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same sex marriage?

do you think same sex marriage should be allow?
do i look like ellen degenerous to you? (no)
meh...look at issac newton... (yes)
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Post #10834
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1:41 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 152

Well in my opinion i see nothing wrong with same sex marriages. If two people of the same sex wanted to get married, i don't see how that will effect the world in a way that it would cause a controversy.
Now seriously whats gonna happen apart from maybe a moral dilemma and a few less babies being made.

Post #10836 - Reply to (#10834) by Swegg
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3:22 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 6221

Quote from Swegg
Well in my opinion i see nothing wrong with same sex marriages. If two people of the same sex wanted to get married, i don't see how that will effect the world in a way that it would cause a controversy.
Now seriously whats gonna happen apart from maybe a moral dilemma and a few less babies being made.

Agreed...who cares if two people of the same sex gets married, it won't affect anything in the world other than help in the overpopulation problem laugh

Post #10846 - Reply to (#10824) by daed
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4:59 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from daed
Quote from Amaya_
Well, considering some of my best friends are gay/lesbian/bi, I def support it. It's should be considered morally correct because same sex couples usually adopt the unwanted little shildren instead of filling the world up with even more energy-suckers ;P Also, any homophobes in this forum are now on my hate list. I will be lurking... (not that anyone would care if I hated them)

same here, if ppl want to get married so be it
and for all the homophobes out there, homo couples with adopted children have been shown statiscally that they dont "raise them gay" any more than hetero couples do

another tidbit for all the homophobes/haters out there:
they did an experiment in britain the 90's where they showed homophobes and ppl who took an open stance to homosexuals gay pornography to gauge their reaction, and actually a good chunk of the vocal homophobes were
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found to be somewhat aroused by it

its like the analogy of the black kkk member(a racist cult in the us against blacks for anybody who didnt know)

ah Ares6 it seems that you are one man fighting an army off on this topic. Okay first of all as to what Amaya said: wtf how is this a legitimate reason why gay marraiges are morally correct. Whose morals are you talking about anyway? Whoa this is just like a southpark episode I saw recently where Stan's dad is on wheel of fortune and the clue is "people who annoy you" and the letters he has so far are n_ggers and the idiot answers with an i, well you get it right. So then he becomes the one prejudiced against by the entire community. If you wanna talk about energy suckers talk about all the murderers in America's prison system who are now getting a university education (i'm not shitting you it was on 60 minutes). Mainstream Television is totally one sided one the issue of gays btw.

"if ppl want to get married so be it" Daed Who the hell made you pharaoh. You almost sound as if you are saying gay couples are better than straight ones for a child. WTF. If the child could think about it rationally and logically which do you think he/she would pick given that both are about the same in terms of other factors such as appearance, money,etc? Do I disagree with gay couples adopting? No, better than nothing right?

As for this piece about homophobes getting horny off of gays. STFU you can do a study to prove just about anything you want. Is it true? Does it matter? When did the deciding factor in a person's actions and views become their reproductive organs. WTF do you think your brains are for? Perhaps yours are for smiling, blinking, fing and breathing. I would comparethem with a colony of rabbits suffering from overpopulation so the males hump other males so as not to increase the population but this is just a form of birth control. Humans don't need this cause we have other options. America as a whole is far from overpopulated. Canada moreso. But I digress.

Am I against homosexuality? probably. Do I hate gays? no I don't particulary have a dislike for gays. I usually get along well with the few gay people I know since the ones I know are rather intelligent and I can interact better with them than most of the other apes around me. Whatever your reasons for disliking homosexuality (biolgical or whatever) or liking it, whatever, the point is this we are all entitled to our opinions and should not be attacked for having them. I won't make up names for the pesons who I quoted and start bashing them as people, I will attack the things that they say and argue the points they make but I won't call homophobehaters or some crap. And why is it that if I don't like homosexuality it means i dislike gay people. Since when did you have to like every aspect of a person to consider that person a friend.

