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Being a bully

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Rebel Rebel

4:32 pm, Mar 12 2009
Posts: 1230

I've never been bullied, in any form.

But I've bullied someone in elementary school. Third grade to be exact. He was a new kid and was assigned to sit next to me. I remember kicking/punching him, pushing him down and just making fun of him. It was bad enough that I made him cry on some occasions. This went on for the rest of that year.

Contrary to what some of you might think, that I had a crush on him, you're wrong. I remember hating him, because he was assigned to sit next to me when the person who originally sat next to me, was absent. And that person I had a crush on.

And even though I've been in situations where I truly believe that "this is karma for all the horrible things I've done in the past," I will always regret it. Still do, to this day. What a stupid kid I was. sad

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12:19 am, May 30 2009
Posts: 3

I was bullied pretty badly before I turned thirteen. I'm a fairly mellow guy, but when I get hit it tends to set me off. And it just so happend there were a few guys in my class who enjoyed picking on me and my friends, and settting me off. But that all stopped when I shot up 6 or 7 inches in one summer and hit the big 6'0, and took karate lessons almost daily, all summer. Then when school started up again it was time for some sweet, sweet revenge. biggrin

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The last Blood Elf

5:02 am, May 30 2009
Posts: 200

Hm, is this the only thread where there are three double-posts exist? the dispute we have here (pages5-16) is truly epic with all kinds of participants : banned user, bullies and bullied ones, true believer,double-poster, girl who find her fun in beating her bullies...well, i don't mean to offend anyone just want to join the party,lol though it's too late.
Quote from Astral100
Bullying doesn't stop at school. It just becomes more subtle. Instead of physical abuse you can very well be subjected to the mental abuse. Which often is more hurtful than the physical abuse. And unless you know how to stand up for yourself and defend your views adult life might be quite difficult for you.

That's right, more subtle, but it can be easier to encounter, if the bullied ones is good at using their brains.
Quote from Zubz313
Nothing can make you feel like you've hit rock bottom when you pick on someone that treats you like a brother
There are people who won't feel that way, they are called cruel and ungrateful people.
Quote from Zubz313
@ Moritana
My Dear, I am certainly not insinuating that by showing love to others that you will receive it back. We both know that Jesus came and loved everyone good and bad and we crucified him. In this lies my statement. It's easy to love people that love you back but it is almost God like to love those that hate you. I also didn't imply that you need to smile back at a very angry bully. You spelled it out it won't end well.I'm saying to love him, and whether or not the bully retaliates in violence is a mood point when you compare to the disappointment of God when he sees you act out of cowardice.

Quote from Zubz313
I'm saying the person that answers back with violence and hate is the real coward. His fear will cause him either to do one of two things run or fight. A person that is in complete submission to a holy and perfect God won't allow anger to consume him and retaliate.A person that is in complete submission to a holy and perfect God won't allow anger to consume him and retaliate. Let's take Jesus Christ the son of God as an example, do you not know that when the first lash fell on Jesus back, a million angels drew their swords and stood in readiness to attack, but Christ said no. Hows that for complete and perfect control of ones body and mind? Hows that for true bravery? He took the worst punishment imaginable, and endured it for loves sake all alone. If that isn't bravery than what is.
You are right, but the one arguing with you won't understand it.There are the ones who rely on the fact that god could do that since he is god but they are not so they won't act like god.They don't know that everyone can have one virtue of god to become better if they try to learn it.However,the way you choose to treat others may harm yourself, so it should depend on the situation. At first i will try to show my friendliness toward the one who picks on me,keep my guard on ofcourse, and if he proves himself to be a real scum then i won't hesitate to give him a punch right in the middle of his stomach,with a smile(the change in the attitude will very likely surprise him, if there's more than one,better try to get away,lol). That is when a fight becomes inevitable, in the worst case (which never happened to me) the bullies hold a grudge and try to revenge, this is the time to rely on the "power from above", teachers, polices, authorities,(don't waste your time on stupid things). Anyway it's still better than get beaten up from the beginning.
Quote from Moritana
what happened after the execution of jesus? everyone blamed everyone, wars began, and violance was raised. so you said he did it for love? for the sake of his friends?
its a world of eat or be eaten, pal. choose one of the both.

