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U.S. Education System adequate?

Is the U.S. Education System adequate to ensure the future of your children?
Of course. We are a superpower after all.
Nope. Not according to recent statistical studies
Oh gee, I don't know.
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Post #166815 - Reply to (#166813) by silent killer

8:40 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 44

Quote from silent killer
lol. If that's true then California is either right in front of Florida or right behind it.

actually its a lot higher than in California.
i found a list. this might be helpful. although i need to find one for countries


9:10 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 13

Well obviously our educational system needs a lot more work. Anyone who thinks otherwise just really doesn't know what they're saying, or has limited objectivity.

I definitely think there's an issue with the math and sciences in our school system. And it's not only the fact that other countries reach higher levels in high school than we do; do you know how many students give up on math and science because it's "too hard"? The majority of these students just don't put enough time and effort into studying for these topics, which in general require more input than subjects like English (not to diss English people, I myself am an english minor). Also, our school system needs to stop putting so much emphasis on exams. I think it was a mistake in our school system to change the 50% homework and 50% exam grade to 25% and 75%, respectively. All that does is reward the kids who can get it "naturally" and dishearten the kids who don't. And since homework counts for so little, students don't put much effort into learning the material as much as they put effort into cramming it all in just before an exam.

I mean, there are so many flaws I just don't know where to begin. I could rant for days on this no

Post #166824 - Reply to (#166811) by manhunter098

9:12 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 106

Quote from manhunter098
Just for reference, students in some of the lower level classes, can pass their exams with a mere 40%.

That's only for some/maybe one school(s) in California. They're not all the same. Different districts in California have different funding and teaching methods. It's the whole the US isn't all the same thing.

Here goes my some/maybe one out the window:
Quote from crazyazngrl4lif3
actually its a lot higher than in California.
i found a list. this might be helpful. although i need to find one for countries

But it's still the average not the true listing of each individual school in California. I forgot that California sucked so bad. (I haven't discussed it with anyone in a few years.)
As long as I am posting might as well say it:

Quote from TofuQueen
Quote from powkari_swett~uh
regular public K-12 education is only adequate if you plan to work @ Mickey D's laugh

Oh, really? I'll have to tell that to my brother, who has a PhD in organic chemistry; my step-sister, who's getting her MDPhD at Harvard (fully funded), and my step-brother, who's been working as a programmer for the past ~15 years;

I think he/she is saying that to have only K-12 and nothing else, not as in it can't get you into college (if that's the case our country needs to look at itself again). As far as I can tell with your family, they agree with powkari_swett~uh. They decided they needed a college education.

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9:20 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 345

Wow, I think almost the total opposite when it comes to exams and work. I feel that exams test what you know (not that options shouldnt be available for those who freak out on tests) and that the goal of school is to teach you and the easiest way to measure what you learned is by a test. Sure you can cheat, but I think its the schools responsibility to ensure that wont happen, and its possible to stop cheating almost entirely anyways.

Either way it shouldnt matter the work you had to do to get there, but what you know in the end, since that is ultimately what the goal of education is, to instill knowledge, not make you work hard, even if that is sometimes what is required to obtain that knowledge.

Also that list that was brought up, I dont think that is the actual state education ranking. Its a different system, though I suppose that the rankings are really always going to be relative to the system used. Maybe I was thinking minimum standards for education had Florida ranked 49th though, I do know though that the state does neet meet the minimum federal education standards, because the required standardized test issued by the state of Florida to its students, is too easy.

And Ippy, I was actually talking about Florida, not to mention that I was pretty sure I mentioned that was the state, though I guess that several counties have different policies, though those counties with poorer performing students on average, have turned to lowering standards because of the school grading system that is done statewide, which basically cuts funding for poorly performing schools, and will restaff them if they fail to meet standards for several years in a row.

Post #166834 - Reply to (#166805) by manhunter098
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wtf r u doin?

9:47 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 372

Quote from manhunter098
Stuff about taking college classes in middle and highschool

This is where you begin to tread into dangerous waters. You shouldn't force or heavily suggest to kids that they need to decide on a career and direction in life when they are so young. That's a problem the whole world seems to have. Condemning yourself to a certain path in life by that age is suicide.

Not to mention, not everybody is as naturally intelligent as you or me. Being dumb and not wanting to learn are two very different things. You are beginning to leave out the demographic of kids that simply have a hard time with learning. Your response to this will be that we should let everybody work at their own pace, but that's not right either.

The 'smart' kids will move on at breakneck speeds until they get to wherever they were going, and then burn out. It's happening to me now, and I didn't even try that hard. I just can't care about school at all anymore, because I was pushed to do things like take advanced placement math classes, and got hassled every time my grade in a class dropped below a B+. Not everybody has the mental fortitude to move at that kind of pace. It has nothing to do with the difficulty.

The 'slow' or 'dumb' kids will simply stagnate and never get anywhere. I have several friends already that aren't heading anywhere in life because they were smart enough to escape stupid shit like 'no child left behind', but lacked any natural talent or real desire to learn, and so they are left there, with no way to get out.

