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School-Required Reading

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Post #398788 - Reply to (#398739) by Maxieflame
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7:46 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 3503

Quote from Maxieflame
Quote from stubborn blob
I loved One Hundred Years of Solitude. Which therefore didn't get any notice in the class.

Eww, tried reading that in spanish, pain in the ass as it is written in older forms of spanish. English version was better to read.

Really? So you never tried to read the Quixote in spanish. laugh

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

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Post #398793 - Reply to (#398730) by Pikapu
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sleepy ghost

8:22 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 1140

Quote from PeachMangoTea
OH, and this past year... I had to read Fast Food Nation... There's definitely a LOT of horrific facts in the book... including a lot of gross and disgusting things... but it didn't deter me from my love of McDonald's chicken Mcnuggets and French fries! ...Which could possibly be a bad thing. none

Same here. Good read, but it's harder to eat fast food now (though I'll eat the occasional burger here and there). A teacher at my old school saw the movie adaptation and literally gave up drinking his daily diet coke because of it.

Quote from kizku
"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read." —Mark Twain

Speaking of Twain, one of my favorite books that I "had to read" was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Though I was probably the only one in my class actually did.

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Post #398794 - Reply to (#398747) by lorie

8:32 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 249

Quote from lorie
Pride and prejudice - by Jane Austen, although we only had to read 6 chapters biggrin


i took the non-advanced english class at my school last year because I heard they read Pride and Prejudice. only for that reason.

and they decided to read Jane Eyre instead sad which was decent, but Pride and Prejudice is beautiful...

Post #398795 - Reply to (#398749) by MewMan
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HanaTsuki Hime

8:34 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 262

Quote from MewMan
Quote from Rouzmary
hey, which country you come from...?'cuz i'd like to know where you have to read those books... wink

I'm Vietnamese.
At school we have to deal with stuff from our "comrades in war", which mean Russia (Leo Tolstoy,etc) and China(Li Bai, Du Fu, etc). Also, we study a bit about American and French literature.
Oh, and of course, there's our literature too. laugh

yay, someone heard me, thanx... smile ^^

yup, Russia is our neighbor too, but thank god we dont have to read too much of theirs...^_^agh i remember elementary school and my Russian lessons, that was nightmare, not that i woudnt understand i know Russian not bad, but i didn't like it...O.o

and since Latvia's in Europe we mostly have to read European authors and some Americans and obviously our own...

but you know, you're got to read well ok for you it's local literature, but as for us we almost dont get to read any Asian literature...T_T that's sad cuz that's what i'm most interested in and i have to look for everything myself... wink

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Post #398800
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Angel of Sin

8:49 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 314

Well... I always disliked pretty much all of them. Many of the required books I never even read. Though I did like Ellen Foster. When it came to summer reading, I never read the books. laugh There's something about being forced to read a book that makes it completely awful for me.

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Post #398803
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8:57 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 182

I don't have my summer reading list right now, but most books (Junior 11th Grade) my school "recommended" are pure, angsty teenage BS about fitting in and anorexia. No thanks.

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9:00 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 560

I actually liked some of the books I had to read.

Here are the ones I liked

Tuesdays With Morrie(ADORE IT)
Great Expectations
"Romeo and Juliet"

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
To Kill A Mockingbird

Book Thief(also ADORE)

Glass Castle
Dinner at the Homesick Diner

The ones I didn't like were like Lord of the Flies, A Separate Piece, The Bluest Eye, "Macbeth", "Beowolf", and Animal Dreams. Oh dear God, Animal Dreams was atrocious. But overall, a lot of the summer reading books were ones that were recently written(within the last century).

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A Person

9:12 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 2126

Of Mice and Men (Meh.... I didn't really like this one)
Lord of the Flies (See above)
Romeo and Juliet (I liked this one)
To Kill a Mocking Bird (I also liked)

Sophmore ;
Ender's Game (<3 <3 <3 This is actually one of my favorite books as it is, so I was excited to read it for school. The analyzing it sorta killed it a bit, but I still love it.)
We read some other ones too, but I don't remember.

As for what I'm reading this year, I don't know yet.

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Post #398843 - Reply to (#398750) by kraki
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1:13 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 2050

Quote from kraki
Here we had to read famous French author like

Guy de Maupassant
Baudelaire (Les Fleurs du Mal)
Voltaire (Candide)
Jean-Paul Sartre (Huis Clos)
Albert Camus (L'étranger)

It was ridiculously difficult so I stopped after the second page of Huis Clos, and I didn't pass my bac (the final exam for french highschooler) for the french. embarrassed

I read The Stranger for school (but in English of course) and it was really... different. Haha. I'm still not sure what to make of it. It was really short, which was nice. Such a totally different writing style and plot, I must say.

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Post #398846
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1:43 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 410

Of mice and men for my GCSEs... sort of putting me off john steinbeck for life. we had to read the whole book at least twice in class as well as having to endure the film version once too many times. shakespeare was also a popular option


2:36 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 33


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2:40 pm, Aug 11 2010
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Senior school reading - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Still haven't read it...

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2:51 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 79

Stuff we read in class now that i remembered Hamlet and The Glass Menagerie. Was entertained by the 2nd one, Hamlet was meh to me.

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Monkey. :B

3:12 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 1966

You guys were lucky...>: Though I personally liked what we were required to read. xD

I started school a bit later here, so ya.

Junior Year
Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun
"The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao"
"No Face" from Drown. We read other short stories from Drown, but I really, really loved this one. <3

Senior Year
Oedipus: A Tragedy

In eight grade I remember having to read: "House on Mango Street", "Catcher in the Rye", "To Kill a Mocking Bird", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and "Perks of being a Wallflower". I liked them. Though, we never got to finish "Catcher in the Rye" because it was banned from our school that year. I was only able to finish it two years ago since I didn't have a library card back then.

I loved all we had to read throughout high school. :3 We had to read sooo much in middle school though (well, eight grade, anyway). >: The majority of the reads were angsty teenage crap too...D: Romeo & Juliet, "Stargirl", "Bodega Dreams", "Push", etc...>_>

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Post #398871 - Reply to (#398843) by Pikapu
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4:08 pm, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 264

Quote from PeachMangoTea
I read The Stranger for school (but in English of course) and it was really... different. Haha. I'm still not sure what to make of it. It was really short, which was nice. Such a totally different writing style and plot, I must say.

Well even for us it was somewhat different from what we were used to, the real problem was that my french teacher was so into this kind of stuff that we only had this type of books. He would go in crazy fantasy every time we had lesson about those books, it could be pretty creepy sometimes. Ugh, gives me chills just thinking about it. High school's over and I'm now the only one to decide which book to read, goodbye strange french author eek

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