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Getting manga raws from ebooks

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Post #640853
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12:50 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 145

The image is not 300dpi my print screen program captors it at 96dpi. The images that EBJ have are just big at 100%. But it also depends on how big the publishers give the ebook sites. I've seen some titles where the images are rather small.

To print screen the images at the full image size.

9 - full screens the reader. Do this every time you want to screen captor pages.
8 - sets how you want to view the manga. 2 pages or 1 page at a time. I find viewing 1 page at a time best. There's also options to view the page twice the size and 3 times the size. You can even rotate the page.
7 - Magnifying glass. Allows you to zoom in on the furigana and kanji.
6 - view image at certain percent size. This part is important if you want the full image size that the ebooks have. After you full screen the reader and set your viewing to 1 page set this at 100%. If you jump around between full screen the viewing size will change so make sure it's set to 100%.

When you view at 100% the whole image will not show up on the screen you'll have to drag the image up to see the bottom part. So you'll have to print screen the images twice, the top and bottom, then join them later. The examples I posted earlier at two pages that I had to print screen twice for each page then join all 4 pages together to get that huge image.

If you have any more questions just e-mail me at Antisense.Scans(at)

Owner of Antisense Scanslation.
Post #640858 - Reply to (#640845) by Arleea
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1:40 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 525

Quote from Arleea
It also takes about a month until Ebooks Japan takes the money out of the account. International slowness or something.

So that means you also don't get access to the manga for 1 month after you ordered it?

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Post #640864 - Reply to (#640858) by -shiratori-
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2:09 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 145

You get it as soon as you buy it. It just takes EBJ about a month to withdraw the money from my account. It may be different since you're in a different country.

Owner of Antisense Scanslation.
Post #640868 - Reply to (#640864) by Arleea
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2:50 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 525

Quote from Arleea
You get it as soon as you buy it. It just takes EBJ about a month to withdraw the money from my account. It may be different since you're in a different country.

Ah okay, thank you ^^

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Post #640880 - Reply to (#640853) by Arleea
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8:07 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 402

Hmm, so this procedure sounds like more of a pain in the ass than buying paper volumes, debinding, and scanning. I should ask experienced scanners though, just in case. But as far as I know, if your scanner has an autofeeder, you can manage this in like 30 minutes.

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Post #640887 - Reply to (#640822) by -shiratori-
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9:11 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 122

Quote from -shiratori-
Yeah, I checked my bank's website and they offer a prepaid VISA card. Gonna go there tomorrow and ask what it costs. Thanks for offering to help out, if it's too expensive I might get back on that offer smile

Ebook Japan seems to have a lot of titles btw.

I just saw some prepaid VISAs and Master Cards at some um... grocery store? Didn't pay attention, just went in to get a drink since today was so HOT! Anyways, you may want to compare the prices and see what suits you. Banks charge me $3.xx for a card no matter how much I deposit in, while the Master Cards I saw today was $4.xx. Also, there are those that can be refilled and charge a monthly fee... Well, see what suits you and is available. But as Arleea said, there's the bank fee, the conversion fee, and whatever other fees they might have. Having an acquaintance in Japan would really, really help. I personally shop too often on sites that charge USD to care lol.

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Post #640889 - Reply to (#640887) by reanmeih
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9:40 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 525

Quote from reanmeih
Quote from -shiratori-
Yeah, I checked my bank's website and they offer a prepaid VISA card. Gonna go there tomorrow and ask what it costs. Thanks for offering to help out, if it's too expensive I might get back on that offer smile

Ebook Japan seems to have a lot of titles btw.

I just saw some prepaid VISAs and Master Cards at some um... grocery store? Didn't pay attention, just went in to get a drink since today was so HOT! Anyways, you may want to compare the prices and see what suits you. Banks charge me $3.xx for a card no matter how much I deposit in, while the Master Cards I saw today was $4.xx. Also, there are those that can be refilled and charge a monthly fee... Well, see what suits you and is available. But as Arleea said, there's the bank fee, the conversion fee, and whatever other fees they might have. Having an acquaintance in Japan would really, really help. I personally shop too often on sites that charge USD to care lol.

I hope $3.xx doesn't mean 300 x.x

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Post #640892 - Reply to (#640880) by cmertb
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10:35 pm, May 1 2014
Posts: 145

cmertb: I wouldn't know. I don't have an autofeeder. I can say that rotating each page to be straight is very time consuming then trying to figure out the best way to level the images takes a lot of time too. For those with no autofeeder it's also pretty time consuming since you're manually scanning each page.

I can get a whole volume print screened, joined, and leveled in just a few hours. Photoshop actions is what helps speed things along. =)

Have the top and bottom print screen pages both opened in photoshop and play my action that joins the two pages, crops out the stuff I don't need, level, and save. Repeat for the other 200 pages. XD;

Owner of Antisense Scanslation.
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