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What irritates you in general?

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insomniac Kagehime

9:21 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 2707

people who are so good and naive that it looks really dumb and scary... like a living yandere without dere...
stupid guys who are never serious and scream around
watching soap-operas and low-budget nonworker series
people who love twilight or tokio hotel

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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9:22 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 10

racists on youtube, they only say stuff like that cu they know theyre safe behind a computer

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11:04 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 228

People who come to class and start complaining that they are too bored.
School =/= parties. You don't have to come if you don't feel as if you are having the time of your life. (I'm talking about college. In my city attendance is not compulsory.)

Does not compute.
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Inactive Phantom

11:25 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 1078

Noisy eaters. I don't mind if you have breathing problems, but otherwise you're just asking for a kick in the head. Close that mouth of yours, and stop chewing like the food's gonna run away. none

Post #416947 - Reply to (#416920) by ShadowSakura
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11:39 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 773

Quote from ShadowSakura
people who are so good and naive that it looks really dumb and scary... like a living yandere without dere...
stupid guys who are never serious and scream around
watching soap-operas and low-budget nonworker series
people who love twilight or tokio hotel

i thought girls love twilight confused my sis has watched it like 10 times already laugh

best shonen manga couples :

shinichi X ran
natsu X erza
ippo X kumi
naruto X gaara
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12:01 pm, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 267

when you are waiting for this one car to pass to cross the street, because there is just enough distance between that car and those behind it so it's just a matter of that car going at a normal speed, but instead of just going it starts to slow down - is it Murphy's law? does the universe want me to get late to places?! mad Also, when I'm in a car I hate it when some idiot crashes, and suddenly the 10 minute drive turns into a 25 minute torture. Oh! and when I'm fast walking to get to my class that is in the other side of the building, and a student just randomly stops in the MIDDLE of the hallway to start talking- ARG!! dead I hate it. Go to a side! or finish your conversation quickly! don't just stand there for like three minutes impeding my arrival to class! I specially hate the type that you tell them 'excuse me' while pushing yourself to the other side and they look at you as if you just crashed a private party., pretty much anything that doesn't let me get to places on time

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Forum Firestarter

12:08 pm, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 422


This is my Sig ..............................................................
Post #416958 - Reply to (#416947) by ajcoolim107
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insomniac Kagehime

12:10 pm, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 2707

Quote from ajcoolim107
Quote from ShadowSakura
people who are so good and naive that it looks really dumb and scary... like a living yandere without dere...
stupid guys who are never serious and scream around
watching soap-operas and low-budget nonworker series
people who love twilight or tokio hotel

i thought girls love twilight confused my sis has watched it like 10 times already laugh

i know many other girls who hate twilight^^

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
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Post #417280
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5:44 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 71

People who act like idiots and get the whole group of people they're involved with in trouble.
Guess who's not going on a trip to Six Flags wiht his school band anymore this year (I'll give you a hint, his name starts with Gill and ends with 987).

"Well done. Here come the test results: "You are a horrible person." That’s what it says. We weren’t even testing for that." -GLaDOS, Portal 2
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Slumbering Remnant

6:28 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 657

people who use other people then throw'em away when their not needed and repeat the process
stuck up and rude people.

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
Post #417294

6:34 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 182

People who adopt or invent some arbitrary set of rules and then try to force the rest of the world to obey them (e.g. "jeans are cool, so you should wear jeans" or "you can't say that word on TV").


4:26 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 1041

ppl who come to school/work on mondays explaning to everyone[the first thing they do] how drunk they were on friday,saturday...maybe sunday
and that they dont remember anything that happened[and then add some sort of sexstories to it all]

ppl who look at me funny when i show up at school/work on monday explaning how good megaman 3 actually is and that i spent the weekend playing the first 6 megaman games on the nes

they listen and find the retarded drunkards interesting but a person talking about videogames OMG call the funnydoctors this man must be insane

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10:23 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 471

bad actors that keep getting parts
heiroines who fall in love for a stupid reason
irritating people who wont shut up
hipocrites ( i know i spelled it wrong )
pens that look full of ink but never work
band aids that wont stay on
corny movie/ manga/ anime scenes
when you run out of staples/ tape when you really need it
when you have a song stuck in your head but your sound isnt working
blood rushes
waking up early
long awaited chapters that turn out to suck
biwee characters ( bishie wanabes )
my social studies and math teachers
sucky handwriting
alot of other things im too lazy to list

Post #417458 - Reply to (#416921) by HolyDragonX
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11:09 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 95

Quote from HolyDragonX
racists on youtube, they only say stuff like that cu they know theyre safe behind a computer

same, but not only in Youtube. many many more areas over the internet. ONLY the internet.
thts pretty mch all they can do.. berate ppl over the net

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7:29 am, Oct 26 2010
Posts: 17

my sister. She doesn't leave me alone for more than like 2 hours and aaalways comes to my room while I'm at internet.. dead

Last edited by - Suzume at 9:00 am, Oct 27 2010

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