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Mangas about: weightloss, running away, school and family problems/future career, ambitions...etc

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10:11 am, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 1

Hello : )
I am wondering if anyone knows a few mangas about these certain topics (i am not looking for a manga with all of them, just at least one):

Weight-loss - I have wanted tor ead a manga about a girl who loses weight for a long time. It would ideally be a girl losing a lot of weight with results at the end, since i'm reading a looong one right now and the girl is still fat >.< It's also good if the person is insecure about herself etc...

Running-away - If anyone knows of a manga about a teen running away from her family about certain problems; i would very much like to read it : )

School and family problems/future career/ambitions - These kinda link (i guess?) If someone knows of a manga about a teen who is having problems at school (be it for being forced to go, not enjoying herself, does not like her prospects, dreams of bigger things) i would love to read them, but nothing to do with bullying...problems more to do with the person not wanting to be in school to accomplish different things. If there is one where the teen is planning for a future she does not want, as in her family just want her to get into the best college, then that fits too. Wanting to do something different, but not being able to by her parents example of this (since i know everyone has no clue as to what im requesting) is Paradise Kiss.

Love - Not love specifically...i am looking for a manga about a girl who has never had a boy friend before and has never been loved before, but later on befriends someone who loves her etc (if the person is beautiful but conservative and just doesn't want someone even though they can get a bf, then that's not what im looking for...its mainly someone who wants love but isn't the kind of girl that a guy goes for...)

That's all i can think of right now.......thanks for helping : D

Post #319567 - Reply to (#319554) by nadiatwinkle
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10:45 am, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 2038

Quote from nadiatwinkle
School and family problems/future career/ambitions

I can only speak for this category. I think you can look at Karin, about a vampire girl who enjoys school but will have to quit it because she's a vampire. It also applies (and maybe better) for his little sister.

And well there is GTO which deal with many student problems (not only bullying) although I suppose it's not the kind of manga you're looking for.

What I like in Trivial Pursuit style. Pick your category:User Posted Image
Post #319601
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12:55 pm, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 991

Cat Street features most of these issues, except for weight loss.

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Reading: Kingdom, Sangokushi, Historie
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Chocolate Fudge

1:26 pm, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 216

I guess Shinshi Doumei Cross fits in the 3rd Criteria~

May the Chocolates of Heaven be on your side.

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3:57 pm, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 48

Weight loss:

Running away:
There is a oneshot in Momo where they run away.
Bokutachi no Tabi

School and family problems/future career/ambitions:
Maybe Bakuman?

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Agent Orange

4:19 pm, Sep 9 2009
Posts: 134

hajime no ippo? meets most if not all of your specifications...eventually anyway.

i like comics as well
don't kill me
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jail bait

2:35 am, Sep 10 2009
Posts: 1444

perfect girl evolution somehow like that...

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
Post #319715
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omega blue

3:46 am, Sep 10 2009
Posts: 46

School and family problems/future career/ambitions

For this defenetly Keiki Suenobu's
Vitamin and Life

For the other requests try this. It deals every volume with a different issue.
Confidential Confessions

Love - Not love specifically...i am looking for a manga about a girl who has never had a boy friend before and has never been loved before, but later on befriends someone who loves her etc

Mucha Kucha Daisuki
Strobe Edge

Last edited by gati at 4:02 am, Sep 10 2009

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6:01 am, Sep 10 2009
Posts: 1205

Bara no Tame ni
this has ur 1st n 4th request,
the girl is fat...
n not the type of girl whom guys fallin' for...

Nagasarete Airantou
running away

Last edited by comel at 6:24 am, Sep 10 2009

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Post #319721
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6:16 am, Sep 10 2009
Posts: 173

Have you read Cousin yet?

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