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Tea and Sugar?

How much sugar do you put in your tea? <3
No sugar...
No tea...
No sugar, but artificial sweetener (if it`s called like that)
Just sometimes, I don't necessaryly need it
Just a small amount
Quite some, it should be really sweet.
It must be horribly sweet!!
I put so much into my tea that nobody around me can drink it anymore. Except me of course...
Special habit (explain...)
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6:15 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 267

I usually put less than a spoon (and I mean the little spoons) because most of the time tea already has its own specific flavor that I don't want to overwhelm with sweetness smile

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6:22 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 7784

Like, 5 teaspoons.

Into 0,6 litres.

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Mysterious Being

7:05 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 461

I used to take half a teaspoon of sugar in my tea, but I stopped about 8 - 10 months ago, now I don't like sugar in it anymore. I do take a very small amount of milk in tea, though it depends on the type of tea.

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9:34 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 1698

I put as much sugar to fill up about 1-1.5cm of the bottom of the cup. I'm not sure how many teaspoons that is.. but that's usually how much I put. Otherwise, I just drink it w/o sugar if there aren't any around.


9:58 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 11

I put "no sugar" but that's only because I usually drink Asian teas. With English tea, I don't mind it, but I haven't drank that in such a long time!

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10:11 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 1439

Depends on the tea. If it's Asian tea like Jasmine Pearls or Phoenix Mountain Oolong (you can tell I've been hanging around Peet's), no no on the sugar. But the tea has to be piping hot!

As for getting iced tea at places like Tapioca Express, I like it a little sweet... I think with honey? But the aloe jelly is a must!

For restaurants, I like normal, unsweetened tea... tropical flavor for the summer, and just plain hot jasmine green for the winter.

Oh! I forgot the main tea I drink during the colder season: chai tea latte... that requires sugar... can you drink chai without it? It's hard!

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10:23 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 327

No in green/white
Yes in black/red
Maybe in oolong/tisanes

Post #416815 - Reply to (#416797) by hobbitelf518
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Sweetly Macabre

10:38 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 1005

Quote from hobbitelf518
chai tea latte... that requires sugar... can you drink chai without it? It's hard!

I like straight chai. It has such a nice flavour on it's own ^^

Black tea is one of my very favourite things in the world, and I drink too much of it...
I prefer being a snob and making my tea with tea leaves instead of bags, when I can find them. It just tastes better.

I like a little bit of sugar and a very small amount of milk - but some flavours I like love pure black (such as earl grey).
My tea must be very perfectly steeped, but not too hot - I have a cat's tongue.

Green tea and 'herbal' tea I always drink very hot and without anything added. Afterwards my tongue is always burnt x.x

Oh! And blueberry tea! Made with orange pekoe and alcohol instead of sugar wink


10:58 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 221

No sugar. Tea tastes perfect the way it is and it must be hot. It kinda grosses me out if you add milk into your tea. Your tea goes all murky so it's not transparent anymore...=( I love black tea on it's own! I always have a cuppa if I'm having a late night....

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10:59 pm, Oct 18 2010
Posts: 741

I strongly dislike tea.
On the occasion someone prepares a cup for me, I'll have it plain unless I feel that the flavor could actually be improved by sweetening.
In that case I'll add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar.

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2:10 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 1444

3 spoons of sugar..
4 spoons of milk...
and then tea..
and hot water...
and then cookies...
nothing weird... here.. gosh.. none

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Post #416861
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2:18 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 410

I prefer no sugar in any hot drink.

Personally I don't like tea - too much milk maybe? I stay away from latte for that reason too - it's like a watered down coffee >_<

Post #416874
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4:17 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 264

Between 0 and 1 sugar, or 1 spoon of honey. It depends on the tea. No milk.

Quote from leloMew
Personally I don't like tea - too much milk maybe? I stay away from latte for that reason too - it's like a watered down coffee >_<

There's not always milk in tea. Actually it's like sugar, you add it only if you like it.

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4:17 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 30

sometimes I add sugar sometimes milk sometimes kind of depends on what kind of tea I'm drinking..but If I add sugar it's 1-2spoons...I don't like the tea getting too sweet...

Post #416894
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6:21 am, Oct 19 2010
Posts: 109

0.4 litr cup = 3.5 spoons and lemon...can't drink without lemon recently...=|
Never tried with the milk really=|

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