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New Poll - Three Wise Monkeys

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12:59 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 10691

Simple poll suggested by FeaRimbor. He didn't originally include mute as an option (probably because it doesn't seem as detrimental), but I wanted to go with the theme of the three wise monkeys.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Which statement is more true?
People are too easily offended by what others say - votes: 1846 (56.9%)
People should be careful about what they say to avoid offending others - votes: 1397 (43.1%)
There were 3243 total votes.
The poll ended: November 6th 2021

No one gave suggestions for a poll for cancel culture, so I won't do it. And I might end up banning some people from the forums

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1:51 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 138

If you're mute, you can still find other ways to communicate, such as sign language or writing on paper (You could even potentially get a text-to-speech device like Stephen Hawking had!)

All while still being able to watch anime and read manga. Thus, I feel like it's the best option.

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Post #793506 - Reply to (#793504) by lambchopsil
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2:57 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 647

Mute for reasons that vigorousjammer has pointed out! If I had to choose between the other two I would choose deaf.

Quote from lambchopsil
No one gave suggestions for a poll for cancel culture, so I won't do it. And I might end up banning some people from the forums

The comments in the last poll proved that people wouldn't be able to discuss cancel culture without being disgusting. It would be nice if we could have controversial polls with civil discussion but apparently to avoid comments like 'tRaNs PeOpLE sHoUldN't ExIsT', every poll needs to have the ideological weight of 'what's your favourite colour of hamster'.

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3:37 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 2411

Mute. I would even choose Deaf & Mute over being blind.

Quote from hkanz
Every poll needs to have the ideological weight of 'what's your favourite colour of hamster'.

It's obviously orange.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #793509 - Reply to (#793506) by hkanz
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3:51 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Isn't it much more civilized to have harsh and unrestrained arguments over the internet with faceless individuals rather than how political discussions were handled as recent as a century ago; which was each senator grabbing their favorite cane, going down to the speaking floor, and beating the snot out of each other?

Quote from hkanz
to avoid comments like 'tRaNs PeOpLE sHoUldN't ExIsT'

No on said that. I believe the closest was my comment, which was that if they're going to bitch and moan about persecution where none exist, then why not do something to really give them a reason to complain. However, that's also beside the joke that if someone actually did waste the time to make that into a law, they really have way too much time on their hands.

Which pretty much encompasses the entire issue: a bunch of people with more time than sense wasting everyone else's time complaining about an issue that didn't exist until a decade ago.

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 3:58 pm, Nov 6 2021

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Post #793514 - Reply to (#793508) by residentgrigo
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8:58 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 647

Quote from residentgrigo
It's obviously orange.

Yeah, we would really just be making the orange ones cocky by having a poll.

Post #793516
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9:20 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 345

The only person who would rather be blind than deaf or mute might be those who really love singing mmm...

I will change this world mmm...
So the world can change me mmm...
Post #793517
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10:29 pm, Nov 6 2021
Posts: 39

Mute, you're less likely to get hit by a car, and can go about your daily life without too much trouble, especially since how ubiquitous smartphones are now so a person could type their message or use a text to speech app. It still sucks, but it is easier to work around. It must not be too prevalent, because a lot of people assume you can talk if you don't answer them right away.
Interestingly, to be legally blind does not mean you can't see at all, a lot of blind people have some form of vision, but they will wear the "blind glasses" so people can recognize them or feel more comfortable. Being partially blind does not undermine their difficulty though. One of my wife's family members is blind in one eye, his accident & health insurance refused to pay out anything because he is not blind in both eyes..
Apparently deaf people develop a "deaf accent ", or at least that is what I "Switched at birth (tv show)" told me.

It would be nice if we could have controversial polls with civil discussion

I thought the previous poll thread was rather civil, at least until somebody was posting 4 x and 2 x times in a row to everything in order to dominate the conversation and impose their view that everybody in the thread was a bigot. I was sexually assaulted at university so I am not going to be a champion of defending them. I also believe in the sanctity of private spaces because I've experienced a bunch of harassment events, like an old guy (staff at a spa) following me into a private solo shower and trying to touch me. Although men experience harassment, rape, assault, and it should not be dismissed, I feel women have it a lot worse due to the perception of weakness. I can't imagine all the bs that women have to go through and endure daily.

