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New Poll - Languages

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7:35 am, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 10691

Yes! I'm not late for once! This new poll was submitted for kaghanyou who apparently made his first forum post the suggestion for this poll. (I hope he's using our other member-only features though). As for all you people reading this that aren't registered: registration is easy and free!

Anyways, on with the poll. Pretty simple one about how anime/manga might/might not have influenced you to learn a language. As for me, I'm sad to admit this, but I'm in the category of "Not even trying. It's too hard!"...

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: My parents...
Are a bigger Otaku than I am! - votes: 58 (0.6%)
Also read manga. We talk and share the stuff~ - votes: 214 (2.2%)
Don't know I read manga at all. Shhh, it's a secret hobby - votes: 1045 (10.6%)
Know I read manga, but it's not something we talk about... - votes: 4771 (48.4%)
Know I read manga and are repulsed by it and trying to convince me to stop - votes: 893 (9.1%)
Doesn't know what manga is even though I tried to explain it a million times - votes: 1211 (12.3%)
Thinks all manga is for children - votes: 1657 (16.8%)
There were 9849 total votes.
The poll ended: August 2nd 2008

Kinda lame poll in my opinion, but for so many people to vote on it, I guess it wasn't...I apologize to all those who ARE the parents and couldn't exactly vote in this poll. I forgot to leave a voting option for you guys...
But as the poll suggests, most of us don't discuss our hobbies with our parents anyways...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #531423
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The Preacher

9:51 am, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 218

I don't plan on learning any eastern languages. Anime/Manga is the only thing I like about eastern culture and since I'm never going to go to Japan/China/Korea there's no reason to learn the language.

Post #531424 - Reply to (#531423) by ZinnKid
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10:22 am, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 180

me, personally, I just have a fascination with languages. I figure since i already know 4, why not a 5th.

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Post #531425
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11:01 am, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 20

Well done for being on time xD

But about the poll.... by inspired, does it mean, makes you want to try and learn it as well as, you're actually learning it? Cos... I would learn Korean and Japanese, but I don't really have the time atm =S
Meh. So I'm not gonna bother voting on this one, since the last option doesn't quite seem fitting either xD

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like moss on trees

2:03 pm, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 97

I've always known Chinese from birth, manga/anime has only made me determined to learn the language better.

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10:11 pm, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 204

I admit that I learned Japanese because, and only because, I wanted to read manga. At the time, there wasn't really anything to speak of as far as mainstream fan translations, so it seemed like the only way to find out what happened after the events of all my favorite animes was to learn the language and buy the manga. I've spoken Japanese maybe half a dozen times, and I can't write for crap, but I can read it and I can understand what I hear and that's all that matters to me. Someday I may take some formal classes and get up to snuff on all the other aspects (I only took Japanese 1 in college... learned the alphabets and went from there on my own), but I haven't felt the need in the 7 or so years since I last had a teacher (that class was such a load of crap... a full semester to learn a few dozen characters and still half the class couldn't read them, let alone write them).

Post #531428

10:16 pm, Aug 2 2008
Posts: 1063

There should be a "Not interested in any of said languages". Not that I don't try cause it's too hard... but anime/manga isn't enough a motivation to learn.

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10:14 pm, Aug 5 2008
Posts: 87

Sorry for being so lame...

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2:02 pm, Aug 6 2008
Posts: 1

My mom despises manga.
She thinks it's all yaoi...

Post #531431 - Reply to (#531427) by SnoopyCool

9:55 pm, Aug 6 2008
Posts: 630

I think I took 1 semester in highschool that was probably for 6 months (1/2 a school year) and I remembered how to write Hiragana. I guess it could have been 4 months for college, but not even having the basics down seems disappointing to me. none

My avatar was Yves Saint Laurent's The Black Evening Dress (with big bow) first shown in 1983, photographed from his 2002 retrospective and final show. [color=#CC0066]Check out some of his collections for free (pre-2008) HERE[/color] courtesy of FirstView.
Post #531432 - Reply to (#531429) by bunnyhugger
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10:56 pm, Aug 6 2008
Posts: 10691

Don't worry about that. It's better than the polls I come up with by myself...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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