As for what this was originally about - marraige. Like manick said marraige is and should be a religious thing. The reason marriages don't work anymore is that they have lost all their original pusposes. Marraige is treated as an everday thing and people get married on whims. Not to metion the influence of hollywood marriages. If marriage was treated in a stricter more religious way there would never have to be so many divorces because there would have to be serious thought put into the marriage before it takes place and they would try to see if they can't find another solution to their marital problems. That is divorce would be the last option for couples having problems not the first. Okay here is why gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church or any other religious place: If a muslim was in love with a jew and they wanted to get married in a mosque the jew would have to convert to Islam, right? Meaningg they would have to follow the rules and teachings of the muslim religion. Two gay christians or jews or whatever want to get married in a church or whatever, but the church opposes homosexuality, why would you still want to be a part of that religion? Go start your own religion and then get married in your place of worship under your rules and morals. Why would you want to get married under a system that doesn't accept you?

If you call me a homophobe now and want to burn me at the stake that's fine but I won't judge what your choices and orientation are so don't judge my views. The only thing we should really hate as a species is stupidity and never mind there is a whole list I could put here and talk about how this world is f***ing doomed and how everything about society is messed up but I won't none

To all the people I pissed off with this rant: stfu. I don't ever wanna talk about this again.

~~~the world it is a dyin'~~ so let's just enjoy the view~~~
Post #10848

5:12 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 2

No evidence prove Da Vinci or Newton to be queer...

it's funny how for some people there's never enough evidence in support of someone's homosexuality ... oh well, if it makes them happy..

Biologically, it is also wrong. Otherwise, evolution would've given men the ability to bear babies and women the abilities to produce seeds.

no, it's not wrong. sex has more than one function (as it can be seen, for example, by studying sexual behavior between some animal species). humans use it mostly as a means to express affection and attraction for one another. (and in terms of evolution it's okay to have 5 to 10% of people with same sex attraction that doesn't result in "babies". nature is not so easily explained and we shouldn't try to use terms such as naturally/biologically right and wrong just to support our ideas (which are culturally established and depend on our society moral system).

as for the question, of course everybody (adult and consentient) should be able to get married. marriage doesn't belong to any religion, it's simply a (civil) contract that makes some things easier for those who want to live together.

Post #10850 - Reply to (#10846) by luisalirio84
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6:03 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from luisalirio84
Quote from daed
Quote from Amaya_
Well, considering some of my best friends are gay/lesbian/bi, I def support it. It's should be considered morally correct because same sex couples usually adopt the unwanted little shildren instead of filling the world up with even more energy-suckers ;P Also, any homophobes in this forum are now on my hate list. I will be lurking... (not that anyone would care if I hated them)

same here, if ppl want to get married so be it
and for all the homophobes out there, homo couples with adopted children have been shown statiscally that they dont "raise them gay" any more than hetero couples do

another tidbit for all the homophobes/haters out there:
they did an experiment in britain the 90's where they showed homophobes and ppl who took an open stance to homosexuals gay pornography to gauge their reaction, and actually a good chunk of the vocal homophobes were
Spoiler (highlight to view)
found to be somewhat aroused by it

its like the analogy of the black kkk member(a racist cult in the us against blacks for anybody who didnt know)

ah Ares6 it seems that you are one man fighting an army off on this topic. Okay first of all as to what Amaya said: wtf how is this a legitimate reason why gay marraiges are morally correct. Whose morals are you talking about anyway? Whoa this is just like a southpark episode I saw recently where Stan's dad is on wheel of fortune and the clue is "people who annoy you" and the letters he has so far are n_ggers and the idiot answers with an i, well you get it right. So then he becomes the one prejudiced against by the entire community. If you wanna talk about energy suckers talk about all the murderers in America's prison system who are now getting a university education (i'm not shitting you it was on 60 minutes). Mainstream Television is totally one sided one the issue of gays btw.

"if ppl want to get married so be it" Daed Who the hell made you pharaoh. You almost sound as if you are saying gay couples are better than straight ones for a child. WTF. If the child could think about it rationally and logically which do you think he/she would pick given that both are about the same in terms of other factors such as appearance, money,etc? Do I disagree with gay couples adopting? No, better than nothing right?

As for this piece about homophobes getting horny off of gays. STFU you can do a study to prove just about anything you want. Is it true? Does it matter? When did the deciding factor in a person's actions and views become their reproductive organs. WTF do you think your brains are for? Perhaps yours are for smiling, blinking, fing and breathing. I would comparethem with a colony of rabbits suffering from overpopulation so the males hump other males so as not to increase the population but this is just a form of birth control. Humans don't need this cause we have other options. America as a whole is far from overpopulated. Canada moreso. But I digress.

