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Site Poll - Chat Box 119 - Reading New Series

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Post #438701
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4:49 am, Jan 10 2011
Posts: 51

Sometimes I look for the same works of my favourite author or Mangaka. bigrazz


6:47 am, Jan 10 2011
Posts: 227

There is a wide variety of reasons. I mostly look at genre/category when deciding though. So I picked I want to explore new genres.

Sometimes I do pick based on mangaka, like Adachi.

Sometimes I do pick on popularity and summary.

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Manga Otaku

2:13 am, Jan 11 2011
Posts: 715

I check out new series because various reasons, like the when the summary looks interesting, the art looks pretty, the author that I like does it...All kinds of it.

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Post #438958

5:03 am, Jan 11 2011
Posts: 6

So i usually do it if the summary is good.
if a friend recommends me one, i'll read the summary
if the summary isn't good i'll read the reviews and see what the people write and rate it (usually on --> they have really detailed and good reviewers)

Post #439067

4:00 pm, Jan 11 2011
Posts: 121

I feel so shallow but I usually pick out a series because of its cover art. I have a good reason for this. When you open up a series on MU all you see is the cover image as an example of the art. Since art is usually more important to me than content I will add the series to my Wish List.

I only use summaries for basic evaluations. If the general premise (for example, the manga includes a harem) does not interest me then I will not read it but I'll always give manga that evoke even the slightest interest in me a chance because summaries can be very misleading.

I'll usually read titles reccomended by friends as well since our tastes usually match up. They know me oh so well (to the point where a friend will tell me about a book that she saw in the bookstore and says, "and it was really the kind of book you would buy").

Post #439263
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10:07 am, Jan 12 2011
Posts: 60

Artist, definitely. I don't usually take my friends' suggestions, since they and I have different tastes.

Paste siggie here. ^^

1:22 pm, Jan 13 2011
Posts: 73

Summary hands down. I'm in it for the story. I don't care what anyone else says about it because everyone's taste differs. Picking it just for the art is kind of stupid IMO. Sure it may look pretty, but if it's generic or uninteresting, why bother? Then again, if the art sucks, I may as well pick up a real book instead. Maybe a combination of the two, but mostly the summary. If the summary is poorly written, I won't read it. If whoever writes the summary cant put forth the effort, the series isn't worth my time. One sentence summary? Pass. no

EDIT: Where's the "I saw onii-chan in the title" one? I'm sure plenty of pervs would read that just because... laugh I guess "I liked the name of the series" would cover that, but still.

Last edited by That2ndGuy at 8:18 pm, Jan 14 2011

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12:23 am, Jan 15 2011
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A just ruler amongst tyrants
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