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wat race u attracted to?

what 2 race are you MOST attracted to?
1 - white and hispanic/spanish
2 - black and hispanic/spanish
3 - asian and hispanic/spanish
4 - black and white
5 - black and asian
6 - asian and white
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Post #212408 - Reply to (#212396) by Walrothetacoking
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3:19 pm, Oct 7 2008
Posts: 71

Quote from Walrothetacoking
I for one don't see any problem with being, or admitting you are, more attracted to a group based on inarguable traits common to that group.
There are very few inarguable physical traits common to a certain racial group. There are none that you wont find in people of other races too.

This thread is much like the other one... I already expressed myself in there so.

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6:02 pm, Oct 7 2008
Posts: 591

im mostly attracted to Hispanics and asian

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6:06 pm, Oct 7 2008
Posts: 317

Honestly.. For some reason. I'm MOSTLY attracted to girls of the asian race. Chinese mostly.

Post #212462 - Reply to (#212405) by poorboy
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7:15 pm, Oct 7 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from poorboy
Race dosen't matter in love

Hello wookiee.

Post #212531
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1:35 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 14

Actually, we had this discussion today in my philosophy class. We were discussing the future of sociobiology and sociobiological theory. I don't exactly remember where we drifted off course but it ended up with one of the students arguing that he only felt attracted to those of his same race. And...AND that he believed most races feel the same way. I wanted to shove back his comment down his throat. But then again, there is something called freedom of speech embarrassed

Personally, I feel strangely drawn to black men and their lips. It drives me crazy eyes don't you just feel like nibbling them? (the lips not the men.... maybe)

I understand that race doesn't matter in love, but I don't see nothing wrong in finding a person more attractive than another because his skin is maybe darker o his lips are fuller or whatever traits he has that makes you like him above average. It's like the typical american blond. Most of my friends rather hook up with blonds than brunettes o redheads. Why? Because for some reason blond hair appeals to them in ways I'll never ever begin to understand.

Sorry.....[ /rant ]. bigrazz



2:20 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 170

This was a tough call for me to choose between white/asian and white/hispanic

There's nothing at all wrong with being attracted to a certain race over a different race. I'm not really attracted to black women at all.

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4:43 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 7784

I don't mind.
All is fine.
For race that is, but if the
person is not attractive at all,
then the person does not qualify.

Post #212562
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Werd Nerd

5:20 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 590

Quote from poorboy
Race dosen't matter in love

I must agree with you. In love, race doesn't matter.

However, in terms of being attracted to the person in the first place, if a specific race tends to have facial characteristics you like more than others...

And there's no option for me, really. I like brown guys. Where's the brown optioooon? So I went with the next closest, white/hispanic, instead.

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Post #212571
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5:49 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 250

aliens are best LOL

Post #212579

6:29 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 92

I am attracted to all races.
why there is no "all races" option? =[

Post #212646 - Reply to (#212534) by RideTheWalrus
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10:50 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 103

Quote from RideTheWalrus
This was a tough call for me to choose between white/asian and white/hispanic

There's nothing at all wrong with being attracted to a certain race over a different race. I'm not really attracted to black women at all.

My thoughts exactly.

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10:52 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 4030

Physically, I'm attracted to them all equally (the good looking ones~ lol)

But culture-wise and all, I'm more attracted to Asians/Hispanics.

Post #212649
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11:16 am, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 137

race doesn't matter as long as her worldview is similar to mine.

Post #212800
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Evil Little Kid

4:15 pm, Oct 8 2008
Posts: 437

I preffer Asians...and although I'm hispanic, I'm not attracted to my race, nor white or black people. .__.

"Beware How You Take Hope From Another Man."
Post #215047 - Reply to (#212800) by Harukko

9:46 am, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 370

Quote from Harukko
I preffer Asians...and although I'm hispanic, I'm not attracted to my race, nor white or black people. .__.

i think hispanics or more of latinos are the hottest.... they got the most fairest skin and a nice bods.... though im asian, im mostly attracted to hispanics, i dont see how most hispanics i know never are attracted to their own race, they always date white, black, asian, but never their own confused

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