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Post #166842
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Local Crack Dealer

10:00 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 535

u know what...some ppl are dumb...and some people are smart...who cares...

if u want your kids to be smart...home school not then leave it up to the questionable profesionals...end of case...Next poll

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Post #166844 - Reply to (#166842) by Keel
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10:05 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from Keel
u know what...some ppl are dumb...and some people are smart...who cares...

if u want your kids to be smart...home school not then leave it up to the questionable profesionals...end of case...Next poll

The only problem i see with that is, what if the people home schooling them are stupider than the teachers?

but i agree, too many stupid people arguing over the internet in this thread.
We need a Debate Forum, for that, not the chatterbox, imho.

Post #166845 - Reply to (#166842) by Keel
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wtf r u doin?

10:08 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 372

Quote from Keel
u know what...some ppl are dumb...and some people are smart...who cares...

if u want your kids to be smart...home school not then leave it up to the questionable profesionals...end of case...Next poll

I appreciate your intelligent, well thought-out input, and it will be seriously considered during future discussion. Now please leave.

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Post #166847 - Reply to (#166845) by Pirate1019
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10:14 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from Pirate1019
Quote from Keel
u know what...some ppl are dumb...and some people are smart...who cares...

if u want your kids to be smart...home school not then leave it up to the questionable profesionals...end of case...Next poll

I appreciate your intelligent, well thought-out input, and it will be seriously considered during future discussion. Now please leave.



Being Sarcastic, is not nice.

Your the reason topic's like this fail, because apparently, the internet is serious business, eh?

laugh laugh

on topic tho, i don't think that the system matters, it works for some, and doesn't for others.

Post #166848 - Reply to (#166847) by Identity Crisis
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wtf r u doin?

10:24 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 372

Quote from thezombieking

Being sarcastic is how I keep people away from me during the day. They can't stand up to my blistering waves of unwarranted self-importance.

Honestly, It's not like I think it's serious business or anything, but he could at least try harder then to simply tell us that half of America is stupid, discussion over. (At least make it funny).

On topic: You are pretty much victorious. For all of our discussion and debate (proper and not), it doesn't matter, because no system is perfect, and even if there was one, chances are it wouldn't be used.

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Crazy Cat Lady

10:24 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 1850

Two more thoughts on this.

#1 Home schooling doesn't work for everyone, regardless of intelligence. In many families both parents work, or only one parent is there & they have to work. In other cases, the personalities of the parent(s) and kid(s) would make it an exercise in aggravation rather than education. (I was home schooled through 4th grade, & may be home schooling my boys half time next year, but it's definitely not "the solution" for everyone & shouldn't be promoted as such.)

#2 In the US, as long as you have a certain basic level of education and the desire to learn, you CAN go back to school (college/university) later on, even if you didn't finish HS, or finished HS and then worked. Depending on where you live, there are a variety of programs to help "older students" bring skills up to the level they need to be, take remedial classes, etc. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's certainly possible - just because a person doesn't choose further education in their teens doesn't mean they're "doomed" for the rest of their life.

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992
Post #166851
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10:30 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 33

hell no its not adequate. because those gang members and criminals would be getting away with more illegal things like murder, robbery, etc if they were better educated.

For Gender in profile... I was reading a manga and I realized the character is Female/Hermaphodite/Alien. why is there no option for that? lol
Post #166853 - Reply to (#166848) by Pirate1019
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10:31 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from Pirate1019
Quote from thezombieking

Being sarcastic is how I keep people away from me during the day. They can't stand up to my blistering waves of unwarranted self-importance.

lol that stuff thing made me lol

i think you have a good view, honestly, of the USA edu system, but there are always better ways to get out to the people, than posting long, drawn out posts, eh?


on a diff note, i am getting my GED, since my dumb ass dropped outa school before making sure i could take the classes at the college x.X

and all i have to do is take a simple test, after a few classes, which is really nothing, compared to going through high school, so i think they should really fix that up, because people may see it as the easy way out, if they don't(which i am pretty sure they already do)

Post #166856 - Reply to (#166853) by Identity Crisis
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wtf r u doin?

10:39 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 372

Quote from thezombieking
Quote from Pirate1019
Quote from thezombieking
your stuff
my stuff
more of your stuff

Whoever said anything about me caring? I just like to argue, and have a habit of playing devil's advocate.

They may see it as an easy way out, but a GED only holds equal power to a highschool diploma in theory only. If given two relatively equal indiviuals, and one has a GED, they're likely to choose the one with the diploma. Not to say it should be that way, because often a GED signifies that you cared enough to fix past mistakes.

Edits: I suck at grammar, apparently. (Empirical proof that US is stoopid at teaching.)

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Post #166867 - Reply to (#166856) by Pirate1019
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Smooth Operator
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11:17 pm, Jun 2 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from Pirate1019
Quote from thezombieking
Quote from Pirate1019
Quote from thezombieking
your stuff
my stuff
more of your stuff

Stuff I didn't read

Yes, the US educational system is pure balls. I, myself, am illiterate.

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