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Quality vs. Speed (mangapirate case)

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Post #564479

12:36 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 127

i prefer quality after all most manga release by other group not slow at all
and manga pirate is sucks they leave bubble blank many time

Post #564482

12:52 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 30

I prefer quality over speed anytime.

I think terrible scans show disrespect for the original work. I know scanning is already considered by many as being disrespectful, so who cares if it's all screwed up? I do and so should you, if you really like a series. If it's done then it should be done right! When I read a manga I appreciate the artwork as well as the story and only a quality scan allows you to enjoy both these things properly.

I think quality work is beneficial to every party(compared to speed work):
- the leechers enjoy it more (disk space is not that big a deal, waiting may be but people should learn to be more patient these days)
- the scanlators, despite the extra work, can rightfully feel much more proud for it and feel that they've really contributed to the community and left their mark (Who here remembers with longing nostalgia any dead speed scanlator groups? I don't. but I do remember quality groups.)
- the author, unhappy to see his work ''stolen'', can find solace in knowing that it is being faithfully represented in many languages and dispersed to crowds that otherwise would never see it. I don't think authors would be happy seeing their works disfigured and badly translated for the sake of speed even if it meant reaching more people.
- the companies are unhappy with all the money they lose, but get a warning sign that their prices are way over the top, that their translations suck and that the changes and censoring they do to the art is not appreciated anywhere. Most quality scans present a better translation than the printed work and don't censor anything. They can actually learn from them. If they start taking this warning to heart, learn and make some real changes they would profit a lot more.

One could say that quality was negative because it demotivates people from buying the actual thing, that may be true but only because the publisher companies suck. I think real fans will end up buying the books anyway, if not scared by the price, translations, changes or censoring. Even if scared by those many will buy to show support, like me. In this aspect I like quality even more because it allows me to buy the original japanese version for this effect (which, sadly, I can't read, yet) since I already have a faithful copy i can read in my computer.

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1:13 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 3

This is interesting because like many, I like my scans quick, but also like them to be quality. So if a group can do quick scans with "real" translations (I did try to read a Manga Pirate release of a series I liked, but stopped after a couple pages because the translations made no sense and a few pages were missing), I'd read it in a heartbeat.

So doing fast scans is great, but if the translation's make no sense or are so grammatically incorrect that I have to spend more then a couple seconds figuring out what they mean, then they're no better then trying to read the raw.

Just my 2 cents...


1:26 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 198

If every manga being Scanlated had a quality version, then I'd bet you that most readers would be less accepting of crappy but fast work.

As it is, the vast majority of scanlation projects have shitty releases. Some are extremely obvious, where it's clear someone just pasted plain text over speech bubbles. Others have good Cleaning work, but have text that's filled with grammatical errors. Some are just erroneous in their translation attempts.

And sometimes the scanlations will appear to be high quality, but the entire series jumped between groups 3-4 times, and each time names, titles, etc. will be different with each group.

For example, take GTO. Several different Scanlation groups, the first few volumes are genuine garbage quality, the later scans are clearly taken from volumes that still have the bindings attached, etc. And yet it's a popular series, so anyone reading the scanlations has to put up with bad quality.

Most people reading manga have accepted that Scanlation will be "unprofessional". They go into a series with the expectation that they're getting low quality work, but they have to put up with it because it's the only way to read a good series. I mean, go to the Releases page, and tell me how many releases have a choice between "Quality vs Speed"? Very, very, very few. More often than not, the choice is "Scanlated vs Not".

So realistically, MangaPirates isn't giving sub-par quality work, they're giving quality that everyone has already become accustomed to.

Post #564487

1:39 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 22

You got it wrong, most example of badly scanlated series are because there are no alternative, nobody else do a quality release.

But mangapirate, they do fast and incredibly bad work of project that are already taken by good team.
They can't even be consider fan, they only do it for the money that the little work they do bring them... For all I care, they should die in a fire.

Post #564498
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2:30 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 3457

Um, well I've never actually read anything from Mangapirate, so I can't say anything regarding them and what they're doing at the moment, but as for the issue over quality v speed, I do prefer a bit of quality in the scans I read and I think I'd rather wait for that quality, especially if I download the series.