actually yea, heres a link to the press release on the article
and i was wrong about the location, it was in Georgia not Great britain

and i didn't say anything about homosexual couples being "better" for kids,
im just saying one thing most ppl are against homosexual couples adopting kids, for fear they'll "turn them gay." Granted i dont have a Ucla study for that one, but thats what the teacher keeps telling us in my university level sociology class im taking right now. if i get a link for a study, ill post it up

in short, im not saying homo couples are the best ever, that all homophobes are are raging gay's in the closet, or that gay marriage is uber cool. i just wanna say alot of this talk gets blown out of proportion, discriminating someone b/c of their sex. orientation. Demon_god said it best, i'd too like to think we've atleast come that far as a society. If two ppl want a civil service to officailly ratify their relationnship, reagarless of thier genders relative to each other, what's the big deal?

Post #10855 - Reply to (#10846) by luisalirio84
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7:53 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 29

Quote from luisalirio84
Okay here is why gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church or any other religious place: If a muslim was in love with a jew and they wanted to get married in a mosque the jew would have to convert to Islam, right? Meaningg they would have to follow the rules and teachings of the muslim religion. Two gay christians or jews or whatever want to get married in a church or whatever, but the church opposes homosexuality, why would you still want to be a part of that religion? Go start your own religion and then get married in your place of worship under your rules and morals. Why would you want to get married under a system that doesn't accept you?

Your first example is somewhat flawed in that religion can be conciously changed by a person as well as the fact that the problems one might face if a couple of differing religions and a couple of the same religion but same sex are vastly differant.

As to your idea of either conforming or get out, our society is made of individuals who are for better or worst very differant from one another. With so many people of differing opinions, religion, race, and even sexual orientation, our relationship with one another is largely based on compromise and understanding. We are talking about the rights of people to be accepted by their peers regardless of other factors. If as you say they should form their own religion if their current one does not accept them, then why not tell people of differant races that if they are discriminated against because of their skin colour to get out and form their own country? What if one was a devote christian all his or her life and due to circumstances that are sometimes beyond their control, is attracted to someone of the same gender. Should they suddenly be rejected of a right shared by their peers simply because they are not considered the norm?

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Place your sword upon the ground, and rest in the temporal peace. After dozing in the warmth of a dream, a new day will begin.
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10:20 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 260

Let's see...
First of all - are any of you guys married? Probably not many. If you were, maybe you would see that being married is really a legal contract between two consenting adults.

It is different in every county here in the US by just what that entails, for example, in some places here in the US, the wife actually becomes the "property" of the husband - i shit you not! But in most non-backwater counties (like Jefferson County, CO - who thinks it's still the 'old west') it's a partnership which then entitles the bearers to make decision regarding one another's health and finances. Almost just like partners in business.

The gay people and their supporters who are trying to have legislation enacted for gay marriage are just trying to get the same rights that straight people have when they get know - stuff like health care and the right to make decisions about a loved one's health if they are unable to make the decision for themselves- say if they are incapacitated in an accident or something. Being "married" would also entitle them to be beneficiaries in the case that a loved one passes away.

So you see, it really has nothing to do with religion or whatnot. In Japan, since homosexual marriage is prohibited, couples can adopt one another so that they gain the family status somewhat equal to that of a marriage. A lot of really great American companies and institutions have recently made it so that "significant others" in homo and hetero relationships can be added to insurance policies and receive spousal benefits. Unfortunately, not all companies do so and there is NO BLANKET LAW in the US that can protect a person from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

There is however
Executive Order 13087, issued on May 28, 1998, prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation within Executive Branch civilian employment. The Executive Order states this policy uniformly by adding sexual orientation to the list of categories for which discrimination is prohibited. The other categories are race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, and age. On May 2, 2000, Executive Order 13153 added "status as a parent" to the list of categories for which discrimination is prohibited.
