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where the 'good' guy gets the girl

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9:19 pm, Sep 23 2010
Posts: 189

Hey guys!
I want something where the 'good' guy gets the girl.. i mean something like...

the bestfriend/childhood friend/neighbor/the neglected one/the one who loves the heroine the most yet doesnt get the love back/the one who's hurting the most/the one we are all cheering for
i hope you get my drift..

i mean come on! we all cheer for the guy and yet he doesnt get the girl in the end :'''(
instead, the girl falls for the mean guy who treats her like trash(in most shoujo,anyway)
LOL i just finished meine liebe and was devastated that erika didnt pick naomi-sama(though i saw it coming) So yeah,i hope to see a manga where the 'naomi-sama' type of guy gets his 'erika'

can be any genre as long as its not h and the likes.

thank youuusss <3

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9:49 pm, Sep 23 2010
Posts: 468

Most shounen.

See, shoujo authors realize that the 'bad boys' tend to have the qualities that attract women: they're confident, know who they are, they don't fawn over them, and they tend to make women want to 'help' them.

Shounen authors, on the other hand, rarely understand the female dynamic, or simply portray the idealistic situation that many manga-reading males wish was real life: that bowing to a girl's every wish and command, acting insecure and embarrassed, buying her gifts, etc... is attractive to the female cast.

If you haven't read much seinen, you may find that appealing. A fair number of the romances have guys that aren't wusses/pansies, but rather possess many of the attractive qualities, while still being morally sound and reasonably respectful to the women.

I can't think of any examples at the moment.. Have a killer headache and I'm trying to avoid forcing a recollection. Good luck in your search.

[edit] I just realized that you're probably looking for a romance-focused plot. Hmmm. Well, one that you can check out is Good Ending. Might be what you're looking for.

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