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Most Hated Characters..

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Post #386024

7:16 pm, Jun 16 2010
Posts: 106

Naruto- Sasuke
Bleach- Orihime
Naruto- Naruto
Naruto- Sakura


Post #386061 - Reply to (#386024) by Tiga101
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insomniac Kagehime

10:14 pm, Jun 16 2010
Posts: 2707

Quote from Tiga101
Naruto- Sasuke
Bleach- Orihime
Naruto- Naruto
Naruto- Sakura


why the hell are you reading naruto if you hate all the main charas?

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
please support me

10:26 pm, Jul 17 2010
Posts: 307

Haninozuka from Ouran High School Host Club

a useless annoying brat if I've ever seen one. Absolutely no character developement or redeemable features, he's an a-hole surrounded in moe b s. He makes girls in 16 and pregnant look smart.

Edit: Revy from Black Lagoon, for being an uncool lunatic, getting into battle in usually without a bulletproof vest, likely to be killed in one minute because she has no strategy or brains, but she survives ONLY because she is the main character. Then she smokes, swears, and gets a gazillion people to think she's actually cool, and the manga completely worships her. Gosh...

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10:45 pm, Jul 17 2010
Posts: 13

Hmm... I think it would be

Sakura - Naruto
Adelheid (sp?) - KHR
Orihime - Bleach

Remember, back in the day...

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What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
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9:57 am, Jul 20 2010
Posts: 364

naruto & sakura -naruto (coz of these 2 character i stopped reading &watching naruto)

orihime- bleach (she damn annoying.....grrrr)

and all shoujo character dat cry easily and get jealous easily and act without thinking........ mad


10:24 am, Jul 20 2010
Posts: 44

The first one that comes to mind, would be Kaya from Midnight Secretary. Ugh. Don't even get me started... no

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Post #395829
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Whitest Kid U know

3:44 pm, Jul 30 2010
Posts: 44

the club guide dude martan?-my heavenley hockey club

also can i use one vote to say that akito is awsome?She is one of my favorite.

Like keeps on dropping bombs
Post #397177
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all hail schneizel

12:24 pm, Aug 5 2010
Posts: 196

I think I'll stick with manga (because Code Geass is not a manga, it was turned into several pathetic fan fics, it'd be different if it was a manga turned anime) and shounen characters.

And I'll stick with Bleach since it has so many annoying characters!

1. Soi Fon
2. Inoue Orihime
3. Aizen
4. Asano Keigo
5. Don Kanonji

Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like Orihime! She's so popular, mainly because of her gigantic breasts, but she's dumb as a rock, and weak and pathetic.


1:12 pm, Aug 5 2010
Posts: 22

the characters that I hate the most?

1. Ranma 1/2 - Ryoga Hibiki he is so toofaces and grose! I hate him. Poor Akane
2. Hetalia Axis Power - Toris Lorinaitis (Lithuania) OMG he is so sucks

Post #404014 - Reply to (#384450) by Synthoxide

7:41 am, Sep 3 2010
Posts: 24

Quote from Synthoxide
Seri Renai Shijou Shugi This woman. She is one of the stupidest girls ever. EVERRRR. To be a 'karate girl' she gets raped so much it's insane. I understand karate doesn't = defending godess, especially when she went up against some supposed 'bad ass' karate men, but everyone else? Are we really going down that route? A lamp could have raped her and I'll be damned if Tamaki didn't find out and beat up that lamp for her and then turn around and have makeup sex with her. I can see it now... -imagination- "Tamaki, I've been raped by a lamp. I'm sorry, I'm so dirty... I resisted so much..." "Oh Seri, it's okay, I beat up that lamp for hurting you. I'm sure you resisted it with all your might..." "Oh Tamaki! I love you!" "Seri! I love you, too!" -end- >_> Can you feel my disappointment? I can feel my disappointment. But at least she didn't like it so that was a plus, I guess. Still made me want to kick a b*tch, though.

Thank you! Thank you SO.....MUCH for mentioning this character. I think that the name of this series should have just been 'Rape Seri', because that's all that ever happened, if you really think about it. Perhaps the mangaka will create a sequel adequately named 'Tamaki's Dilemma: Why Does His **** Burn?' sometime in the near future.

Well, Naruto doesn't bother me quite as much. The whole "believe it!" thing can be kind of annoying, but hearing "dattebayo" in it's place is a lot more tolerable.

Last edited by tweetchan at 7:59 am, Sep 3 2010

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6:49 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 197

Mako Anzai/'K' from Bloody Monday.

You're not alone. <BR>We are partners. <BR>If you are a witch, <BR>Then I'll become a warlock.<BR><BR>- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
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12:36 am, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 262

Quote from Synthoxide
Seri Renai Shijou Shugi This woman. She is one of the stupidest girls ever. EVERRRR. To be a 'karate girl' she gets raped so much it's insane. I understand karate doesn't = defending godess, especially when she went up against some supposed 'bad ass' karate men, but everyone else? Are we really going down that route? A lamp could have raped her and I'll be damned if Tamaki didn't find out and beat up that lamp for her and then turn around and have makeup sex with her. I can see it now... -imagination- "Tamaki, I've been raped by a lamp. I'm sorry, I'm so dirty... I resisted so much..." "Oh Seri, it's okay, I beat up that lamp for hurting you. I'm sure you resisted it with all your might..." "Oh Tamaki! I love you!" "Seri! I love you, too!" -end- >_> Can you feel my disappointment? I can feel my disappointment. But at least she didn't like it so that was a plus, I guess. Still made me want to kick a b*tch, though.

WOW-lol, your imagination is hilarious and your comment is inspiring! Even though I haven't read the manga and actually seen what the karate girl was like, I'll totally put her as one of my most hated characters because of what you said. o.0

So my most hated characters are:
1.Yuki from vampire knight
2.Kaname from vampire knight - !
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The incest with Yuki and Kaname is too gross to tolerate

3. The karate girl from Renai Shijou Shugi...

Simply another normal human being...

6:28 am, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 19

Onda Aka from REC

Don't be so humble, you're not that great. - Golda Meir
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7:04 am, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 773

eba- kimi no iru machi
rec - the main girl
kapon - the main girl
ciguatera--the main girl..grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......nvr been annoyed that much
yume de aetara--the "oh ! so pure" main girl but she is atleast a comic relief ....diff frm the above

best shonen manga couples :

shinichi X ran
natsu X erza
ippo X kumi
naruto X gaara
Post #412282 - Reply to (#412240) by ajcoolim107

10:03 am, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 313

Quote from ajcoolim107
yume de aetara--the "oh ! so pure" main girl but she is atleast a comic relief

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It did piss me off how she would constantly rush to judgement and was willing to believe the worst about Masuo, but when he gets sent out of town on work she gets engaged to another man just because she felt sorry for his son.

That said, I was pleased with the way it ended.

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