I would say:because people didn't learn anything from god's sacrifice so the wars after that happened, because people believed their answer was violence, before finding out what really was the cause of conflict. It 's not wise to ask such questions when you already knew that God didn't want it himself.Obviously, conflicts can not always be avoided, but only the thinking of avoiding unnecessary conflicts will not be considered stupid in this case.
Quote from lemondude
I guess god must not have heard me when I bought the lottery, but that's cool.

seriously, if you get bullied I think you should just change yourself to someone more likable, it's not like this is bad for the future or something. Fighting just makes it worse.

Quote from ares6
BTW, Lemondude is actually Tazmo.


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Sweetly Macabre

1:02 am, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1005

I was bullied horribly in middle school by gossiping girls. Not for any fault of my own, other than not being a snob (and fair enough, I was pretty funny looking. Isn't everyone funny looking around that age?)

Frankly, that kind of bullying stays with you. It took me a long time to get over; I was really shocked later when people complimented me, and paranoid that they were joking. Finally gotten over that and no longer care, but the inferiority complex flares up from time to time. So my adult life is fairly intact, and if anything, I learnt about dealing with people and with myself because of it.

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The Movie Critic

1:18 am, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 515

I am sure that I have posted previously but, I will like to say that I was bullied in middle school and am still feeling it today. Well one day on the bus me and my best friend Cameron are sitting on the bus messing around talking about upcoming games then wack! I get smacked from behind from thins guy who was in 7th grade and not exaggerating looked like should be in high school. Well I was in 8th. And at 8th grade I was so into anime that I sang the theme song from Neon Genesis and had a crush on Kagome from Inyuyasha so I was bound to be made fun of. But, I try to ignore this behemoth of a man and keep talking to Cameron. Then all of a sudden he hits Cameron he responds the same way and ignores him. Then he hit me again this time I am pissed and look at him sternly but, obviously he hit me again. But, when I look back I see my childhood friend Chris sitting next to him laughing his ass off. So after that I don't trust a single person and now all the time I sleep I have a dream not beating up that behemoth no but, smashing in Chris' head into a pole until he stops moving. Well that was me contributing. biggrin

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11:58 am, Sep 28 2009
Posts: 9026

Polite bump.

I have never been bullied. Well, maybe lightly in the past once or twice, but it wasn't a big deal so not worthy to mention. I have already forgotten if such a thing ever did happen. Bullies probably have their own issues, and just try to take it out on innocent bystanders, the jerks. Or else they just want to be popular, and show that they're not to be messed around with, or they just want to try to be funny so that their friends laugh.

People laugh easier about other people's misery, after all.

No matter what the reason though, bullying is NOT okay.

Last edited by Dr. Love at 12:24 pm, Sep 28 2009

source: animenewsnetwork

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12:13 pm, Sep 28 2009
Posts: 41

I don't think I was ever bullied nor did I bullied people, It was probably due to the fact that I was bigger then other people during my middle school days biggrin , High School I was doing my own thing so nobody really bothered me.

Post #324004
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12:26 pm, Sep 28 2009
Posts: 137

i was bullied very much from 1st grade to 9th don't really know why, was never really given a reason,perhaps because of the people i was friends with. When the worst bully died in a carcrash, i went to the graveyard and pissed on his grave. That didn't give me anything but at the time it felt like something fun to do.

Last edited by NIQ at 12:51 pm, Sep 28 2009

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5:23 pm, Sep 30 2009
Posts: 536

remember once i was the age of elementary school.. some girl piss me off in Vietnam i put a fish bucket over her..
Age of first year middle school i kick this brown kid ass so hard=.= and it was out of sport.. lawl so sorry cool

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