posts they made, and at worst they are part of a culture war where they are trying to exerpt power by forcing people to conform to their standards.

The way I see it you either take out the joke answers and give the reason that people took offense, and only have the two biological sexes humans can be, or ignore them, I vote ignore because that's all people who take offense deserve.

I may be callous on this, but being forced through diversity training, and every hobby/interest I have getting infested with far left marxists kind of has this effect on you.

christ I came here because I thought this was going to be a fun topic I saw from the main page and just got pissed off.

Post #703274 - Reply to (#703263) by lihmao
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9:20 am, Sep 22 2017
Posts: 454

Quote from lihmao
I'm disgusted by the responses of such insensitive and selfcentered people in this topic.

Oh my God, just listen to're calling others self-centered while in the same breath saying the entire world should change to appease the overwrought sensitivities of one person O_O

You're not seeing the conflict in your position? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" never heard that one when you were growing up?

OP needs to just get on with their life, live it just the way they want to no matter what anyone says, and you......well, you just need to take that gung ho social justice warrior crap and try it on people dim enough to be willing to let you run over them, which is basically all you really want to do as near as I can tell.

Post #703278 - Reply to (#703267) by alidan
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Witch of Heart

11:03 am, Sep 22 2017
Posts: 102

Quote from alidan
1) No, its not a slur, you are thinking of the term shemale.
2) Hermaphrodite is a medical/scientific term because there are hermaphrodites in wild, see snails as an example if I remember right,
3) at best a troll, see the name they used and the all of 2 posts they made, and at worst they are part of a culture war where they are trying to exerpt power by forcing people to conform to their standards.

1-2) Like you said, hermaphrodites in the wild. Not humans. When using it to refer to humans it is dehumanizing. OP even quoted the OII (Organization Intersex International).

3) Hilarious. Have you ever tried, you know, learning History? LGBTQIA+ people never tried to (nor could) "exerpt power by forcing people to conform to their standards", actually, it was quite the opposite. The standard is being heterossexual cisbinary (preferably man, rich and also white, in a lot of countries). It's funny when we speak up to say we won't conform and should be referred by terms that best describe our identity suddenly there are people saying we shouldn't rotulate (which they were doing in a offensive manner up until then) or that we are forcing them to conform.

The rest of the post doesn't even deserve comments (above was just in case other people could share these absurd and misguided notions).

Quote from svines85
Oh my God, just listen to're calling others self-centered while in the same breath saying the entire world should change to appease the overwrought sensitivities of one person O_O

You're not seeing the conflict in your position? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" never heard that one when you were growing up?

First of all, it is not one person but a group of people called INTERSEX. And yes, everybody, every group and person should be treated with respect.

No, I have not (not native), only the Rihanna version, thank you. (in: on how to make a joke without being offensive). Anyway, it's not quite the truth, is it? Back at you, haven't you ever heard "the pen (or word) is mightier than the sword"? While one hurts people in body, the other can harm or heal people at the deepest levels of their being. It's not a matter of people calling, idk, "ugly" (which is still bad), but using it to harm their identity, who they intrinsically are. Words are powerful because they convey a certain message - certain group is less human, por example - and if we don't give it the importance it deserves we will allow evil to fester on these harmful ideas.

Besides, it's not the type of thing one can just ignore, instead it haunts people their entire life, to the point of not being able to get jobs, walking the streets without fear and constantily hearing people say hateful things only because they refuse to respect a part of someone else identity that makes no difference whatsoever in their lives.

What I don't get is: the term "hermaphrodite" how it is being used offends people. It doesn't make ANY (bad) difference in anyone lives if it's removed. If you think of saying it does, answer this: does the removal of "hermaphrodite" offends you, your identity, a part of who you are? If it does, please explain it carefully so the rest of us can understand. If not, just leave. The dignity of a person has more value than the the few laughs you can get off it.

Last edited by lihmao at 11:18 pm, Sep 22 2017

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