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Nick Simmons; Copy-cat?

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9:27 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 2028

Nick Simmons, the son of world famous rocker Gene Simmons, published a comic book in the month of August, 2009. The title of his epic is "Incarnate". Now he is being accused of plagiarism,(evidence) what do you think denizens of MU?

Blatant tracing, or tragic coincidence?


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Monkey. :B

9:31 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1966 made it. >=D

Blatant tracing of course. Now we just have to see if he'll get away with it, seeing as professional artists and mangakas are outing him I say the chances of that happening are slim. But it has been seen before how far (powerful) family connections can get you in lawsuits. >_>

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Lowly Member

9:33 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 3888

The 2nd and last one don't really seem that similar to me. It's just a common thing...
But the others?
Yeah. lol

Nvm. I looked at them a second time. -_-
I just hope it doesn't turn out like Kayono where she got away with it because of her influential family.

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Sims3 Maniac

9:36 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 378

I saw this earlier. I just wonder if he REALLY though no one was going to notice and he would get away with it :/ I mean he copied 2-3 mangas probably even more. I almost feel sorry for him, he is going to get a lot of crap in his face for many many months to come, but he deserves it.

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9:38 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1698

God, atleast change some of the character designs if he's gonna plagiarize! All the evidence is on the table. >:\

Well it can't be helped that he copied people with skills~

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Rebel Rebel

9:40 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1230

Niiiiice kaerf~ XD

Someone argued that you can't copyright poses over @ dA, but he couldn't even come up with his own style. I looked at the publishers site and he actually had a team working on this. I can't believe none of them said anything about the similarities.

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10:15 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 452

most likely he copied it... but there is that reeeeeeaallly tiny tiny chance that he read bleach, that picture was put in his memories, then he just subconsciously reinvented the picture without realizing it...

he copied none

edit: earlier i only saw the first pic, looked again and noticed the others. holy crap xD there is NO way he couldnt have noticed, i dont think he even tried to hide it

Last edited by wotonito at 10:20 pm, Feb 24 2010

Post #359890
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Mome Basher

10:42 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 3380

Wow....that's just ridiculous.
He barely even tried to be original.

Tracing poses may be in the grey area... do it as practice however you may like, but selling it is downright shameless.

Even if he gets away with this, he won't get far. You can tell his true skill by looking at the bits which weren't traces.

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Post #359891
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10:49 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 2275

I went to his twitter account and saw that he had something interesting for the background...

So, either he is trying to say that other manga authors plagiarize or that by using those scenes he was making an allusion to the other series. If the first, it would mean he is a moron to think that MIURA Kentaro was plagiarizing in stead of paying homage to the great Hieronymus Bosch. If the second, he's probably going to use that as his defense.

Whatever it is, he's still a douche.

Last edited by Toto at 11:13 pm, Feb 24 2010

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Sam the Eagle

11:10 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 351

Wow...that's a lot of "similarities." The first few look like they could have been traced. But, the pictures farther down the page just have a few things in common. I read manga all the time that have a similar character or two, but there is no way that this is an original work.

I'm sure nothing will actually happen to Nick Simmons for this. Maybe they will quit publishing the work, but nothing else.

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11:32 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 18

Actually I remember seeing a preview or promotion piece in a preview book of upcoming comics last year and even that was a complete ripoff of Alucard from Hellsing the background kinda looked the hellsing DVD, so I was pretty pissed about it then. There are other "comic artist" even in marvel ,greg land that traces pictures from google searches, Celebrities pics and porn that's right porn and he still working for Marvel reason why i'm not currently reading X-Men. So there's a possibility that he will get away with it and continue his crap book. Makes me sad for the comic Industry

Post #359901
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11:40 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 2275

As I understand it, the series is finished with 3 volumes. So, the question now is will the company will discontinue its production, will no one work with him ever again, and/or file charges against him (viz/Shueisha/Radical).

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3:12 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 9026

That's just so blatant it isn't even funny. D:

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #359933 - Reply to (#359926) by Dr. Love
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Form is Emptiness.

4:04 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 930

Quote from Dr. Love
That's just so blatant it isn't even funny. D:


OMG^10 how can someone be so utterly DUMB, no really. Isnt there a limit to shame? Bah.

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That's known as a "coin".

Oh, thanks. Too much D&D.
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jail bait

4:29 am, Feb 25 2010
Posts: 1444

i dont even read bleach and i noticed at first look!!! hahahahahahahaha... laugh

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