I know that the parent stuff had nothing to do with this - but I just thought it was 'funny' that I can easily be denied a job just 'cause I'm a Mom and there aint shit I can do about it...ha ha roll eyes

But this law is ONLY for employees of the Federal Government. Many states have laws against this type of discrimination, but not all of them, (see "Boys Don't Cry") and gay couples are just looking for a way to protect the rights I believe are due by trying to get legalization of gay marriage.

Now if anyone has actually read all this and learned just a little bit, thanks! If you still have moral objections there is really nothing I can say to convince you otherwise...only a loose quote I saw once somewhere - "If you object to gay marriage, don't marry one!"

Love and kisses to you all! smile wink grin

Oh and ares - evolution did grant you a prostate! eyes LOL smile wink grin

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Post #10868 - Reply to (#10855) by demon_god03
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10:39 am, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from luisalirio84
Okay here is why gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church or any other religious place: If a muslim was in love with a jew and they wanted to get married in a mosque the jew would have to convert to Islam, right? Meaningg they would have to follow the rules and teachings of the muslim religion. Two gay christians or jews or whatever want to get married in a church or whatever, but the church opposes homosexuality, why would you still want to be a part of that religion? Go start your own religion and then get married in your place of worship under your rules and morals. Why would you want to get married under a system that doesn't accept you?

you make an interesting point, but most people who are really religious truly believe in their religion, so them just up and starting thier own religion really isn't what they want to do. they may cut themselves off from the main church or whatnot but still whorship alone or with like minded individuals

Post #10897 - Reply to (#10846) by luisalirio84
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6:39 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 129

Quote from luisalirio84
Quote from daed
Quote from Amaya_
Well, considering some of my best friends are gay/lesbian/bi, I def support it. It's should be considered morally correct because same sex couples usually adopt the unwanted little shildren instead of filling the world up with even more energy-suckers ;P Also, any homophobes in this forum are now on my hate list. I will be lurking... (not that anyone would care if I hated them)

same here, if ppl want to get married so be it
and for all the homophobes out there, homo couples with adopted children have been shown statiscally that they dont "raise them gay" any more than hetero couples do

another tidbit for all the homophobes/haters out there:
they did an experiment in britain the 90's where they showed homophobes and ppl who took an open stance to homosexuals gay pornography to gauge their reaction, and actually a good chunk of the vocal homophobes were
Spoiler (highlight to view)
found to be somewhat aroused by it

its like the analogy of the black kkk member(a racist cult in the us against blacks for anybody who didnt know)

ah Ares6 it seems that you are one man fighting an army off on this topic. Okay first of all as to what Amaya said: wtf how is this a legitimate reason why gay marraiges are morally correct. Whose morals are you talking about anyway? Whoa this is just like a southpark episode I saw recently where Stan's dad is on wheel of fortune and the clue is "people who annoy you" and the letters he has so far are n_ggers and the idiot answers with an i, well you get it right. So then he becomes the one prejudiced against by the entire community. If you wanna talk about energy suckers talk about all the murderers in America's prison system who are now getting a university education (i'm not shitting you it was on 60 minutes). Mainstream Television is totally one sided one the issue of gays btw.

"if ppl want to get married so be it" Daed Who the hell made you pharaoh. You almost sound as if you are saying gay couples are better than straight ones for a child. WTF. If the child could think about it rationally and logically which do you think he/she would pick given that both are about the same in terms of other factors such as appearance, money,etc? Do I disagree with gay couples adopting? No, better than nothing right?

As for this piece about homophobes getting horny off of gays. STFU you can do a study to prove just about anything you want. Is it true? Does it matter? When did the deciding factor in a person's actions and views become their reproductive organs. WTF do you think your brains are for? Perhaps yours are for smiling, blinking, fing and breathing. I would comparethem with a colony of rabbits suffering from overpopulation so the males hump other males so as not to increase the population but this is just a form of birth control. Humans don't need this cause we have other options. America as a whole is far from overpopulated. Canada moreso. But I digress.

Am I against homosexuality? probably. Do I hate gays? no I don't particulary have a dislike for gays. I usually get along well with the few gay people I know since the ones I know are rather intelligent and I can interact better with them than most of the other apes around me. Whatever your reasons for disliking homosexuality (biolgical or whatever) or liking it, whatever, the point is this we are all entitled to our opinions and should not be attacked for having them. I won't make up names for the pesons who I quoted and start bashing them as people, I will attack the things that they say and argue the points they make but I won't call homophobehaters or some crap. And why is it that if I don't like homosexuality it means i dislike gay people. Since when did you have to like every aspect of a person to consider that person a friend.

