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Monarchy sucks

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4:04 pm, Nov 25 2009
Posts: 3

One thing that anime and manga are often guilty (well, not just anime and manga, but you know...) of is showing kings, queens, princes, princesses and all the royal family and their bourgeois friends as impossibly nice peoples, even though they are basically dictators (well, I'm not saying that dictators can't be nice peoples, but you know...).

So yeah, I don't like absolute monarchy and it aggravates me when I read something in which we are supposed to side with them. Is there any good manga were royalty are depicted as flawed, corrupt and/or any other bad qualities?


Post #337649
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6:26 pm, Nov 25 2009
Posts: 1975

Butterfly Night? One of them is pretty messed up...O_O...

Post #337664
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7:04 pm, Nov 25 2009
Posts: 991

Vinland Saga

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Reading: Kingdom, Sangokushi, Historie

5:44 pm, Nov 26 2009
Posts: 3

Thanks a bunch, I'll try those.

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