'what's your favourite colour of hamster'.

I have a yellow one, well she was yellow, then blonde to grey + brown. They call yellow ones "yellow pudding", but iunno if they naturally stay yellow for long. ns apparently there is a forth monkey now :3, they can form a band. An uncle used to have a one of those mini statues of three monkeys, he was heavily into judo and Buddhism though.


5:33 am, Nov 7 2021
Posts: 195


In reality, all of these symptoms have a range. So if I was as blind as I am now, I would definitely pick blindness. (I live a pretty good life.) If I would to imagine the extreme, where no medical assisted device could overcome it, its going to be mute.

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Post #793521 - Reply to (#793516) by VawX
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6:08 am, Nov 7 2021
Posts: 566

I'd rather be mute. If it's a choice between blind and deaf, I'd choose blind because of my love of music.

Quote from VawX
The only person who would rather be blind than deaf or mute might be those who really love singing

I like singing but my voice definitely isn't good enough for me to opt to be blind over mute, lol.

Post #793526
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2:04 pm, Nov 7 2021
Posts: 107

Okay well my answer is obviously going to be Mute because that affects most people's lives the least. I'm not a singer or have a job that requires me to use my voice extensively. It will make life significantly HARDER, but not as much as being blind or deaf. Now, if I had to choose between blind and deaf, probably deaf. But maybe if I were born with one of these traits vs becoming blind/deaf in the future, my answer would be a little different?

My favorite color of hamster is creamsicle: orange and white. I had a pet hamster that color with three legs when I was eight, and he was a sweetie. Then I got another hamster who was just orange and he sucked. It's very subjective, but every nice hamster I've encountered was orange and white. But that could just also be because that's like 80% of the big boy hamster colors and most chonky hamsters are pretty chill except for my one hamster

Last edited by Ceiye at 2:11 pm, Nov 7 2021

Post #793532 - Reply to (#793516) by VawX

10:54 pm, Nov 7 2021
Posts: 206

Quote from VawX
The only person who would rather be blind than deaf or mute might be those who really love singing mmm...

I clicked 'Blind' incorrectly because I was thinking of something else, and not understanding literal blindness.
I find being willfully blind can make finding happiness so much easier. such a blonde moment


6:41 am, Nov 8 2021
Posts: 381

The only people choosing "blind" are those who literally have put 0 thought into the ramifications, or those whose lives revolve 100% around music.

Even if the poll was only between blind and deaf, this is a fucking manga website, I'd expect that people who thought properly about it would vote like 98% deaf and 2% blind because the 2% have literal music-oriented careers or something (and also aren't beethoven lol). Being deaf can increase your day-to-day danger and make you miss out on certain things, but being blind completely debilitates you from tons of normal, everyday activities. It's incomparably bad.

Anyway, I went with the vast majority and chose mute because it's not even a big deal. Hell, while I fully admit it'd be frustrating to not be able to express myself as fully as voice allows, being mute would also take out some of my day to day stress, so it wouldn't even be all bad. I wouldn't be prompted to talk in meetings at work, I could just communicate everything with email.

Post #793549 - Reply to (#793535) by HikaruYami
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3:37 pm, Nov 8 2021
Posts: 46

Or they went with legally blind which is only -4 vision. I'm at -6 and as long as I don't have to drive, I can do day to day things without my glasses. I can even read manga as long as my nose less than an inch away. You're also judging based off yourself. I'm mentally ill and being stuck in silence with my own thoughts is way more terrifying than completely black vision. I will admit I also chose mute because it would have the least effect on my day to day life, but don't put others down for thinking differently.

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9:03 pm, Nov 8 2021
Posts: 121


I'm not trying to disregard the difabled (deaf and blind), but out of the three I would rather be mute than being deaf and blind. I still love reading comics and other books, watching films and anime, and I want to enjoy it the fullest using my eyes and ears.

And I know Deaf people are still able to drive (obviously), but I don't think I would feel save in the street when I couldn't hear (and see) anything. Plus, my country still needs many improvement to make a safe and inclusive public space for the difabled. I wouldn't want to be deaf or blind in that situation.

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