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what if we didn't have computers

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jail bait

9:20 pm, Aug 30 2009
Posts: 1444

what if there are still no computers up to this day??
i mean im thinking this while im sitting in front of my computer because i have nothing to do because its a national holiday and i havent made plans with my friends...
what would you be doing now?? answer to this is perhaps if there is no computer out there im going to be an explorer who goes to different places...but that would be difficult because of the lack of technology so basically that would be my life would be slow...that kind of living will probably just continue until the day i die...

omg!! is this a repeat topic??!!...oh man... dead

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The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
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2nd wave MU user

4:24 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 7784

We'd all be annoyed
like Vlad III when he didn't have
the intrabutts and had to find other

Or I could just be pimping.

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9:27 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 963

no compturs.
man life would be sooooo much funner.
we wouldn't be so bent over wasting life over the monitor all day.
instead we'd be deeply involved with the world.
i'm sure we wouldn't have alot of problems in our world.
less social problems, no CVS (computer vision syndrome)
people would be much smarter. they'd possibly read more books, sing more, draw more, what ever there passion is, it would be 20 times more if you didn't suck up your time in the computer.
i would be writing alll day, drawing all day, exploring more, have muuuchhhh more friends.

great post.
although u should have named it
"what if we didn't have computers.."
to draw more attention
ask one of the moderators to edit the topic title.
trust me, it'll be worth it bigrazz

why because i am the president of the student council of course

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Post #317541
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9:38 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 1619

A) I wouldn't be married to my husband because I'd have never met him otherwise. cry

B) I'd probably read and watch movies more.

C) I'd work more on my SCA hobbies (illumination/scrollwork, mosaics, medieval dance, etc.)

D) Oh, and I wouldn't have my current job, either. I might be an ESL teacher or something.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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Rebel Rebel

9:58 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 1230


I'd probably read more books. Draw. Go out more often. Live life...?

Actually, it would probably be better for me. So many hours wasted sitting in front of my laptop.


9:59 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 74

More paperwork at my job than I have now.... i.e. I'd actually be earning my paycheck laugh

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10:09 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 1901

I'd be force to steal movies and books and games from department stores.

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10:16 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 963

well if we never had computers
we wouldn't have videogames

why because i am the president of the student council of course

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Post #317549 - Reply to (#317546) by shaggievara
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10:20 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 1027

Quote from shaggievara
I'd be force to steal movies and books and games from department stores.

Same here. laugh

If the sea were made of Whiskey and I was a duck
I'd swim to the bottom and never come up
Post #317551
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10:39 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 746

If we didn't have computers then world communication would be stunted. Newspapers would still be worth something (instead of plummeting like they are now) Some people who died from playing too long would still be alive. (Or they'd find something else to overdose on) Um. In terms of just me. I would be reading books or sketching stuff more >_>;

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10:53 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 248

No pc's !!!!! bite your tongue if there weren't any pc's i'd have to to be more social and deal more with people *shudder at the thought*.

And i'll have to finds ways to spent my time, personally i think i would read and write more and research the occult&supernatural.
Or just be a criminal mastermind by using all that free time to plot my schemes *laughs an evil villainous laugh *

Words to live by: "Let sleeping dogs lie"
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11:15 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 157

I'd probably study music, or be an unhappy government worker.(I'm doing my degree in computer science)

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Post #317560 - Reply to (#317538) by tokyo_homi
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2nd wave MU user

11:19 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 7784

Quote from tokyo_homi
no compturs.
man life would be sooooo much funner.
we wouldn't be so bent over wasting life over the monitor all day.
instead we'd be deeply involved with the world.
i'm sure we wouldn't have alot of problems in our world.
less social problems, no CVS (computer vision syndrome)
people would be much smarter. they'd possibly read more books, sing more, draw more, what ever there passion is, it would be 20 times more if you didn't suck up your time in the computer.
i would be writing alll day, drawing all day, exploring more, have muuuchhhh more friends.

great post.
although u should have named it
"what if we didn't have computers.."
to draw more attention
ask one of the moderators to edit the topic title.
trust me, it'll be worth it bigrazz

We'd have more drunkards
and we wouldn't have any lab equipment
in hospitals, thus we'd more likely
live shorter lives.

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11:25 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 599

We've lived without computers before. I'm sure we could go on without them. Even though it would be difficult. that would mean... no GPS, no scanlations, no video games, and no internet (which lessons our ways of communicating with the world). But anyways, if we still didn't have computers, i'd probably...

read more manga/books, draw more, call friends, do homework (ha!), watch movies. Essentially all the things I did when I was little, before computers were just becoming available to every home.

Last edited by redlinks at 1:32 pm, Aug 31 2009

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11:28 am, Aug 31 2009
Posts: 838

will be playing out side like the old days, and writing down everything on paper

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