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Childhood Crush

Did you have a childhood crush?
Kind of.
I don't remember!
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7:22 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 672

My childhood crush was during my 3rd year of elementary school.

The boy I liked was someone anyone would've considered a 'really' cute boy. He was basically the bishie of our class, so I had trouble getting close to him due to the several manipulative girls trying to grab him. bigrazz

Luckily, he told me he liked me better than all of the other girls. lol. Man oh man was my best friend pissed off at me! laugh

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*__* I'll have what she's having... please~♥
Post #310756
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7:32 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 746

Erm, nope. Never had a childhood crush. Was too busy falling asleep in class/being a tomboy. However, I always hung out with the guys as a child and I know that 2 guys did/still do like me haha. Not really a dramatic childhood I guess.

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7:46 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 807

I had a crush on this boy in Kinder but we were always getting in trouble with the teacher. See I was a prankster at heart and the both of us caused major mayhem in the classroom. laugh Good times good times. It was one-sided so I prefered to stay friends. Besides he was the popular typical cute guy of the grade so he had many fan girls. I haven't seen him since 6th grade so there's my childhood crush ending.

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7:51 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 560

There was never a year since I started school where I didn't like someone. It was like my goal or something, to get a boyfriend ever since i was little. Until 3rd grade, it was the same guy too, but that's because my school was so small (like, my 4th grade had only 8 people, 2 of them, guys) that there wasn't much of a choice. He was liked be every girl in my class. Then he moved after 3rd grade and I got a new guy classmate in 4th grade and I liked him instead.

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wtf r u doin?

8:04 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 372

I was busy being the only kid in my neighborhood.

I am not prostrate. I am looking at the sky on the other side of Earth.

You should totally Join Vagrant Scans. No experience necessary.

You should also totally read this cool blog.
Post #310771 - Reply to (#310766) by Pirate1019
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8:15 pm, Aug 2 2009
Posts: 8

Quote from Pirate1019
I was busy being the only kid in my neighborhood.

Im sorry to hear that... never really had a crush, just people i really liked here and there...

Never really think, run it straight on and you'll see the rewards.
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8:04 am, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 1308

A teacher called 'Joseph', he spoke good English and was young and smart and I loved his classes. I think I tried to tell him I had a crush on him when I was 6 years old laugh Oh! And I had a simultaneous crush on one of dad's best friends smile wink grin

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4:29 pm, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 458

I've never had a crush on a childhood friend, but I recently learned that my childhood friend has a crush on me.

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5:45 pm, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 283

Sure I had first crushed with my best that time we were about 10 years old...We are best friends since age 6...We go school together and play together....I remember always go to his house to watch transformers and joining their lunch...He is so cute, i think the cutest boy i ever met that time...I dream to marry him when we grow up....Unfortunately he had died at age 11 , so sad....Miss him so much... sad

Post #356744 - Reply to (#356719) by ExzyruSxxx
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6:09 pm, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 310

^That's so sad! I'm sorry for your loss sad

Quote from ExzyruSxxx
I've never had a crush on a childhood friend, but I recently learned that my childhood friend has a crush on me.

That sounds like a not so good situation.

I've never had a crush on any childhood friends because the only friend's I've kept for so long are girls, so I will never ever fit in that cliche though. My friend however, has been dating her childhood friend for over a year now (which I think is cute smile )

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6:37 pm, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 151

I have a crush in 3rd year in elementary school, she is the cutest girl at school (or just I think so). We are not in the same class and I'm not really a social kid, I just stand at a distance and look at her but I hardly to remember her face now. Thinking of it make me feel nostalgic, I like her just because she looks cute, kid is so silly but pure smile

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