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U.S. Education System adequate?

Is the U.S. Education System adequate to ensure the future of your children?
Of course. We are a superpower after all.
Nope. Not according to recent statistical studies
Oh gee, I don't know.
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Post #167483 - Reply to (#167419) by silent killer
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wtf r u doin?

7:12 am, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 372

Quote from silent killer
Quote from Pirate1019
my wall of text
his wall of text

I dont think we've got rent a cops. Just a couple female security guards (everyone thinks they are butch lesbians) who aren't allowed to carry anything except radios, and we even have a city policeman that hangs out here all day. The funny thing is that the real cop, you know, the one with the 9mm at his hip, is the coolest guy out of the bunch. Him and I were even making jokes about the female security guards.

I am not prostrate. I am looking at the sky on the other side of Earth.

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Post #167487 - Reply to (#166990) by Yeran

8:12 am, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 210

Quote from Yeran
A few days ago, a girl asked me why the rain doesn't just fly off into space because there isn't any gravity up there.

Enough said.

Edit: For perspective, we're both seniors in high school. One of the best high schools in the state.

dear sweet lord.....

not an american, so i know little of the US education system. however, looking at quite a number of videos, some articles, and studies mentioned in the local radio, i'm actually quite shocked. i remember, maybe last year, statistics showing quite a surprising number of people (or was it specifically students? i forgot the details), when shown the map of the world, wouldn't even know where America is.

watching a few American late night shows a while back, i saw a nurse in training not knowing who Florence Nightingale was, and how there was only one senior in this one school (can't remember if it was in texas, kansas, or some other place), who graduated.

i'm not gonna haphazardly blame the US education alone, since i know little, but what are the chances of all this to be blamed onto the individual instead?


8:36 am, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 18

At this point in time it seems that education has been shoved aside and financial matters have been brought to center stage. In Maine for one (though I don't know about other states) the higher ups have decided to go through with school consolidation, where 4-5 different schools join up in an effort to cut costs. Supposedly this will help save money, but it is costing tax payers in our town more money than they were paying before. Another side-effect of this plan for saving money is that special programs are being cut, which will effectively cut down on the help given to special education students and advanced placement students that are unable to go through regular courses because they are not challenging enough and affect their abilities to work (because boredom makes a lot of them skip their work, for some reason).

Plenty of students are really angry about all of this, and how it affects their education. In an effort to save money, the state is taking good jobs and programs and tossing them out the window. As a result, my school (which is constantly in the top 3 ranking schools in the state) is already beginning to show signs of wear and tear as overall grades drop while teachers are trying to figure out who gets sacked next in this money saving effort.

Yes, money is important, but it kinda sucks when you sacrifice the education of a few million people to get it.

(Thank you government b*t*h with the overseas bank accounts).

Just my two cents. The US Education system is royally screwed.

Oh god, we have a couple of those kids with no understanding of reality. From the girl that doesn't believe in dolphins, dinosaurs, or sharks, to the girl that believes whales live in tidepools. *shivers*

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Manga Otaku

10:42 am, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 715

I don't know much about the US Education system.....

I went to Special Ed schools through my entire school life, one of them I went to, despite the fact it has been named the best high school in NYC and has won several awards for overall excellence in terms of high school education and regents, It is sometimes been branded as an "elitist" school because students have to work hard to get into the school through various tests, most of them failed to enter.

