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Worst SHOUNEN Cliche

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Post #107556 - Reply to (#48524) by Dragonfiremule
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12:17 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 510

Quote from Dragonfiremule
In Internet/book girls, you find they are either horribly ugly, or only slightly cute, and that they always wear glasses and are considered nerds, not to mention they are always horribly shy and blush every five seconds. This one annoys me the most, I think.
In love schoolwork girls I haven't even see this, and it annoys me to no end. Are there really no girls that like schoolwork? I only see guys being really nerdy. Not to mention the guys are the smart ones most of the time, which annoys me.

I don't know, I've found way more intelligent girls in shonen than in shoujo, (where most of 'em really do seem to be failing out of school, and even the smart ones have no sense. Kare Kano, Ouran, and Wallflower (the latter two being manga's where half the point is subverting shojo clichies) are the only exceptions I can think of at the moment).
Sakura (Naruto) is at the top of her class and has a couple of boys completely gone on her, and she's completely boy crazy and has a scary temper. Tsunade (also Naruto) is similar, though not boy crazy - though she's an adult. Bulma (DBZ) is a brilliant inventor who's also considered hot and pretty popular. Orihime (Bleach) is all sugar and niceness and ditzy, but she's also ranked something like third in her class. Rukia's (Bleach) is very serious and straightforward and not at all sweet. Eureka 7's got a pretty diverse set of girls too (actually it's got a great cast altogether).

I'm also one of those people who dig romance in my shonen (blame it on being a shojo fan) but I have no patience for it being really underdeveloped and getting all tied up rather quickly just 'cause it's the end. (*cough*Busou Renkin*cough*) Though it taking forever and a day and never getting resolved (OMG-and yes, I know it's the whole point) is frustrating too.

Also, why are all the girls (who are always completely different from each other) within a 30 mile radius always attracted to one guy? I don't know, 'can't imagine one guy appealing to so many different girls. (Oh, and what's with all the landing on the breasts? Is that really the only place ever to land when stumbing on somebody else? And of course the girl in question is a double d or larger, 'cause no other sizes exist.)

I'm throwing in another vote for attack names. I remember one manga making fun of it-the character got hit before he could finish saying the name, but man, the names tend to be long and really stupid-maybe they're better in Japanese?

Post #107563 - Reply to (#107556) by story645
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1:13 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 9026

Quote from Dragonfiremule
Also, why are all the girls (who are always completely different from each other) within a 30 mile radius always attracted to one guy? I don't know, 'can't imagine one guy appealing to so many different girls. (Oh, and what's with all the landing on the breasts? Is that really the only place ever to land when stumbing on somebody else? And of course the girl in question is a double d or larger, 'cause no other sizes exist.)

I soo agree with that. >.< When it happens once, okay then... But when it happens a thousand times, you know that it isn't coincidence anymore~

source: animenewsnetwork

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4:31 pm, Jan 1 2008
Posts: 452

I dunno if this been mentioned. One cliche, maybe not bad but annoyingly repeatative, is that the main character always beats the shit out of the main villain of an arc at the end. Action or not. If you notice this pattern (DBZ, OP etch) you know who'll kick the final villains ass.
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Post #108230

10:10 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 163

I hate the stupid but determined leads that seam to plague shonen series. Luffy, Naruto, etc.

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10:21 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 2581

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when the protagonist's shirt is so easily ripped off during a fight.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #108236

10:35 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 163

Or the toughness of the character's clothes is directly proportional to the strength. DBZ is the worst offender.

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11:10 pm, Jan 3 2008
Posts: 418


I despise goofy leads. It just erks me. Like Naruto =.=;

He's so useless.

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1:20 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 2581

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When a really evil character suddenly turns over a new leaf just because the main character refuses to kill him. (i.e. DragonBall)

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #108723 - Reply to (#108231) by xombiemonkey
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1:33 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from xombiemonkey
when the protagonist's shirt is so easily ripped off during a fight.

i agree
also with the part when the bad guy turns over a new leaf
i just wanna see someone stay evil
like orochimaru from naruto
or freeza(sp?) from dragonball something or other

i hate it when the main bad guy is weaker than another bad guy in the series, but the other guy doesent get nearrrrlllyy as much time on the manga/anime.


1:38 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 11

the power of friendship thing.
with the power of my friends i cannot lose thing.

that always the main character gives the other characters hopes/trust like naruto!

and last

when the main character save someone mostly a girl or sub-main character and protects from the blast or whatever and
saying the line "are you oke?" then the line "am glad" and goes nap time that is so lame...and it's not only in shounen it's mostly in shoujo too!

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1:38 pm, Jan 5 2008
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Another one: When the main antagonist can easily kill the protagonist, but instead keeps sending more and more of his underlings (each one stronger than the last) until the protagonist has improved to the antagonist's level, then the antagonist fights him and loses. Why didn't he jus kill him to begin with and save a lot of time and lives? (i.e. Dragon Ball again.)

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #108743
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2:19 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 42


Fighting tournaments.

Big, long, gladiator-styled tournaments poppin into existence every time a mangaka doesn't wanna work on the plot.

For chrissake!

"They're talking to their balls." (FMP Fumoffu)
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2:24 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 2581

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I think Dragon Ball has just about every shounen cliche there is.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

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GrandDuch Awesome

2:26 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 169

Characters that can blow up the universe but look like toothpicks. What happened to masculinity? Does looking like a stick really appeal to more people as opposed to haveing quite a bit of muscle mass?

I also hate when male characters get caught doing perverted things. It would be fine if it happened every so often but the people peeping always get caught! Then they get their ass kicked even though they're super strong and fast. It's even worse when it's not even on purpose and it's pretty much unavoidable.

Also, every girl always wears either a skirt or really skimpy clothing. This just causes more perverted moments to pop up.


I'd also like to add that whenever the hero loses his weapon somehow he never picks up any others that happen to belong to the enemy. Even if they don't use a weapon they should pick up others since it would be amazingly useful.

Last edited by AuraBlaze at 4:21 pm, Jan 5 2008

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2:31 pm, Jan 5 2008
Posts: 2581

Warn: Banned

Again, Dragon Ball has all of these.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

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