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What irritates you in general?

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5:28 pm, Sep 30 2009
Posts: 536

ego that can't be back up by the person.. dam weakling with big mouth! embarrassed

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12:13 am, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 1096

When people think that washing only the tips of eating utensils and only the front of plates is acceptable.

Post #324710 - Reply to (#324709) by UnknownUser
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12:16 am, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 4030

Quote from LawX
When people think that washing only the tip of eating utensils and only the front of plates is acceptable.

I've never heard of that O_O People do that?!

I'm afraid to eat at other people's house now...

Post #324732 - Reply to (#324710) by amaranthine
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4:29 am, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 2342

Quote from amaranthine
Quote from LawX
When people think that washing only the tip of eating utensils and only the front of plates is acceptable.

I've never heard of that O_O People do that?!

I'm afraid to eat at other people's house now...

I never use to wash the back of dishes, but I know better now. eyes

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8:38 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 146

Grammar errors outside of texts and the like.....bad is not an adverb people its badly and u r not feeling good, u r feeling well........these mistakes drive me insane in conversation

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
-Oath of the Night's Watch, A Song of Ice and Fire
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12:20 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 25

when people repeat the tired "if you dont like it dont watch it" line on video sites its really stupid that they make videos and then get all pissy when someone criticizes it,even if its constructive criticism. people end up having to watch some of it anyway since videos usually autoplay when you click on their links and the thing that makes it real annoying is that those people dont realize that these websites they upload videos to are PUBLIC, theyy cant just dump their shit allover the place and expect everyone to tolerate it. its like dumping garbage in the middle of a busy street and then getting upset when someone tells u to stop. if thye made the video private so that just them and their friends can enjoy it then thats okay but once they put that setting to public then that means everyone has the right to say whatever they want about their video. or until they pussy out and block comments on their video bigrazz

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jail bait

2:07 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 1444

-when people care too much
-when people smell bad
-when people repeat topics over and over again
-when people are being too vulgar..
-when people tend to annihilate self respect and respect for others mad

Quote from Skinny Kazoo
Grammar errors outside of texts and the like.....bad is not an adverb people its badly and u r not feeling good, u r feeling well........these mistakes drive me insane in conversation

oh cmon! crappy english is cute!! to me that is..

Last edited by Identity Crisis at 7:55 am, Oct 19 2010

oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
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2:47 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 120

When people ask questions on forums that can be much easier and quicklier answered using google and wikipedia.

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Post #416868

3:09 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 15

people who act like he/she know it all, but actually don't eyes

Post #416895 - Reply to (#416868) by makadze
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6:25 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 109

Quote from makadze
people who act like he/she know it all, but actually don't eyes

+1,hate pompous ppl...

Post #416908
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7:55 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 377

Selfishness, especially ppl who lack empathy...

Post #416909
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8:00 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 83

Egomaniacs... and most people in general... there are many things that irritate me but I have neither the time or the patience to type them all out for you.

Post #416910
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8:00 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 1021

Close-minded people.

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8:32 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 773

spending a huge sum(which normally i'd live off for a month) of money on sis/mom/girlfriend's shopping spree on random occasions .......women just don't know when to stop once they start

best shonen manga couples :

shinichi X ran
natsu X erza
ippo X kumi
naruto X gaara
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9:00 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 240

people with no sense of personal space

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