So, yeah. The US Education system is not what it used to be. none

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice

12:13 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 14

Over the past couple of years I have spent a large portion of time in grade school class rooms, or have had dealings with grades 1-5. And there is a huge flaw in our school system, and it is called parents. In generations past, parents were more involved with their childs schooling, also they respected and listened to what the teachers had to say. A single day didn't go past when I was on a campus, when there wasn't a parent bitching about something the teacher said or did, when about 90% of the time, the child was just a dumbass and didn't follow the rules. A teachers word used to be law, not so much anymore.
Also parents aren't spending as much time at home with their kids anymore. There isn't a study that doesn't show how school age children do better in their lessons when they spend time at home working with their parents on school related things, such as homework, science projects, studies etc. Another problem is that children aren't able to use their minds like in the past. Instead of building, creating, using their imagination to create there own games, they are glued to the t.v playing play station and the like. So basically we are creatng stupid children by our own means.
The school system for sure has its flaws, but not nearly as many if the studnt and parent take advantage of what all is there for them. People are just getting lazy. And this doesn't go just for the United States. It is happening all over the world. Some places are just dealing with it quicker then others.

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12:48 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 9026

Well, the US education system should at least have one other compulsary language, no? So, that you won't know only English for whole your life. >_>

Granted, America has good schools, even some of the best in the whole world, but most of the time their schools are sub-par to let's say, European schools. bigrazz ... We have 2 compulsary languages besides our mother language, 'nuff said. .__.

source: animenewsnetwork

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12:49 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 2

The school system in my opinion in trouble. I taught high school physics for 4 years (yes, I had a physics degree, I was not a coach trying to teach physics), and let me tell you what. I taught at 3 different schools(ghetto 1 year, rich suburb public school next year, then a private school for 2 years) and either way I looked there was something horribly wrong.

If I did have to pinpoint the worst problem though, it has to be the parents. They have undermined the school system in such a way as to almost render the teachers useless in the face of any problem. Anything I try to do to get these kids to spark interest, I had to stop due to somebody getting sued about this or that and we do not want to fall into that trap here.

For instance, I had the idea 1 year of making the lab part of physics a privilege, not a necessity. Basically, the students who are passing get to work with the labs (which they loved), while the students who failed got more homework that pertained to the lab. Now, just to let you know, I held study sessions and the works for students who couldn't get physics (there are some who just can't grasp it, and I understand that), so even they had Cs. With the set-up in place, the only ones who I gave more work are the people who didn't not do anything and was failing (though I got pressure from the top to pass them anyways). Apparently this did not fly with the higher ups. At all.

Some of you may think this a horrible idea, but I was desperate to try to get some interest in the sciences.

Post #167517 - Reply to (#167511) by Dr. Love
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1:12 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from Dr. Love
Well, the US education system should at least have one other compulsary language, no? So, that you won't know only English for whole your life. >_>

Granted, America has good schools, even some of the best in the whole world, but most of the time their schools are sub-par to let's say, European schools. bigrazz ... We have 2 compulsary languages besides our mother language, 'nuff said. .__.

American schools don't have any compulsory subjects outside of English, Math, Social Science, and Natural Science. However, depending on what school, they can require a second language. My school required 8 credits of a foreign language.

Also, there are more languages in Europe. It would be far more beneficial to learn various languages if you want to travel at all. The US is primarily English Speaking, and is damn near as big as all of Europe. Furthermore, the 2 languages besides English that are prevalent in the States are Spanish and French, so really, a person would only have to learn one of those to in order to communicate with people.

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2:16 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 61

I Am a high schooler and we are getting a new school thank
hevans but their are a few things that the school makes teachers try that piss me off

1. my math teacher let us have our own groups to work with
so we chose our groups We had the groups of smart ppl and a
group of ppl who did nothing and didn't care... The teacher got
pressured to have every1 pass or be punished (like it was her fault) and split up that group putting a person from the
slackers into each of the smart groups ... What happend they
would copy ... our work and give nothing so we all stoped doing
our work *that was done in class* so the slacker wouldn't copy
every1's grade suffered ...