Sure, getting speedy releases is nice, but if that means having comic sans font in bubbles which are painted in white while the rest of the page stays that horrid grey colour with noise and dust everywhere because they can't be asked to even level the damn pages then you can forget it. I'd wait for quality scans over that crap any day.
I can appreciate a good clean chapter when I see one, and I can appreciate well redrawn pages too. That's another thing I don't like that sometimes gets sacrificed for a speed release; putting white boxes over the floating text.

Post #564514 - Reply to (#564487) by Spikexp

3:37 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 198

Quote from Spikexp
You got it wrong, most example of badly scanlated series are because there are no alternative, nobody else do a quality release.

But mangapirate, they do fast and incredibly bad work of project that are already taken by good team.
They can't even be consider fan, they only do it for the money that ...

Right roll.

And yet here I am, looking through Manga Pirate's release list, and I'm seeing Manwhas that no other group has even touched, and some more that have months of delays in between releases until Manga Pirate started doing them.

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3:50 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 2964

I personally like speed.

Mangapirate's scanlations aren't even that bad. Something like this is bad.

No translation is perfect. So long as the pages are clean, legible, and the sentences flow and say what they're supposed to say, I have no complaints.

Post #564519 - Reply to (#564514) by wolfinthesheep

4:03 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 22

Quote from wolfinthesheep
Right roll .

And yet here I am, looking through Manga Pirate's release list, and I'm seeing Manwhas that no other group has even touched, and some more that have months of delays in between releases until Manga Pirate started doing them.

I wasn't sure, so I looked at it, from what I saw looking fast at the title and the last release:
They have 2 that weren't translated (1 is a one-shot).
One that was really late.

If they can do good work, they just have to take manwhas that aren't touched by other group...
Why would they even touch manwhas with good weekly release...

Post #564537 - Reply to (#564519) by Spikexp

5:13 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 198

Quote from Spikexp
I wasn't sure, so I looked at it, from what I saw looking fast at the title and the last release:
They have 2 that weren't translated (1 is a one-shot).
One that was really late.

If they can do good work, they just have to take manwhas that aren't touched by other group...
Why would they even touc ...

For a community that's supposedly in it for the hobby and interest, people sure do get bitchy when someone steps on their "territory".

If you're not in it for the page hits or the money, what do you care if another group wants to work on the same series? Despite your accusations, someone at Manga Pirates obviously follows Manwhas. If it's their interest to work on stuff like Noblesse, who the hell are you to say otherwise?

Post #564539

5:23 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 487

I don't read webtoons on MangaPirate. I probably would have, but I like having the long single strip when I read them rather than pages. Also if one group is doing it with good speed and quality I don't see why a second group would jump on it too. There's so many cool things being done at a snail's pace.

Post #564540

5:26 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 22

The goal of scanlation is to bring thing from a language to another so that people can read it. It's a way to share the work to a people who would never have been able to before.

Doing 2 times the same thing goes again this, having 2 time the same thing doesn't give a broader range of people that can read it.

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5:49 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 546

Quality. You can wait for releases. The crappy (but fast) releases by mangapanda or mangazone, etc. on Bleach and Naruto, for example, don't encourage me to visit their websites and read other releases. On the other hand, I often end up reading other series by the same scanlator group because they have quality releases (e.g. Easy-Going Scans, The Company, Red Hawk Scans). The same can be said for anime; I don't watch poorly-done/360p releases because they are less enjoyable than quality (both subs and resolution) work (think Static Subs and Eclipse).

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6:07 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 468

I actually compared the scanlations of MP and TC when MP started scanlating Tower of God. TC was -slightly- more accurate/comprehensive. I would never have noticed if I'd not read them side by side.

HOWEVER, I still read TC's scans since they translate the author's afterword, and I always get a kick out of what he says.

So... why choose one?

Admittedly, I REALLY wouldn't mind if groups spread out their projects more and covered uncharted territory. It's not like EG and TC slacked on their releases. They were (and still are) like clockwork.

I'd much rather someone pick up a stagnating series like The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor than a series that another group is already faithfully scanlating. laugh

Post #564555
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6:34 pm, Aug 5 2012
Posts: 70

Unless the quality is so bad that I can't understand the plot, speed. I usually don't care about quality until my 2nd/3rd reading.

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