As for what this was originally about - marraige. Like manick said marraige is and should be a religious thing. The reason marriages don't work anymore is that they have lost all their original pusposes. Marraige is treated as an everday thing and people get married on whims. Not to metion the influence of hollywood marriages. If marriage was treated in a stricter more religious way there would never have to be so many divorces because there would have to be serious thought put into the marriage before it takes place and they would try to see if they can't find another solution to their marital problems. That is divorce would be the last option for couples having problems not the first. Okay here is why gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church or any other religious place: If a muslim was in love with a jew and they wanted to get married in a mosque the jew would have to convert to Islam, right? Meaningg they would have to follow the rules and teachings of the muslim religion. Two gay christians or jews or whatever want to get married in a church or whatever, but the church opposes homosexuality, why would you still want to be a part of that religion? Go start your own religion and then get married in your place of worship under your rules and morals. Why would you want to get married under a system that doesn't accept you?

If you call me a homophobe now and want to burn me at the stake that's fine but I won't judge what your choices and orientation are so don't judge my views. The only thing we should really hate as a species is stupidity and never mind there is a whole list I could put here and talk about how this world is f***ing doomed and how everything about society is messed up but I won't none

To all the people I pissed off with this rant: stfu. I don't ever wanna talk about this again.

I have homework so I just kinda skimmed through that essay =/
That's one of the many reasons gay marraige isn't immoral to me, meaning that you can view that differently. I mean, some people must think adopting abandoned children isn't moral.
I don't see why people are against being gay or getting married as one, it's not something they can help
now back to my social studies project... (hopefully...)

Post #10898 - Reply to (#10814) by Cerulean
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6:52 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 2896

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Quote from Cerulean
oh? to you, solid facts are everything........

I didn't read all the cr@p you wrote. But, I pretty much got the idea. Now, if you have no evidence of someone being gay, then, you must assume they are within the social norm. That is, they are straight. After all that B.S., you still have not provided me with sufficient and solid evidence of these two dead people being gay. What you did, I find wrong, is spreading false messages. You may say that there is RUMOR that Da Vinci and Newton were gay, but you CANNOT just say that they are positively gay without a doubt.

and to all other people who participated in this argument. I did not read any of yours because I am late for school. I will reply as soon as I get back. Or maybe in the library.

ohh, and to luisalirio84, i thought you said you weren't talking to me anymore. What happened? biggrin

Last edited by ares6 at 6:59 pm, Apr 16 2007

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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7:08 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 137

I think same sex marriages are okay....i's there life, so why should we care if they get married?
At my school, there is one lesbian couple, and 3 gay guys, and several bi people so its rather a daily thing to here about gays and gay rights and all that. And no one really has a big problem with i guess im all for it...^.^

Cry "HAVOC!"
and let slip
the dogs of war.
Post #10900

7:14 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 2

Um.. quick question.. If its okay for same sex marriage, does that mean its okay for a 40yr old man and a 13 yr old girl to have a "relationship"? But it doesnt hurt anyone, right? ^_^

Post #10902 - Reply to (#10900) by senjiku
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7:20 pm, Apr 16 2007
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Quote from senjiku
Um.. quick question.. If its okay for same sex marriage, does that mean its okay for a 40yr old man and a 13 yr old girl to have a "relationship"? But it doesnt hurt anyone, right? ^_^

oh yes it does. That 13 year old will soon realize that it was not love but a crush. Indeed.

Ok guys, if you want to discuss a mature topic like homosexual marriage, then you must act mature. Stop using curses like "STFU" or saying perverted stuff.

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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Post #10903 - Reply to (#10900) by senjiku
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7:23 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from senjiku
Um.. quick question.. If its okay for same sex marriage, does that mean its okay for a 40yr old man and a 13 yr old girl to have a "relationship"? But it doesnt hurt anyone, right? ^_^

well thats the thing
since the child is below the age of consent, its rape. everytime. atleast in the states.
actually the APA(american phyciatric association) lists pedophilia as a mental disorder now

Post #10904
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7:24 pm, Apr 16 2007
Posts: 2896

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Not rape, Molestation.

APA....every year they come up with new't even funny anymore.

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
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