The NO child left behind thing is also stupid .. i understand if some ppl
dont get it but they shouldn't pull me back 4 the ppl WHO JUST DON"T CARE!

i also an terrified becuz im supposed to go to japan
as a foreign exchange and i Will embaress myself becuz
they r so much more advanced!! embarrassed dead

IS it so selfish to ask for something in this world to be mine and only mine... belonging to no one else. that is what i wish for most
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chasing oblivion

2:38 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 1366

Don't believe the hype. If anything you are better adjusted than any kid your age in all of Japan. That and the majority of them go to cram school of some kind. So just because they are better than you at math is no reason to feel ashamed. They'd make you feel inferior regardless of how smart you really are. Feigned politeness is not the kind I want, thank you.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.

2:40 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 2

Yeah, the no child left behind thing is the worst. It is also a cornerstone in what I consider to be the failing that is American schools. I know that there are good schools out there, and that there are students who care, but from what I have seen the average makes me want to cry. The no child left behind thing that is enforced is even worse.

Let me regale you with another story, though this one is from my friend (who is also a physics teacher). The teachers get reviewed every once in a while by a higher up. The only problem that we have this is that they are mostly of a degree that is way off from ours (like english, or art, or something to that affect). He was explaining Newton's 3 Laws to the class, while at the same time teaching them the math needed to understand it. As you can imagine, this is frustrating as the students should already know it, and they ask questions all the time. This is usually no big deal, but it is to the woman who is reviewing him. She thinks that he is teaching above their heads and teaching at too fast a pace (and he is in the same boat I am, as we were actually behind on our lessons) and she suggests an exercise that has worked for her:

Woman: Hmmm, I think a good exercise you should do is to get the kids into a group, and let them write an essay together on what they think about Newton's 3 Laws.
Friend: eek Your serious?
Woman: Sure, let them spill their inner thoughts on how Newton's 3 Laws make them feel.
Friend: : ......I will think about it
Woman: Sure, and I have some other ideas too.....
Friend: roll eyes

I apologize, but I honestly think that America needs a real overhaul on the school system.

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chasing oblivion

3:28 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 1366

The way I see the American Education system getting an overhaul would be to make it less independent. Ofcourse doing that would, I'm sure, offend someone in some way, and it would never get done. Or if someone did come up with a way to do it without infringing on our rights as Americans as afforded to us by the constitution, someone would argue it would cost too much and nothing would get done.

I realize I'm bringing up a lot of counterarguments to everyone's opinions. i'm just trying to balance the conversation. Keep it from going in any one direction. I'm probably doing a bad job at it, but I'm bored and this topic is interesting to me. =D

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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5:14 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 61

well i would actually be happy to go to school longer if i was getting personal
Attention from the teacher because .. well homework sucks
becuz ur at home with no help and alot of times ur parents
can't help so ur pretty much all alone ... that is one of the bigger
problems i have ...

Don't believe the hype. If anything you are better adjusted than any kid your age in all of Japan. That and the majority of them go to cram school of some kind. So just because they are better than you at math is no reason to feel ashamed. They'd make you feel inferior regardless of how smart you really are. Feigned politeness is not the kind I want, thank you.

hm.. srry im confused... about the better adjusted part and the "They'd make you feel inferior regardless of how smart you really are" part
please expand (the last part makes me paranoid)

but i agree Feigned politeness isn't the kind i wan't either ... that would make me feel stupid...

I think the teachers have it pretty hard to we have some HORRIBLE
student's in our school they are such jerks and have no respect
And i feel so bad for teachers who r just trying to do their job but
cant ... and they really cant do anything against it unless the student
do something tottaly rude

IS it so selfish to ask for something in this world to be mine and only mine... belonging to no one else. that is what i wish for most
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9:07 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 2506

Pshh, you should all just give up on american schooling. All the cool people drop out and just deal drugs. Everyone should just do that.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #167601 - Reply to (#167600) by x0mbiec0rp
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9:10 pm, Jun 5 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Pshh, you should all just give up on american schooling. All the cool people drop out and just deal drugs. Everyone should just do that.

The short way to success.

What we really should be asking is "How are the Schools in Cambodia"

That would be very interesting. Do they teach advanced under water basket weaving there?

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