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What type of end do you wish for at this point?

Berserk what type of end do you wish for at this point?
1. Forced and/or Quick ending.
2. Continue down this road and see what that end may look like, and just hope for the best.
3. I don't care if there is a end or what form the manga takes as long as it continues.
4. I hope for a straight fantasy ending where Griffith and Guts can come to understand each other and be friends and the Apostles continue living happily with the humans...
5. I hope for more pirates, ships, fairies and little girls and somewhat unrelated, only mildly frightening, fantasy monsters before the end.
6. I just wish Miura would tell us he quit so we could get over it.
7. Other
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Post #650833

12:24 pm, Aug 28 2014
Posts: 130

I love where the story is going, but I personally feel like Miura can go suck his head out of his ass with his pouty little bitchlips. Unless he's just lost it and is trying desperately to get it back, I have ZERO respect for him as an author/human being.

Post #654438 - Reply to (#635194) by Azula
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Blue Princess

5:57 pm, Oct 18 2014
Posts: 118

Quote from Azula
If Naruto finishes before Berserk releases a new chapter, then Berserk would end up dead to me.

I kind-of currently don't give a damn about it anymore.

I guess what I posted is becoming a reality.
The day an ongoing manga like Naruto ends (Including the anime as well) before Berserk shows Guts in future chapters, I am done with that series. Because Berserk is practically 70% done, and each release is less than 20 pages. Regardless of art details, how can you tell a story like this?


1:12 pm, May 3 2015
Posts: 1041

I wonder if Miura is depressed becouse the movies failed
did not do so well in theaters nor dvd/BR sales
or maybe becouse he himself thought they sucked

maybe thats why he refuse to work this time around

i hope the magazine just goes in an end it

waiting 200+days for 1 chapter/18 pages is not fun anymore

it is not like i have a super hectic life or anything but i cant remember imprtant ppls name when they show up like 1time every 3 years now
and i refuse to reread berserk everytime a new chapter is about to get released just so ican remember the prostitutes name or what the boys name was from 15years ago that became a blacksmith omg
for gods sake work man WORK

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8:58 pm, May 11 2015
Posts: 131

You people need to accept the fact that you're all going to die before it ends or Miura's going to die first before finishing.

I love Berserk and love re-reading it, but I've accepted the fact that this series isn't going to end any time soon (or if ever). Miura's never going to release chapters consistently enough to give hope that there is going to be a proper end.

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Best of the Worst

9:23 pm, May 11 2015
Posts: 56

Wow, I really didn't think anyone would want the ending to be abruptly rushed out. To be honest I don't really care how long it takes I just don't want such a good series to have a half-assed ending.

I'd really like to see a double KO ending. Griffith and Gats have their epic battle and kill each other in one final moment of awesome restoring balance to the world. eyes

Cynicism at its best.
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Seinen is RIGHT

2:08 pm, May 24 2015
Posts: 2409

My opinion on page 1 still stands (i am a fan of the fairies and little girls) and i would like to see an ending comparable to Cowboy Bebop or a Shakespearean Tragedy but here is the Berserk Hiatus chart for all that want to play along @home. I started out in 2006 which saw 14 chapters eek .
The pachinko machine i mentioned the other thread was so successful that a new one just came out and Miura drew an illustration for a contest recently so he is alive.
My wish for the future is a new artbook which he was against a few years ago.
I further hope that the man finally took a vacation over the last 7 months as a steady release schedule may be nice but i do want him to survive the experience.

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7:01 pm, Jul 1 2015
Posts: 8

Yeah, the art is great and all as Residentgrigo said before, though I am not a fan of what it has become. I would rather him go back to art as good as the lost children and conviction and get steady releases if that is what it takes, though in reality, it seems that making the art less detailed is not what it takes because his mini-series was obviously done recently and with scheduled releases that happened on time. If you look at the art in comparison to Berserk's art you would know that the Mini Series Art at least was done very recently. Even if he had been working on the mini-series storyline for a while the art was done quickly enough to get releases out super fast compared to the Berserk releases. So his mini-series proved essentially that it is not the art quality that is slowing him down on Berserk.

I guess to me, I would like a ending where Both Griffith and Guts die and the world goes back to normal or else, since Guts is already considered a monster kinda, when he kills Griffith and gets rid of that tree thing that Ganishka turned into and the god hand and manages separating the 2 worlds again, it would be cool if he ends up in the other layer with the supernatural creatures so he can go on fighting. Can anyone see Guts settling down retiring his sword completely and just chilling out? I can't. So that is how I hope to see it end.

If I were to speculate as to why Berserk has so many hiatus it would be because as Miura got older he lost interest in writing Berserk because he himself changed and his views changed. Just like all people do as they get older. The reason he has not stopped working on Berserk if this is the reason is because he wants to finish what he started even if he has to push himself there slowly, not just for himself but for the fans.

Another reason I could see he is doing all these hiatus is because like most authors when he decided to do Berserk he wasn't given a blank check saying do as you feel when you feel it. He had written where he wanted his story to go and how he wanted it to get there, publishers don't just tell authors do as you please and we will publish it. They have to agree on the concept and where it is going before they even agree to publish at all. So what could have happened is Miura got older and his views and manga changed in ways some of us like and some of us don't, he decided he wanted to take it in a different direction than he originally got it approved for. The publisher disagrees and wants him to create something closer to the original vision. This brings up a dispute in direction much like the way we fans have them, but because Miura is the creator if he refuses to make it the way the publisher wants it, Berserk will go nowhere, same with the publisher, because of all the hiatus no other magazine will probably take it up at this point. So both are stuck at a standoff where one wants Berserk to go one way and the other wants it to go a different way. Hell it could be the publisher is the one that wants Berserk to go more mainstream like it has been with mermaids and pirates and Miura wants to push away from that and keep Berserk what it was, but I think a disagreement in Berserk's direction by key players in putting the manga out could potentially be the reason for all these hiatus too. But all this amounts to is just speculation in the end.

I hope we drop Casca off at Elfhelm soon and move on. That's what I want in the near future... get rid of his new entourage while he is at it. Just leave in the night with Puck. Maybe some of them would follow after him after they find that he is gone. However, that's how I hope the immediate future with Guts plays out.

Sorry for such a large post... I kinda ramble a lot.


10:11 am, Jan 27 2016
Posts: 678

I'm still down with the story myself, I don't mind the direction it's taking. It seems to me that the quality of the story really isn't the problem, it's the length of the releases. If it was shorter periods of time in between, there wouldn't be as much frustration we are all experiencing on the story. It's still solid, and the path is pretty good. In the end I don't know about Gut's settling down... But I don't think he's going to walk away normally either. At the rate he's going, his body itself is going to breakdown, possibly leaving him paraplegic or something similar. He's already having a hard time healing as is, and that suit, as awesome as it is, just makes things worse for him. But as I said, I still love the manga, just wish it wasn't delayed as much as it has been, just so others can appreciate it just as I do.

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Post #686297

12:12 pm, Dec 2 2016
Posts: 501

I wouldn't mind seeing a happy ending myself. Considering all the shit Guts has gone through, the guy deserves it. Griffith better die and Casca better be cured. Considering how Guts is driven by Casca now, it's gonna be retarded if Guts doesn't end up with her unless either he or she dies.

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